So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1642: Stop in the middle

The first six hundred and forty-two chapters are parked in the middle

This made Zhang Kaiyuan annoyed at the same time, but there was a kind of sour feeling in the heart, because Zhang Kaiyuan really really moved to Jing Xiao, and once again pursued Jing Xiaoyu without considering the former. However, the helpless Jing Xiaoyu did not like him with such a gloomy person, and he did not pay much attention to him.

Until last year's classmates, Zhang Kaiyuan originally thought that he had forgotten Jing Xiaoyu. He was proud of the spring breeze. He inherited the family business of his father's company. He was in the company, and the beautiful female secretary often played with his own office, passionate, beautiful women. Employees often run themselves and play with themselves, how life is so chic!

However, when Jing Xiaoyu was seen again at the class meeting, Zhang Kaiyuan’s heart was completely worried about Jing Xiaoyu’s body. When he saw that Jing Xiaoying was still embarrassed, he tried to brag about how he is now at the class meeting. The ability, how rich, wants to attract Jing Xiaoyu's attention, but Jing Xiaolu did not show any interest in him.

After the end of the class meeting, Zhang Kaiyuan also had a few private appointments in Jing Xiaoyu, but Jing Xiaoyu did not agree to go to the appointment. In the eyes of Jing Xiaoyu, Zhang Kaiyuan was only a Kaizi who had been cheated by himself. She did not expect Zhang Kaiyuan to be The second time, I naturally won’t go to Zhang Kaiyuan’s appointment.

Of course, for Wu Xiang, Zhang Kaiyuan also showed considerable enthusiasm, but don't underestimate this mistress, you must know that the social aspect of the mistress is actually quite wide, and the friends you know are also some big bosses. Maybe one can Help with your business!

Even if she blows the pillow to her man and buys a batch of goods from her trading company, she is enough to make it herself. The scale of Zhang Kaiyuan's trading company seems to be not small. In fact, the profit is not high. To do trade is basically to fight the price. Even if you have a relationship, the price difference is too outrageous and no one will buy it.

After helping Wu Xiang to stop the car, let her go to the hall to wait for other students. Wu Xiang is a socialist flower. After entering the house, she chats with several active students and exchanges contact information.

Zhang Kaiyuan specially helped Wu Xiang to park the car in the most eye-catching place outside. At the center of the resort, next to his Toyota Camry, in Zhang Kaiyuan’s view, Wu Xiang’s car should be able to count as The most upscale, from last year's situation, there will be no more upscale cars than this car.

Those well-mixed classmates, Zhang Kaiyuan, basically maintain a certain relationship, and they also know about their movements. No one has changed the car. How can the car of the unit be so easy to change, and how can it be retired after the age?

Therefore, Zhang Kaiyuan stopped Wu Xiang’s car in the middle of the entrance of the resort. How much can show the strength of his classmates, it is also a show!

I didn’t expect Wu Xiang’s little girl to mix so well now, and Zhang Kaiyuan’s heart was envious and contemptuous. Just as Zhang Kaiyuan thought about it, the sound of a car engine driving pulled him back from his thoughts. Zhang Kaiyuan looked up and was shocked! Actually it is an a8!

The people on this car are also coming to the class meeting? Zhang Kaiyuan will carefully think about the few good students in his class, and no one has Audi a8?

It may be other guests of the resort. Zhang Kaiyuan thought so, and he didn't care. After all, his classmates did not open such a luxury car, and he would not pay attention.

However, the more he did not pay attention, the car just stopped in front of him.

"Zhang Kaiyuan!" Xiaoran sticked his head out of the window and waved at Zhang Kaiyuan: "Is it here?"

"Sun Xiaoran?" Zhang Kaiyuan was surprised to see Sun Xiaoran, a student who protruded from the co-pilot position of the Audi a8! Isn't this Sun Xiaoran a college graduate? Looking for a boyfriend who is a hotel security guard, how can I drive this kind of luxury car?

Did Sun Xiaoran change her boyfriend? Thinking of this, Zhang Kaiyuan felt that it was very possible. I thought that I ran quickly in the past. Some of my hobbies said: "Small, welcome, you can come, it’s really beautiful!"

Xiaoran smiled and faced Zhang Kaiyuan’s very different attitude from last year. Sun Xiaoran’s heart was very refreshing. Come by yourself, still shining? Why didn't you say that last year?

However, Xiaoran did not say anything because she knew Mr. Zhang Kaiyuan very well and knew that he was a man of work, so he did not feel much surprised.

"It’s not a member of the organization in the class. This classmate will do a good job. Every year, everyone has a chance to get together!" Sun Xiaoran said with a smile.

If you change to other times, Sun Xiaoran does not like to participate in any class reunion. Every time he comes to be a supporting role, watching others blow up, there is no meaning at all.

"Isn't this supposed to be?" Zhang Kaiyuan smiled and looked down at the driver on the driver's seat. He smiled and asked: "This is Sun Xiaoran, your boyfriend? Don't you introduce me?"

"My little king, have you not seen it last year?" Sun Xiaoran said without any arrogance: "Why, Zhang Da’s organization committee is too busy to remember such a small person like us?"

"Where is it! I said how to look familiar, it turned out to be Xiao Wang brother!" Zhang Kaiyuan wondered, Sun Xiaoran's boyfriend is not a hotel security?

Can the security guard start the Audi a8? Isn't this just a joke? However, Zhang Kaiyuan's memory is superb. Under a closer look, I feel that Wang Lin is really familiar. It seems that I saw it last year. Is it really the last year?

"Where is the Xiaowang brother high?" Although Zhang Kaiyuan was puzzled, he still smiled and asked: "This car is really good. It is the best car in our class!"

"This... not worth mentioning, the car is not mine, driving the car in the company!" Wang Lin shrugged and said.

Driving to the leader? This leadership is not ordinary, the company can take this car, the most sub-level is it? Zhang Kaiyuan's heart counts the price of the Audi a8, and even his father's car is just the Audi a6.

"My little king is famous in entertainment, as the security minister and deputy manager of the logistics department. The work is already very busy, but there is no way, the leader is heavy, I like to let my little king do the driver!" Xiaoran pretend to be distressed Said casually.

Famous entertainment? Zhang Kaiyuan has heard the news of the company, the recent Songjiang International Hotel and the Douglas Hotel. Isn’t the Songjiang International Hotel a famous entertainment industry?

I heard that this Yang entertainment has a very good background in Songjiang. This Xiao Wang is actually the director of the security department and the deputy manager of the logistics department. This official is not too small, but also to drive to the leadership, this leader is probably not the president or the chairman, or who can afford him?

Thinking of this, Zhang Kaiyuan is even more respectful: "The average person wants to drive to the leader and can't open it. He has to lead the trustworthy talents."

"Oh, yeah, actually think about it is the same thing!" Sun Xiaoran proudly smiled.

"Well, let's not talk about it first. Let's find a parking space to stop the car. Go in and talk again?" Xiao Wang is not a person who likes to show it. When he sees Sun Xiaoran, he is more and more outrageous, so he quickly interjects.

"You are the best car in the class. You should stop at the center of the resort!" Zhang Kaiyuan quickly stopped Xiao Wang from moving: "This also shows the overall strength of our classmates!"

"But the parking space here is already full?" Xiao Wang looked at the center of the resort with some doubts.

"The Camry is mine, I am not finished!" Zhang Kaiyuan fart and ran to the front of his car, opened the door, and quickly fell to the side of the car, opened to a parking space in a corner.

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