So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1614: Press conference

The 1961th chapter press conference

After the discussion between Liu Meimei and Jing Xiaoyu, it was decided to hold a press conference to appease the reporters downstairs.

If you ask them to ask some of the company's employees at will, the answers will be even more varied, and with the imagination of these people, it will not necessarily become what will happen in the end.

A few times could not help, Jing Xiaoyu wanted to call Yang Ming, but eventually he resisted. From the moment she made up her mind not to make a vase, she wanted to make some achievements for Yang Ming to see, but it was not good for the past. When the contract was negotiated, it was easy to calm down the storm. Now it is out again. Such a thing, really makes Jing Xiaoyu squandered.

The phone ringing, Jing Xiaoyu glanced at the call and was hit by the violent Sanli: "Leopard brother."

"Xiao Yan, Yang Ge already knows the things here, has sent people over, you have to wait for a while, wait for someone to arrive." Storm San Li feared that Jing Xiao can not hold the pressure, so give her a call in advance. It’s a fight.

"Call--" Jing Xiaoyu relieved and relieved, but there was still some uncomfortable feeling in the heart. Yang Ming shot, and the trouble of his own side was reduced. However, this is really what I want. The result?

"Oh, what's wrong? Look at your expression, seems to have any good news?" Liu Meimei is also anxious at this moment, although according to the contract, the famous side is a major shareholder, but the company really wants to lose, her willow thrush Can't run away.

The most critical issue is that the attitude of the Jiangyan Group headquarters is very embarrassing and unclear! Liu Meimei made a phone call to Grandpa. I didn't expect his old man to say "I know" after listening to the description of Liu Meimei. Then there is no other statement.

The attitude of Liu’s father has turned the entire Jiangyan Group into a wait-and-see state. Although Mingjiang is also a joint venture subsidiary of Jiangyan Group, no one has stood up to express its support for Mingjiang.

"Yang Ming sent people to solve the trouble..." Jing Xiaoyan said with a complicated expression.

Yang Ming... is Yang Ming, this person, in the end, what is sacred? Liu Limei’s heart sighed, but said: “Let’s go, let’s go to the conference room first.”

The reporters were invited to the conference room and said that they would be held at nine o'clock. No matter whether Jing Xiaoyu said that the person can come, the front of this level must first deal with the past.

Jing Xiaoyan and Liu Thrush walked into the conference room where the vocal commotion, and the voices of the reporters who were talking about each other became smaller. When Jing Xiaoyan and Liu Meimei sat on the rostrum, the meeting room was quiet. Come down.

"Well, before the press conference, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Liu Meimei, executive vice president of Mingjiang **** company. This is Jing Xiaoyu and executive vice president." Liu Meimei said: "This news The press conference was temporarily decided, so the preparation was not sufficient. It was a press conference. It was actually a reporter's meeting. Because after the incident, we did not get accurate information. All the police are still investigating. I, like all of you, know nothing about the inside story of this matter."

After Liu’s eyebrows finished speaking, she breathed a sigh of relief. The reason why she said these things in advance was because she was afraid that the reporters would hang around with these problems. Now, we don’t know, so we don’t know, so When you ask questions, ask us what we can answer.

The words of Liu Thrush, but the reporters who are ready to go to the disaster are one of them. If a lot of people come to their lips, they can’t say it, and the atmosphere suddenly stops.

"Liu Vice President, Mingjiang Company has such a large disclosure this time, what is the attitude of Jiangyan Group, one of the parent companies?" This reporter was arranged by Liu Fennan. He wanted to wait for other people first. After asking questions, stand up and ask questions.

However, the words of Liu Meimei, all the things that most reporters want to know, are pushed all the time. For a time, no one really stood up and asked questions! You know, most of the reporters who come here are here to understand the inside story, not to make it difficult to draw a thrush.

Since Liu Meimei doesn’t know anything like them, what are they doing here? Regardless of what Liu Yemei said is true and false, when people come to a police case to be confidential, you have no way.

Liu Meimei looked at the reporter who asked questions. He was a new face he had never seen before. He no longer guessed his identity. Instead, he replied directly: "Although Mingjiang **** company is established by Jiangyan Group Investment and Famous Security Company. A joint venture company, but said before, this is a new company. Although Jiangyan Group owns the shares, our business is independent..."

Liu Zhangmei does not know that he explained this. Can the reporter understand? In short, Liu’s thrush heart is also secretly taboo. It seems that many of these reporters are coming to themselves. All this, you have to talk about yourself. Big Brother has no relationship, and he will not believe it.

"It turned out to be the case. Then this time, Mingjiang **** company lost hundreds of millions of banknotes, and the whereabouts are unknown. So how will Mingjiang fill this loophole?" The reporter continued to ask: "As far as I know, Mingjiang This new company does not have much assets at all. If the Jiangyan Group behind it does not come out, how do you deal with it?"

Liu Meimei listened to this reporter's unhurried words, and the heart is more and more sure that this reporter is embarrassed by his big brother sent here.

"Which form of filling the loopholes is something inside our company. Isn't this the content of this press conference?" Liu Meimei has also been worried about how to fill this loophole, so I can only deal with it.

“I heard that Vice President Liu is still serving as the financial controller of Jiangyan Group. With the position of Vice President Liu, it is not difficult to mobilize the funds of Jiangyan Group to fill this loophole?” Another reporter began to ask questions. "Is it really like the outside world said that Vice President Liu was ups and downs, although he is also the financial controller of the group, but all the rights have been emptied?"

“It is said that Vice President Liu was one of the most competitive successors of Jiangyan Group. This time there was such a big mistake, will the position of this successor be excluded?”

“How does the Jiangyan Group’s Liu Laozi think about this?”

“Jiangyan Group has not made any response yet. Does it mean that Jiangyan Group has given up the Mingjiang **** company? Does it imply any implied meaning? Does the vice president Liu be abandoned?”

“Without the support of the Jiangyan Group, can the Mingjiang **** survive this disaster?”

A sharp question was thrown over to Liu Yemei, and Liu Meimei finally knew how much his big brother was sinister, and actually used this opportunity to attack himself.

Seeing Liu Liumei was asked by the reporter one of the first two big, Jing Xiaoyan also secretly anxious, so go on, this press conference must be smashed, Jing Xiaoyan can not manage so much, eagerly and wisely grabbed the microphone, said to the following reporter: "Please quiet first!"

When I saw Jing Xiaoying’s voice, the few aggressive reporters stopped asking questions reluctantly, but they were still looking at the bottom.

"This is the press conference of Mingjiang **** company, not the Jiangyan Group's press conference. Moreover, we should not put the cart before the horse. The Jiangyan Group is one of the shareholders of Mingjiang **** company, but the biggest shareholder of Mingjiang **** company. It’s our famous company, which plays a leading role in business, and it’s us, so your question, Miss Liu Meimei can refuse to answer.” Jing Xiaoyu said: “If you really want to know about Jiangyan Group, I suggest you go. Interview with Jiangyan Group."

"Well, since you said so, how do famous companies want to deal with this matter?" The reporter who first asked questions was uncomfortable with Jing Xiaoyu's horizontal insertion, so he pointed his finger at Jing Xiaoyu.

Anyway, he is coming to trouble today, as long as the conference will eventually get rid of it, it will be fine.

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