So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1655: De Ge shot

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-five chapters of De Ge shot

"No, it is a resort next to Gidon City, called Immortal Resort." Zhang Kaiyuan did not know how Dego knew Songjiang. When he returned to his hometown, he seemed to mention Songjiang only when he was with his father. It’s good, remember it once in a while.

"Oh, then that's fine." De Ge heard a sigh of relief after he was not in Songjiang.

To be honest, De Ge does not want to do things in Songjiang, because Songjiang's current situation is clear, he does not want to give birth outside the big plan.

"This resort is on the **** road xx, are you coming now?" asked Zhang Kaiyuan.

"Well, you are waiting for me there, I will bring people in the past, and I will call you after I arrive," Dege said.

"Okay, De Ge, then I will wait for you!" Zhang Kaiyuan did not expect that De Ge would be so refreshed and promised to come out for himself. He couldn’t help but cheered a few times. "When you come, give it." I am calling, I will pick you up!"

"Well, that's it." De Ge hanged up on the phone with a bang.

De Ge is actually a very low-key person. In the absence of enough strength to kill and return to the snow, De Ge is not prepared to provoke any powerful enemy, but Zhang Kaiyuan has nothing to do with his own affairs today. De Ge carefully thought about it, but only learned a rich second generation, it is not a big deal.

Such a simple thing can be sold to Zhang Kaiyuan and his father and son. Why not be happy?

So when De Ge hangs up the phone, he will find his own capable hand.

"De Ge, are you looking for me?" Ma Laosi was playing mahjong with a ticket brother. After receiving a call from Dege, he rushed over.

"I will go out with me for a while, do something." De Ge said: "You will find a few more brothers."

"Oh? Dege, are we going to be a man this time? Don't you have to bring a guy?" Ma Lao Siyi came to the mood, he is free to go out every day, nothing, nothing in this township People basically know each other, and they can't fight. He is very eager to live in the TV with a big knife.

"That guy, teach a little trick." De Ge waved his hand and said: "But you can scare him with that dagger."

"This way..." Ma Laosi was disappointed when he heard it. He nodded and said, "I will do it."

After more than ten minutes, Ma Laosi came back. This time brought three people. Each person is not old enough. In his twenties, he belongs to the kind of leisure in the village. He was developed by Dege every day. The days of the past are also moisturizing, much more than the land.

"Well, a few of you are going with me." De Ge annihilated the cigarette in his hand and stood up: "The fourth child, is the car ready?"

"Which car is it?" asked Ma Laosi.

"Open the scrapped Nissan," De Ge said. "You go and get a piece of Songjiang's sign."

"Well!" Ma Laosi turned and ran out to get ready, and the three young men were respectful waiting for Dege to wear a coat and then went out together.

Zhang Kaiyuan hung up the phone, and the bad breath in his heart finally came out. The illusion was that Yang Ming cried and yelled at the moment, and the humiliation received before did not make him uncomfortable.

When I returned to the restaurant, no one asked him what he had just done. He just thought that he had taken a cigarette in the toilet and no one thought more.

The village of my own home is far away from here. It is estimated that there is no three or five hours for Dege to come here. Therefore, Zhang Kaiyuan is not in a hurry. He continues to sneak with the familiar people. liqueur.

Yang Ming did not have much interest in the meals on the table. Yang Ming was not very willing to eat the dishes of this resort. Big fish eat more meat, Yang Ming is more inclined to lighter.

"Yang Ming, don't you like to eat?" Jing Xiaoyu had no interest in the food on the table. She had to keep her body shape, and it was not the time when she had been eaten by the poor. So she took two meals and put down the chopsticks.

"I really like to eat the kind of street snacks. For such orthodox fish, I have no appetite." Yang Ming shook his head.

Originally, Xiao Wang was eating a good scent. He had just been a driver of Yang Ming for a few days. He didn’t usually have such a good meal, so now he sees the fish on the table and puts his arms on him.

When I heard Yang Ming say this, Xiao Wang suddenly put down the chopsticks, looked up and looked at it, and sure enough, he ate it happily, and Bihai did not eat anything. The revolutionary Yao and his girlfriend Xiaoran did not matter. Eat, Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu not to mention, only Xiao Wang himself eat here.

"Cough cough..." Xiao Wang's coughed two times: "Yang Ge, you don't have an appetite? Would you like me to go to the kitchen to give you and the donkey a separate point?"

"No, after a while, let's just walk around and see if there are any snacks or anything." Yang Ming waved his hand: "What do you think we do, do you hurry to eat?"

Yang Ming naturally saw the gorging before Xiao Wang. At this time, he saw him stop and asked immediately.

"You don't eat, just eat it myself..." Xiao Wang was a little embarrassed and scratched his scalp, and said slyly.

"You have to eat more, we don't pay a penny. You don't eat more, how can you get back?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "There is no outsider, not so polite."

"This... not so good..." Xiao Wang still has some tweaks. After all, no one else eats, just eat it, and it doesn't look like that.

"Yang Ge let you eat, you eat it, how is it so much?" Sun Xiaoran hit his arm with a small arm and said: "A big man, I am afraid that is afraid of that!"

"Yes, Xiao Wang, look at you, you are not as good as Sun Xiaoran!" Jing Xiaoyu said after listening to Sun Xiaoran's words.

After listening to Jing Xiaoxuan's words, Xiao Wang's old face was red, but with the approval of Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu, Xiao Wang no longer tweaked, directly let go of his appetite, and began to gorge.

Originally, the annual dinner of the Alumni Association lasted for the longest time. In many cases, it lasted until the early hours of the morning, and then everyone went back to their respective rooms and started the activities.

However, due to the opening of Zhang Kaiyuan this year, the enthusiasm and atmosphere of the whole dinner have not been high, and there is always a faint sense of oppression. Zhang Kaiyuan does not like toasting the table as usual, adjusting the atmosphere, this year is just at his own wine table. , whispered to talk to a few friends who are familiar with each other.

About an hour or so after the dinner was held, some people began to leave. For the scene in front of him, Zhang Kaiyuan is also helpless but has no choice. He has no face to retain and ask others.

I sighed a bit, but if I don’t take Yang Ming’s clothes, I’m afraid, I’m afraid that your classmates will be difficult to hold down every year. Where is he messing up here, where is his face?

Yang Ming saw someone starting to leave, so he stood up. Yang Ming is so close together, Bi Hai and Xiao Wang, as well as the revolutionary Yao and Sun Xiaoran have also stood up, but Jing Xiaoyu is the slowest one.

"Go? Go out and go?" Yang Ming asked.

"Then go out for a walk, Yang Ge and Xiaozizi haven't eaten anything yet, just go out and see if there is anything to eat and sell." Bi Hai said.

Although Zhang Kaiyuan has been drinking and chatting with people at the same table, the rest of his eyes have been locked in the table of Yang Ming. When Yang Ming got up, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He is now afraid that Yang Ming will stay at this party. Don't go in the hall, when you go back to the room with the crowd.

That way, even if De Ge came, there would be no way to start. Is it so many students facing Yang Ming to start? Even if the classmates in their class don't care, the security of the hotel can't be ignored.

But when Yang Ming leaves, it is easy to handle. When he orders, it is the best time for Dege to start.

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