So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1605: New year special

The 1960th chapter of the New Year special chapter dreams (3)

"Going out and urinating outside, you have to eat, you have to go to the huts!" Yang Dashan can not know Yang Ming is trying to hide? Coldly snorted and said.

Yang Ming frowned, but did not say anything, turned out of the box, closed the door of the box, only a long breath.

The words of Yang Dashan in the box just made Yang Ming feel very depressed.

"Call!" Yang Ming took a sigh of relief. The New Year's Eve is getting harder and harder. Both himself and his father have become the object of the big brother's teasing. The only thing that doesn't laugh at himself is probably the aunt, but the aunt. In the home of the uncle, there is no right to speak.

Yang Ming stepped up and walked in the direction of the bathroom. Yang Ming did not expect the hotel's facilities to be so luxurious, and even the corridors were decorated with splendor.

“Hey?” Yang Ming sighed with confusion, because he saw a familiar person! This person is his classmate Chen Xiaolong and one of Chen Mengxi's pursuers.

"Chen Xiaolong, what are you standing here!" Yang Ming looked at Chen Xiaolong's sneaking and standing outside the bathroom. He kept looking at the women's toilet and felt that this kid didn't seem to do anything good, so he suddenly Asked from behind him.

"Ah!" Chen Xiaolong was shocked by Yang Ming's sudden drink, and he was shocked. He turned around and saw Yang Ming. He was bitter, and his heart was like this kid.

Yang Ming had nothing to look for in Chen Xiaolong's troubles. Even Chen Xiaolong didn't know how to offend Yang Ming himself. He provoked such a violent person and made Chen Xiaolong stunned.

I finally got a holiday, I didn’t have to see Yang Ming, but after the end of the last few days, I wanted to arrange a good show with Chen Mengyu, but I didn’t want to be met by Yang Ming’s Li Dagang!

As a result, Chen Mengyu did not get over there, and he was given a meal by Li Dagang, which made Chen Xiaolong very depressed.

In the first few days, Chen Xiaolong was still very scared. She was afraid that Chen Mengxi would tell her what she wanted to kiss her. If she spread it in Chenjia Village, she would be finished.

However, after waiting for a few days, I did not hear any news that was not conducive to myself. Chen Xiaolong was relieved. The thoughts must be that Chen Mengxi is a girl, and she is reluctant to say goodbye, so his flowering thoughts are coming again.

Today, it is the day of Chen Jiacun’s visit to the New Year. His uncle, Chen Zhifu, has a banquet in the heavenly fairyland. Chen Mengyu is also a member of Chenjiacun, so he also came here.

Originally, Chen Xiaolong thought about taking the opportunity to make up with Chen Mengyu, but Chen Mengxi did not fake the color of Chen Xiaolong, which made Chen Xiaolong very depressed.

Chen Mengxi did not say anything about the day, but it was indeed due to his own reputation, but how could he still care about Chen Xiaolong? What Chen Xiaolong had done, let Chen Mengyu hate it.

Chen Xiaolong had no choice but to wait for the opportunity to see if there was an opportunity to be alone with Chen Mengyu, and then explain to Chen Mengyu that there is no way to kiss again. Maybe he can succeed.

In Chen Xiaolong's opinion, it is a good thing that Chen Mengxi did not say things out! This shows that Chen Mengxi is very fond of his fame, so that she kissed her, and she became a girlfriend in desperation, it is not impossible.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Mengyu was far away from him. There were adults present, and Chen Xiaolong could not make any excessive moves. He waited until the right, and the opportunity finally came!

Chen Mengyu is going to the bathroom! After Chen Meng’s out of the box, Chen Xiaolong quickly rushed out of the box, followed by it!

This is a shock to Chen Mengzhen, and quickly ran to the bathroom, hiding in the women's toilet, did not dare to come out.

However, Chen Xiaolong is like a cowhide candy. Standing at the door of the bathroom, he refuses to leave. It seems that he will not wait until Chen Mengyu comes out.

Chen Mengyu looked at the door from the women's toilet several times and saw Chen Xiaolong's figure. This time, Chen Mengqi did not know what to do.

I can't stay in the toilet and don't go out. Although this is a women's toilet, Chen Xiaolong doesn't dare to come in, but this is not the way! Looking at Chen Xiaolong's posture, Chen Mengxi is a little scared!

On the day of the final exam, Chen Mengxi was still fresh in his memory. If Li Dagang suddenly appeared, I don’t know why Chen Xiaolong’s meal was a danger.

If you don't have Li Dagang on that day, the consequences are really unimaginable! Although Li Dagang went to play Chen Xiaolong, he should have nothing to do with himself. It should be a personal grievance between them, but Chen Mengxi is very grateful to Li Dagang!

This is the first time she thinks that violence is also a solution to the problem! Chen Mengyu is not the kind of girl who advocates violence. This time, I feel that Li Dagang is playing well and playing very happy.

When Chen Mengxi was at a loss, she suddenly heard the name of Chen Xiaolong outside the bathroom. Chen Mengyu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Since someone came, Chen Xiaolong could not keep entangled himself.

However, Chen Mengxi did not dare to go out directly, but decided to look at the situation in the bathroom first.

"I asked you what, what's wrong, you are stunned!" Yang Ming was counted by the uncle and the cousin, and his heart was suffocating. Just hit a punching bag, how could it be easily let go?

Especially when I think of the final exam, when Chen Xiaolong wants to disrespect Chen Mengxi, it is even more hateful to Chen Xiaolong. If it is not early, I really have to regret it for life.

Although, Yang Ming also knows that he will not be able to come together with Chen Mengyu in the future, but in any case, Chen Mengxi is his own dream lover, being bullied by others, how is Yang Ming’s heart stable?

Therefore, Yang Ming directly put all the grievances on Chen Xiaolong's body. He reached out to the back of Chen Xiaolong's head with a brain and a scoop. He directly turned to his head and turned a circle on the ground.

Yang Ming’s name is loud, and Chen Xiaolong asks himself that he is not Yang Ming’s opponent. Otherwise, he can’t be jealous again, but he doesn’t understand how he’s provoked Yang Ming.

"Yang Ge... Sorry, I am waiting for someone..." Chen Xiaolong said with a bitter face.

Waiting for someone? Yang Mingyi, is Chen Xiaolong still helping him around? Wrinkled and asked: "Who are you waiting for?"

"I... I am waiting for Chen Mengxi, today is the day of our Chenjia Village gathering..." Chen Xiaolong said carefully.

"Chen Mengxi?" After Yang Ming heard the name, his heart shook a little, this is the name that he thought about. He suddenly understood the purpose of Chen Xiaolong here, and he still wanted to take the opportunity to misbehave Chen Mengxi, and Chen Mengyu hid in the bathroom!

Otherwise, I am afraid that the effort to speak has already come out! Thinking of this, Yang Ming looked in the direction of the women's toilet, and I saw a shadow in the bathroom flashing, and the guess in my heart was even more certain.

When I think about what Chen Xiaolong is going to do, Yang Ming is so angry, is he still not awake? Still not remembered? Actually dare to be wrong with Chen Mengxi!

"Spicy next door, who are you cheating!" Since Chen Mengyu was present, Yang Ming naturally did not dare to reveal his own mind. "Where is there? Someone has come out early!"

"I... I really didn't lie to you, Yang Ge..." Chen Xiaolong said bitterly. He said, this guy is not just looking for a reason to pack himself?

Seeing Yang Ming’s face full of sorrow, Chen Xiaolong felt that he had such a possibility, and he could not help but hit a beggar.

"Craps!" Yang Ming grabbed Chen Xiaolong's neck collar and picked him up. He was heavily stuck on the wall: "I will ask you again, what are you standing here?"

"I... I really waited for Chen Mengxi, I didn't lie to you!" Chen Xiaolong explained.

"Well, then you are waiting for Chen Mengxi," Yang Ming nodded. "What are you waiting for Chen Mengxi?"

Chen Xiaolong secretly complained in his heart, and how do you say so gossip, what do you want Chen Mengxi to do about you? However, I dare not answer it. I have to be careful to say: "I will return to the box with her..."

"Spicy next door, a nonsense, you don't have to go back first, Chen Mengxi and you are not familiar with it. It is said that I have been unhappy with you a few days ago. Are you waiting for her to return to the box? Who believes? I see you are leather. Itchy!" Yang Ming slammed on Chen Xiaolong's little belly, and his intestines were directly hurt.

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