So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1588: Prevent accidental injury

Chapter 1 588 to prevent accidental injury

"Mr. Yang, you can understand that it is very good!" Zhang Laibao said happily: "You can rest assured that this Mr. Sun Kun’s transfer procedure, I will do this for you, immediately! Zhang Yuliang, still not going to give grandchildren Mr. Kun opened the certificate."

"Prove that nature is going to open, but before that, I still want to remind you." Yang Ming said: "Although I don't know what other taxi companies look like, is there still so many problems, forced by violence? The driver signed the contract. But from the point of view of Kunming’s transfer to the company, I am afraid that other companies are definitely not like this."

"This..." Zhang Laibao listened to Yang Ming’s words, and the sweat on his forehead fell immediately. "Mr. Yang, I..."

"You don't want to say it first," Yang Ming waved his hand: "The old things happened, and it happened. I don't want to investigate, but from now on, I hope that you don't engage in these tricks, do business well, what? Bad? Established a reputation, I believe that these taxi drivers will not leave. Everything must have a long-term perspective, rather than care for the moment."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Yang said that I will correct it later!" Zhang Laibao did not expect Yang Ming and he said these words, stunned, and then quickly promised.

When Yang Ming saw Zhang Laibao agree, he knew that he was perfunctoring himself. Did he really listen to it, and he couldn’t say it, so he smiled: "Of course, you can not listen to me. But, after a while, I also I will come to inquire, if it is still the case, then I don’t mind suggesting that Leopard Brothers will also enter the taxi industry. Start a taxi company and compete with you. When you want to let go, it’s not what you said. Up..."

After Zhang Laibao listened to Yang Ming’s words, he suddenly felt a glimpse! This sentence behind Yang Ming is the most worrying Zhang Laibao! As Yang Ming said, if the violent Sanli also enters the taxi industry, open a taxi company, and after the expiration of these taxi contracts, they want to transfer to the company of violent Sanli, then where can they stop?

However, if it is time for them to transfer to the company, it is estimated that it will not take long for the company's people to estimate that they will run away. And these people have turned to the company of the violent Sanli, they really dare not say anything, but also have to smile to give proof of others...

As soon as I thought about what was going to happen, Zhang Laibao’s face immediately turned into a dish! Ming knows that he will be finished, but there is no way to stop it. This feeling really makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Mr. Yang... This taxi industry is not very profitable. Leopard brothers are all big people. Where can they look at these small profits?" Zhang Laibao quickly and carefully asked for help: "Mr. Yang, you can rest assured Let's start the reorganization of our company tomorrow... No, we will start to rectify in a while, we must start a new journey with a new look, and all the unreasonable deposits will be withdrawn. Please ask Mr. Yang to wait..."

At this moment, Zhang Laibao also figured out, and then continue to do so, it is estimated that he must be finished, his arms are not so thighs, and Yang Ming, violent Sanli can not reasonably go, it is not as good to follow Yang Ming's words to do it!

Although there may not be much interest in the short term, Yang Ming said that it is correct. From a long-term perspective, it is a good idea for long-term development.

The most important thing is that you can continue to do it, instead of being angry and violent.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will observe it for a while." Yang Ming nodded.

"No problem, Mr. Yang, I will hold a meeting at this moment. I want to welcome the future with a new look!" Zhang Laibao quickly promised.

Yang Ming did not believe in Zhang Laibao’s words. He just said: "I hope so."

"Zhang Yuliang, isn't it for you to give proof to Mr. Sun Kun, what are you doing?" Zhang Laibao saw that Zhang Yuliang had not yet opened the certificate, and immediately had some intolerance.

"I will go, let's go!" Zhang Yuliang said, this Sun Kun does not give himself material, how to open it yourself? So I quickly turned to look at Sun Kun: "That... Kunge, you give me the materials to be transferred to the company and the contract expired, I will give you a certificate!"

"No need!" Sun Kun waved his hand: "I don't want to change the company."

"Ah?" Zhang Yuliang stunned, even Zhang Laibao and Yang Ming are also a glimpse.

"Mr. Sun Kun, are you still angry? The things before, I am really embarrassed..." Zhang Laibao said, is it that Sun Kun is still somewhat dissatisfied? After all, Sun Kun came to the company before, and asked for several things to go to the company, and it was normal to have resentment in his heart. So he quickly gave Sun Kun a smile.

Sun Kun, Zhang Laibao originally did not care, but now Sun Kun is with Yang Ming, the identity naturally rises, can not wait for the previous common sense.

"Is angry? What kind of gas do I have? I am not angry!" Sun Kun smiled and waved his hand: "I don't change the company, not because I want to find trouble, but Zhang, you just said, The company will change in the future, then, what am I going to do? I just stayed here and be a witness!"

“Oh?” Zhang Laibao gave a slight glimpse and immediately became happy. “That’s great, Mr. Sun Kun, you can rest assured that we will make new signing methods in the past few days to ensure that you will not be disappointed. The worst, it will not be worse than other companies!"

Since Zhang Laibao has decided to change, he does not care that Sun Kun will supervise him. On the contrary, he hopes that Sun Kun will stay here. He can personally feel the changes of the company and give himself a few words in front of Yang Ming. I dismissed the idea of ​​opening a taxi company, so he stayed with Sun Kun and he welcomed his hands.

Anyway, Sun Kun can stay, and he is recognized by him. Zhang Laibao has taken Sun Kun’s hand intimately: "Mr. Sun Kun, thank you for your trust again!"

"Well, Zhang Zong, kindly, don't say it anymore. Since Kunge decided to stay here, it is also a good thing." Yang Ming is afraid that Zhang Laibao will be resentful to Sun Kun. Although it seems that Zhang Laibao is very good on the surface. Welcome, but who knows what he thinks? Knowing people knows what they don't know, and when they come to the treasure to find out how to get through, then Sun Kun stayed here, and naturally became his eyes! Therefore, Yang Ming specifically warned: "In this way, the Leopard brother can not accidentally hurt you at least! There are Kunge here, you can learn more about it!"

accidental injury? Zhang Laibao was shocked and complained in his heart. Was he accidentally injured by himself? Listening to Yang Ming’s meaning, it seems that no matter what, I want to let the violent San Li do it myself. This Sun Kun stayed, but he became his own savior!

Thinking of this, Zhang Laibao secretly has a good risk. He must have Sun Kun like a grandfather in the future, so that he can give himself more words and will not be accidentally injured!

Sun Kun, in fact, thinks this way. Since Yang Ming has already shaken Zhang Laibao, he stayed in the company of Da De Yazhi. Zhang Laibao can only treat him with courtesy. I am afraid that even if he is new to a company, although the cost is less, But there is no such courtesy.

Therefore, when Sun Kun heard Zhang Laibao decide to make a company change, he decided to stay. Others here, no one will be killed.

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Laibao said: "That's it, I decided now to appoint Mr. Sun Kun as the supervisor of our Da De Yazhi taxi company, who can object to the company's management and charging system, and keep the problem. Reflecting the rights of Mr. Yang, this also spurs and urges us to change the pace!"

Zhang Laibao’s head is relatively fast. When he turns around, he has created a title for Sun Kun, and let him participate in the transformation with justifiable words! What Zhang Laibao is afraid of now is that he changed his system. Yang Ming is still dissatisfied, and then he can find an excuse to let the violent tribe come and merge himself. Then he will be unlucky.

And let Sun Kun also participate, so that even if Yang Ming is not satisfied with the new system, it is also the participation of Sun Kun, I believe that Yang Ming will not say anything at the time!

Now look at Yang Ming's "Kun Ge" call, the relationship between the two is certainly not bad, I believe Yang Ming will definitely give Sun Kun face.

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