So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1622: Find clues

Chapter 1 262 finds clues

"May 4 pistols." Xia Bingyan said: "From the traces of the shell, it should be a fake Wusi pistol. This kind of pistol is the most common and most common in the black market. To find out the source, it is very not easy."

"I don't have to check it, I know." Yang Ming said: "These are enough."

"That's good. If you check it again, I am afraid it will not only consume manpower and material resources. It will be difficult to have any results after one and a half years." Xia Bingyan breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Yang Ming's words.

"Thank you, Xia Ge." Yang Ming said.

"Oh? Yang Ming, this is not like you? When was it so polite with me?" Xia Bingyan heard Yang Ming's serious tone, and suddenly wondered: "Yang Ming, what happened to you?"

"Nothing, huh, huh, well, don't say it, the time and plan of the mission have a result, just contact me." Yang Ming said.

"Okay," Xia Bingyan listened to Yang Ming's words. It seems that he guessed why Yang Ming was a bit abnormal: "Your pressure is not too big. We are not letting you do cannon fodder, but really want to solve this problem." Right elders, so we will ask experts to do a good job of the feasibility analysis of the plan."

“Expert? Brick home?” Yang Ming smiled and said: “Oh, okay.”

Yang Ming does not mind how to plan and plan the so-called expert papers. The actual situation is always changing. If you always stick to the plan and plan, it will die very badly. The killer’s most demanding is to adapt to the situation. Adapt yourself to the environment, not to adapt the environment to yourself.

Xia Bingyan also heard the sarcasm in Yang Ming's tone, but did not say anything more: "Okay, if there is something, let us contact us at any time."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming sighed. He didn't want to deal with these things anymore, but since he knew that there was an insider in the matter, Yang Ming couldn't care, even though his Yunnan line would be alive and dead, but now life still has to Keep going.

Bianhai City... Isn't this the land of Park Da Niu? Liu Xiaolei’s body was found by the sea. That is to say, Liu Xiaolei may have been shot at sea.

Since Liu Xiaolei appeared in the coastal city and at sea, what does this mean? Could it be said that Liu Xiaolei wants to sneak into the border to go to Russia? This is very likely. It is a huge sum of money and a recidivism. It can be said that it is difficult to do so in China. If you sneak into Russia and send a huge sum of money to the local Chinese, you may be sheltered and protected. No worries in Russia.

So, is Liu Xiaolei illegally smuggled by Park Da Niu? And who was shot by Liu Xiaolei? Is it the same person who sees the money with the ship, or is it premeditated?

However, since Bianhai City is the land of Park Dani, such a big thing, Park Dani should not have received a little bit of wind, so Yang Ming plans to call him to ask Park Da Niu and ask him. Do you know what is inside.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming directly called the phone to Park Dani.

"Hey..." Park Da Niu is playing mahjong with a few brothers, hearing the phone ringing, and some impatiently picked up: "Which?"

"Park Da Niu?" Yang Ming asked.

"It's me, which one are you?" Park Da Niu frowned, his heart, who is this fucking? Dare to call my name? But it is no wonder that Park Da Niu will have such an idea! Since the Golden Eagles were finished in Bianhai City, Park Da Niu was left alone and became a brother in the Tao. Anyone who saw it would give a three-point face, and he would be called a "big cow brother."

"Old Pu, I am Li Muyi." Yang Ming said, this "Li Mu Yi" is a pseudonym that Yang Ming had casually compiled at the beginning. Mu Yi is Yang. The overall meaning is "a powerful Yang Ming", which is Yang Ming’s heart. Speaking casually, I did not expect to use it for the second time.

“Li Muyi?” Park Da Niu first glimpsed, and immediately thought of this Li Muyi, who is also a person, a mahjong card on the hand, quickly grabbed the phone and stood up, came to a quiet place, respectful said: "It turned out to be Mr. Li! Hello, hello!"

"Old and simple, long story short, I am looking for you to want to inquire about something." Yang Ming did not go with him, he said directly.

"Whatever Mr. Li has to do, even if I open it, I know everything, and I know that I have nothing to say." Park Da Niu said quickly.

"Do you know a person named Liu Xiaolei?" Yang Ming asked.

"Liu Xiaolei? Who is it?" Park Da Niu, he never heard of this name.

"You don't know?" Yang Ming was also a glimpse. Then he figured it out. Whoever sneaked, couldn't use the real name. I was afraid that it was just a pseudonym: "On the beach in Bianhai, I found one. The male body is Liu Xiaolei..."

"Ah! Mr. Li, you are talking about the man's body! You said it, I remember it. He is Liu Xiaolei. He and another person came to find me to sneak into Russia, but he is traveling with him. That person, gave me some more money, let me not care what they were doing on the boat, then my men and I said that it was the person who gave me the money, shot Liu Xiaolei to death, and the body Throw into the sea."

"Sure enough!" Yang Ming listened to Park Da Niu's words, and almost confirmed with his previous ideas: "Do you remember that Liu Xiaolei's companion, that is, what is the person who gives you money?"

"The man was wearing a cap and pulling it very low. I didn't see the person's appearance." Park Da Niu said with some embarrassment: "And, you know, it's taboo to do our trip." I have no way to look at people carefully, but the accent is our locals and should be in the province."

“What are the characteristics of this person?” Yang Ming asked.

"Mr. Li, let me wait, I will call you. I will go find the brother who was on the boat that day and see if he has any impression." Park Da Niu said.

"Okay, just hit this number and you will find me." Yang Ming said.

"I will do this!" Park Da Niu promised.

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming put the phone aside and turned on the computer. I don't know if Zhao Ying is online. Yang Ming has fallen in love with Zhao Ying on the Internet these days.

This kind of feeling is very wonderful. It is different from chatting in reality. Especially when I know Zhao Ying’s identity, Zhao Ying doesn’t know her identity, she can always vote for her. The topic, a few words, will be able to amused Zhao Ying, this kind of enemy and my dark feeling let Yang Mingle in it.

Although Yang Ming knows that he may not come back to Yunnan this time, and then develop with Zhao Ying, there is some suspicion of Zhao Ying, but this kind of feeling makes Yang Ming want to stop, and Yang Ming also did not want to leave any regrets before going to Yunnan.

Skilled login qq, clicked on the "savage female teacher" chat dialog box, there is a message from Zhao Ying to himself.

"Is it not? Tonight, old place, all night?"

Yang Ming took a look at the message, it was left this morning, when Yang Ming did not open the computer. Zhao Ying’s so-called old place is the game room that deceived these days. Today is Friday. Zhao Ying has no class tomorrow, so Yang Ming is invited to play all night.

overnight? Yang Ming smiled a bit, and really can toss people.

"Now, all night, okay, but later." Yang Ming said, at least at least with Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun, Zhou Jiajia three people, they will fall asleep, in order to accompany Zhao Ying brush points .

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