So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1620: Upcoming worry

The first thousand six hundred and twenty chapters of the upcoming worry

"You... How do you know my mobile phone password?" Yang Ming saw Wang Xiaoyu's actual phone call record list, which could not help but be lost.

"Guess, your birthday, I didn't expect the first one to be fooled by me." Wang Xiaoyan shrugged: "As a killer, you have done something about this."

"..." Yang Ming was speechless. This mobile phone number was originally set up with Lan Ling. The password was chosen at random. At that time, he was not a killer. Naturally, he would not consider that much. As for the future, he has not changed. I thought that I could be taken by Wang Xiaoxiao.

"Look at your phone call history, every day, after getting up, start to call, the contact is fixed, the text message is also, of course, including me, I really admire you, Yang Ming, so many people, you Actually, you can take care of it all, you are tired?" Wang Xiaoyan pointed to several numbers on the call record list. "How do I feel that you are not resting at all, nor are you contacted for contact? More Seems to be an obligation and responsibility?"

"..." Yang Ming did not expect that he was careful, but let Wang Xiaoyu know what. In the face of this list of his own call records, Yang Ming has no way to deny anything.

However, after listening to Wang Xiaoyu's questioning and analysis, Yang Ming also understood where his omissions were, and his performance was too calm and regular, which led to Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria's doubts.

"Yang Ming, what happened in the end?" Wang Xiaoying saw Yang Ming's silence, and couldn't help but feel tight. This means that Yang Ming has defaulted what she said before. In this way, I am afraid that something really happened. !

Wang Xiaoying thinks more and more, the more he feels that Yangming seems to have a feeling of confession, which makes Wang Xiaoyu's psychological face unable to pick up, although Wang Xiaoyan has always been confident of Yang Ming!

Even last time, when he went to the Lancer family alone to his father, when he left, he was also full of confidence and laughter, but this time, even Yang Ming has become such an attitude, I am afraid that what will happen is not Small things.

Yang Ming was silent for a moment, and he was worried about gains and losses. He finally sighed and said: "Well, since you guessed it, I will not hide it. You and Victoria are not outsiders. I tell you it is no problem, but I said it today. If you stop here, don't tell anyone."

When Wang Xiaoyan saw that Yang Ming had finally recognized it, he could not help but feel tight.

"Actually, I still have an official identity." Yang Ming did not wait until Wang Xiaoyu and Victoria opened up, and continued to say to himself: "There is a mysterious department called the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, which is the existence of a similar agent. I am one of them..."

"Mystery Bureau of Investigation?" Wang Xiaoyu repeated the name. She seems to have heard of it somewhere. She is well informed by her as a killer. It is not a strange thing to hear about such an institution.

"This organization, the tasks performed are some very mysterious and dangerous. Under normal circumstances, if it cannot be solved under abnormal circumstances, it will basically be responsible for this." Yang Ming continued: "And I will go to implement one." Task..."

Yang Ming has always been very good at me, even if I don’t have complete control, I have a grasp of it. Therefore, every time Yang Ming goes out, whether he is performing a task or saving a person, he is full of confidence. Only this time, Yang Ming has no grasp!

Yang Ming has no difference in his ability, and he is not a fault of the king of the killer. It is not wrong to say that Yang Ming has advantages over the average person! But the enemy that Yang Ming faced this time is not an ordinary person, but a mysterious and evil right elder!

This person is not only well versed in sorcerer, but also trained in the evil spirits, not to mention Yang Ming, even the people from the authentic Miaojiang Miao Village are not the opponents of this right elder, Yang Ming is even more uncertain. .

Since the right elders have not been cleaned up by the Miao Village where Lan Ling is located for so many years, but he has been forced to die, and Yang Ming has any control to win?

However, no matter whether Yang Ming is sure, this time, it is impossible to go! This is true for the public. The right elder is originally his own enemy. Even if he does not face him directly, he will have a day to confront him.

Moreover, the husband has done something wrong. Since he has joined the mystery investigation bureau for so long, it should be appropriate for the country to contribute to the country. Therefore, after careful consideration, Yang Ming decided to fight back.

However, to be honest, Yang Ming can return safely this time. He himself has no grasp at all, so Yang Ming cherishes this quiet day even more, and stays with his loved ones as much as possible. Warm and quiet.

Perhaps this time, I will not come back. Of course, I think it is a bit frustrating, but there are some things that cannot be prepared early.

"Very dangerous?" Wang Xiaoyu heard the words of Yang Ming and couldn't help but ask.

"Well..." Yang Ming nodded. "If I tell the truth, at least I have no confidence."

Wang Xiaoyu listened to Yang Ming’s words, and the anxious color on his face was thicker: “Can’t you go?”

Yang Ming smiled a bit and shook his head: "I have promised others."

"Yang Ming..." Wang Xiaoyu hugged Yang Ming and threw himself into his arms. Tears couldn't help but fall. Wang Xiaoxiao is a strong person. He hasn’t shed tears for a long time, but this time, he finally couldn’t help but cry out.

He understood what the meaning of Yang Ming’s words was... She also knows the strength of the famous name. Since Yang Ming is not sure about it, then I can imagine how difficult it is!

Although Wang Xiaoyu has long known that as a killer, there is a day without tomorrow, but it is relative to ordinary killers! People like Yang Ming who stand at the top of the killer pyramid, even if the mission fails, can escape the whole body and retreat, and will not be damaged on the spot.

"If you fail this time, can you run away?" Wang Xiaoyu asked.

"Of course!" Yang Ming caressed Wang Xiaoyu's forehead and said: "When you are a fool, you know you have to die and go up?"

However, there is still a sentence in Yang Ming that is not said, but in his own heart: I am afraid that when I want to run, I can’t run away...

"That's good..." Wang Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you must be careful."

"I will. Life is one, I will naturally cherish." Yang Ming smiled and comforted.

"Do you need me to help?" Wang Xiaoxuan asked subconsciously, but after the end of the question, there was some bitter smile in his heart. Yang Ming was not sure about himself. Didn't he add chaos to himself?

"No need..." Yang Ming shook his head. "If you want to open it, there is nothing. The dangers that you and I have encountered are not twice. In the end, it is not all the dangers?"

"Well..." Wang Xiaoxiao nodded.

Victoria still locked his brow and sat on the side. After Yang Ming said, Victoria automatically filtered it down. She also climbed out of the dangerous pile. She knew that in some cases, it was not that you wanted to make a bubble. Run away... Many times, once you step out, you can’t go back...

It’s like a life-and-death fight, and it’s on the stage, can you run away? The words after Yang Ming can only be comforted by Wang Xiaoyan. Because of the blind trust in love, there is no doubt. Otherwise, it is not difficult to figure this out with Wang Xiaoyu’s dexterity.

However, Victoria did not say anything, because some things have not been said too well, and what happened is still going to happen, she can't stop it.

Yang Ming made a gesture to Victoria and then went upstairs with Wang Xiaoxiao. And Victoria just looked at the name and did not respond, but was thinking about what...

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