So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1631: Difficult Chen and his son

Chen Jia and his sons who are in the first chapter of the 361st chapter

And the shares of the jewelry company, Yang Ming intends to leave all to Zhang Bin. The newly established real estate company, Yang Ming is planning to leave to Li Dagang, as for Sun Jia’s company in Donghai, Yang Ming decided to give Tian Donghua.

As for Chen Mengxi, Lin Yuyun, Zhou Jiajia, Huang Lele, Xiao Qing, Sun Jie and Zhao Ying, Yang Ming’s personal funds in his hands are reserved for them, and they are enough for them to live. In addition to this, there are islands in Africa, which are what Yang Ming has left for them.

As for Suya, she is not short of money. In fact, Yang Ming does not want her to know that she is going to Yunnan. Yang Ming is really afraid that she will not stand it. The parting after this reunion is the most sad.

The rest is their parents, but Yang Ming left them a famous heavy work, should be able to continue to operate, but if they really can not come back, then the relationship with the old Buffon, is not still Can you maintain it?

Although most of the technology has been introduced to the famous heavy industry and assembled its own production line, it is not known that the famous heavy industry can embark on the road of independent research and development from the initial introduction stage. If it relies on ready-made technology, then many years later It is destined to be eliminated.

But these are not the things that Yang Ming can do, and only what they can do.

"Then you gave it to me, will you have any thoughts on the dream sister?" After Jing Xiaoyu was happy, he thought of a more practical question. If Yang Ming gave the shares to himself, would Chen Mengxi not be unwilling? After all, people are Yang Ming's true girlfriend, this company should also be Chen Mengxi's talent.

"I have other things for them." Yang Ming smiled and explained: "This company has always been your participation, so it is normal for you, rest assured, Chen Mengxi will not have opinions."

"That's good..." Jing Xiaoyu listened after listening to this: "If the sister-in-law is not happy, then I still prefer it."

"Do you want to be willing?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "As far as I know, the total assets of these two famous companies have exceeded 300 million. Together with Songjiang International Hotel and the night, the total assets are more than 500 million. Oh?"

"In your impression, I am so greedy?" Jing Xiaoyu snorted after listening to Yang Ming's words.

“Like this?” Yang Ming smiled. “When I first saw you, it was money to open your mouth... and, when I met again, did you let me support you?”

"This..." Jing Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed. The grievances blinked: "I used to be very poor, but now the deputy general salary can already be used to supplement the family and treat the grandmother. My own flower is enough. It doesn't need a lot."

"Oh? Then I misunderstood you?" Yang Ming smiled and shook his head: "It seems that you are not very greedy."

"But no one will be too much money. You must give me shares. Of course, you don't want fools." Jing Xiao said: "If you don't want me in the future, I will not be poor, no need to find another man." I can also be comfortable for a lifetime."

"..." For Jing Xiaoyu's answer, Yang Ming is somewhat speechless, but Jing Xiaoyu's words have also said some of the upcoming facts, but Yang Ming does not want her, but Yang Ming does not know that he is leaving. How long will it take, will it come back...

"How? Is it scared? I just talked casually." Jing Xiaoyi laughed, but did not notice the sorrow of Yang Mingmei.

"No, okay," Yang Ming shrugged. "Since you have no opinions, I have let the violent trio set out to do this thing these few days."

"Don't be so anxious." Jing Xiaoyu was afraid that Yang Ming would say that she was greedy for money and quickly waved her hand.

"Think of it, just do it." Yang Ming smiled and said nothing.

In other words, Chen Xiaolong drove the BMW car that was hit and hit and was hit. The more he wanted to be angry, the more his heart, the father did not talk to Yang Ming today? How can this Yang Ming still appear on the road? And also driving a BMW x5 luxury car, actually a higher grade than their own car, what is going on?

Could it be that Yang Ming’s twin brothers met today? If Chen Xiaolong and Yang Ming were former classmates, they knew that Yang Ming had no so-called twin brothers. Today, I really thought that the people in front of me were not Yang Ming.

However, with Chen Xiaolong's familiarity with Yang Ming, the people who met today, whether from the tone of speech or the style of acting, are exactly the same as Yang Ming, so they are sure that the person they met is Yang Ming.

"Dad, don't you mean to find Yang Ming to talk about things? How did I meet Yang Ming on the street?" Chen Xiaolong screamed back to the presidential suite of Songjiang International Hotel. Someone complained uncomfortably as soon as he entered the door.

"Xiaolong, are you coming back?" Chen Zhiye saw an unhappy son and quickly asked: "What happened? Yang Ming was looking for you trouble?"

"No! I just mentioned a BMW car, ready to go to Chen Mengyu over there. If she likes it, I will give it to her, but I didn't expect to meet Yang Ming in the middle of the road. This kid drove my car to the car. The new car crashed into a pit, I couldn't find Chen Mengyu!" Chen Xiaolong complained in a breath: "And this kid doesn't know where to get a BMW x5, which is more upscale than my car! ”

"Xiaolong, the situation has changed a little," Chen Zhiye quietly listened to Chen Xiaolong's complaints, and then changed his face, and said: "Our previous information, I am afraid there is a big difference with the present!"

“There is a big difference in the information? What do you mean?” Chen Xiaolong asked, stunned.

"Yang Ming that kid is not a poor man, but very rich!" Chen Zhiye said that he couldn't help but frown: "Now we live in a hotel, that kid!"

This is a pain in Chen Zhiye's heart. The hotel where he lives is actually Yang Ming's industry, and he is still very forced to call Yang Ming to come to the presidential suite here, and talk to Yang Ming!

Talking about people's hotels and people's homes? When I think of it, Chen Zhiye feels blushing, but the relative aversion to Yang Ming is even stronger! Some people are always like this. While they hate others, don’t think about their own mistakes first. All this is caused by Chen Zhiye himself. What is the relationship with Yang Ming?

"This hotel? Is it Yang Ming? Dad, what are you kidding? How is this possible?" Chen Xiaolong listened to his father's words and was completely dumbfounded: "Is this hotel not Wang Zhitao's family? It is our classmate Wang Zhitao. His father, Wang Xifan, did you still know it?"

"I have inquired, Wang Xifan was arrested years ago. This hotel is definitely not Wang Xifan." Chen Zhiye shook his head and said: "Before, Yang Ming said to me, I don't believe it, but after I fine If you think about it, it is possible!"

"How do you say this?" asked Chen Xiaolong.

"You think about it, who is Chen Fei? The size of the people is now the leader of the city. If you look for Chen Mengxi, if you don't find a right person, you have to find something similar?" Chen Zhiye analyzed: "If Yang Ming Ming’s family is nothing, can Chen Fei agree to this marriage? From the time he brought Yang Ming to the hotel, it is obvious that Chen Fei has already agreed to this marriage, so it is true that this hotel is really Yang. Ming their home!"

"Ah? Isn't it? Then, what happened to me and Chen Mengxi?" Chen Xiaolong heard this situation, his face immediately became a lot worse, a pair of aubergine looks like: "Dad, you have to give me Think about it!"

"Little dragon, it’s not that Dad doesn't want to do anything," Chen Zhiye frowned. "In fact, I also want to give this kid a lesson. I dare to pretend to be in front of me. What kind of thing is this? This hotel is dead for one or two hundred million." Assets, can you compare with your father?"

"Dad, what should we do now?" Chen Xiaolong does not care how much money Yang Ming has, but cares about whether he can be with Chen Mengyu.

"Before you didn't come back, I have been thinking of ways, but I don't think there is any good way to think about it." Chen Zhiye said here, the face is bitter: "This kid is not hard to eat, in Songjiang." I really can't do anything about him! If I am in the South, I am looking for someone to do him!"

Chen Zhiye was also an embarrassing character. He was forced to go to nowhere, and he also had a hard-hearted heart. He also did some illegal business in the South, so only Chen Xiaolong was here, and Chen Zhiye released his words.

"Dad, or else, we are looking for Yin Zizi to come and do the surname Yang?" When Chen Xiaolong heard his father's words, he immediately came to the spirit and said quickly.

This Yin Zizi is a desperate person Chen Xiaolong knows in the southern city of K, helping Chen Xiaolong to clean up a few people who are right against him.

"Noisy, you don't want to think about what Chen Fei is doing?" Chen Zhiye glanced at Chen Xiaolong: "If I can get rid of him, I will not be embarrassed!"

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