So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1671: No difference

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-one chapters are not allowed to be treated differently.

Yang Ming did not have a good impression on Jing Xiaoxuan. He only worried about his trip to Yunnan, so he kept a distance from Jing Xiaoyu. However, in the face of the enthusiasm of Jing Xiaoyu, Yang Ming also has a feeling that he can't help himself.

"Small 璐...this..." Yang Ming was a little overwhelmed by the sudden behavior of Jing Xiao.

"Don't talk..." Jing Xiaoyu couldn't let Yang Ming say more, and the kiss was in Yang Ming's mouth...

After Bi Hai and Shen Yao both finished the high-intensity exercise, they took another shower. Bi Hai suddenly remembered what Yang Ming came to find himself. He immediately exclaimed: "Xin Yao, just Yang Ge called us. of!"

"Ah, why don't you say it earlier?" The innovation Yao Yi was a little anxious at once: "Right, we didn't say it before. I went back to the bathroom in the room. How long has it been delayed? Yeah... ...this has been more than two hours, and Yang Ge and Xiao Xiao have been waiting impatiently!"

"I told you before I answered the phone. You didn't hear it clearly..." Bi Hai said with a bitter face: "How come you blame my head?"

"Is it?" When the revolutionary Yao listened to Bihai, he was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, don't say anything, hurry and get ready to find Yang Ge, or else, Yang Ge blames, I can't afford it!" Bi Hai said, and quickly put on his clothes.

"I also said that if you did not pick up a phone call, it would not be like this!" Innovative Yaodao: "The old husband and wife, Yang Ge and Xiao Xiao know, how embarrassed, how to meet in a while!"

"What happened to the old wife, Yang Ge, seeing our feelings is good, will only be more happy." Bi Haidao: "You are going to be a little faster, don't grind, wear clothes, what makeup do you make, Yang Ge, they also Can't dislike you."

"Okay! I will be fine soon!" said Innovation Yao.

The two men honed for more than ten minutes before they were finished, and Bihai did not dare to delay. After the innovation, the door went straight to the room of Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu.

Going to the door of Yang Ming’s room, Bi Haigang had to knock on the door, but was pulled by the innovative Yao: “Wait!”

"What's wrong? What are you doing?" Bi Hai looked back with some doubts, and looked at Innovation Yao inexplicably: "What else?"

"You listen, what is the voice inside?" Innovative Yao pointed to Yang Ming's room.

"Oh? Is there a voice?" Bi Haiyi, no attention before, this time, the revolutionary Yao reminded, Bi Hai carefully listened to the ear, and I heard the slight strange movement in the room.

Innovative Yao was initially afraid of what Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu were talking about, so they didn't let Bihai directly disturb, and they planned to look at the situation, but after listening carefully, they heard what the sound in the room was...

Bi Hai is not stupid, and immediately realized what, the strange voice in Yang Ming’s room has just appeared in his room, so he is no stranger.

"Yang Ge and Xiao Yan, the two of them will not be there," said the innovative Yao red face and whispered.

"What do you say?" Bi Hai also said a little: "If you do the trick, you can't!"

"Hey, are you still reasonable? If I remind you, you are stupid, you just knocked on the door. When Yang Ge didn't say anything, Xiao Yan hated you!"

"Yeah, you reminded me of the loss!" Bi Haishen thought that he nodded: "Today, you reminded me twice, it seems that you will always take you around in the future, otherwise it is not necessarily what I made a mistake at the time."

"Do you still know?" Innovative Yaodao: "I thought that if you are so powerful, you want to break up with me. I am not beautiful. I know that you used to be a punk, so there is nothing, but now... ”

"Xin Yao, what do you say, how can I break up with you!" Although Bi Hai had such a thought before, but now it has already lost this thought: "Even if you agree, Yang Ge and Xiao Xiao know Still not killing me? You can spare me, I am still afraid that you will break up with me!"

"You are the truth?" Although the revolutionary Yao knows that Bihai said it may not be completely true, but it still sounds very happy.

"Nature is true!" Bi Hai swears to heaven: "I have to say a half of a lie, let Yang Ge dying me..."

"You said no to tell lies, what is the relationship with Yang Ge?" The innovation Yao took a look at Bihai.

“Hey...” Bi Haixiao laughed twice: “What are we doing now? Waiting at the door?”

"You are stupid? You waited. When Yang Ge and Xiao Yan came out, I thought you were listening to the corner. Are you not looking for people?" The revolutionary Yao said: "You are really slow. I don't think I am looking at you by your side. You will offend Yang Ge and Xiao Yan sooner or later!"

"Then we go back to the room?" Bi Hai is not annoyed, smirked.

"Well," the innovation Yao nodded. "I thought about it again..."

"Oh, I am also..." Bi Hai took the revolutionary Yao and quickly returned to his room...

"Yang Ming, I didn't lie to you, I am the first time!" Jing Xiaoyu said on the sheets.

"I didn't say you lied to me..." Yang Ming was speechless.

"Before that, I said let you support me, and tell you that I am ***, it seems that you still don't believe it." Jing Xiaoyu said.

"..." Yang Ming smiled and shook his head: "I didn't believe it at the beginning, I just didn't want to support you."

"What about now?" Jing Xiaoyu asked without hesitation.

"Now you have to support me, my company has given you, no money..." Yang Ming shrugged.

"Hah, that's OK, no matter who who is supporting, my purpose has been reached! Yang Ming, you will not treat me and my dream sisters differently in the future! You go to Yunnan, I will wait for you to come back!" Jing Xiaoyu feels himself I am very happy now.

I used to see some people posting on the Internet saying that all kinds of melancholy and sad feelings after losing their *** did not appear on their own bodies. Instead, they felt relaxed and seemed to have completed a major event in life.

"Good." Has developed to the present step, Yang Ming will naturally not persuade Jing Xiaoyu some meaningless words, but Jing Xiaoyu's practice today really makes Yang Ming very moved.

Although there are some stupid stubbornness, this is the Jing Xiaoyu that I know. Once I believe it, I will not look back.

"You go to Yunnan to perform the task, I don't advise you. This is definitely a decision after your deliberation. I know that it is useless to persuade you." Jing Xiaoyan said very solemnly: "However, I tell you, you have one more now. Concerned about the woman you are thinking about, you must think about us before you do things! We are waiting for you to come back."

"Do not worry, I am not a fool." Yang Ming took Jing Xiaoyu in his arms and smiled pitifully: "I promised Xia Ge to perform the task without mistake, but if it really threatens my life, I still I will choose to escape in the first place. I am not a death squad. Naturally, I will do my best."

"With your words, I am relieved!" Jing Xiaoyu nodded: "You never do things that are not sure, right?"

"Yeah..." Yang Mingxin is somewhat hesitant, sure? It seems that there is really nothing at all. Yunnan is the site of the right elders. Can you come back after you have gone?

"Then I will help you keep secrets in front of the nightmare sisters!" Although Jing Xiaoyu was worried about Yang Ming's dangerous characters, she became a Yang Ming woman and made Jing Xiaoyu more excited. In particular, many of Yang Ming’s secrets are known only to them, and even Chen Mengxi does not know.

"Your things, I will look for opportunities and Chen Mengxi said, but maybe not now, you don't mind." Yang Ming did not want to make any family disputes before he left. When he went, he was not worried. .

"It doesn't matter, I understand." Jing Xiaolu didn't care much about this: "When you come back, it's not too late. Let me go and marry the sister-in-law to make a good relationship!"

"You can understand it." Yang Ming sighed: "Small, thank you."

"Oh, what are you thanking, so messy, do you still use these between me and me?" Jing Xiaoyan frowned: "Yang Ming, I am a little hungry, what about you?"

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