So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1675: Hotel (below)

The first thousand six hundred and seventy-six chapters of the shop (below)

“You’re welcome.” Yang Ming glanced at Zhang’s cannon and said faintly: “Well, now the car shop is open. Let’s discuss the store’s business?”

Yang Ming moved over a chair and sat on it, then looked at the store owner and Zhang Cannon.

This... The store owner originally thought that after Yang Ming had beaten these few men, he opened his car shop and it was such a thing. I did not expect Yang Ming - I have not forgotten the store.

"How? Didn't you let me try it before? I won't let it go now?" Yang Ming said sneerly at the store owner.

"No, Big Brother, you see that we don't have long eyes, don't know that you are a high-ranking person, you don't know what you want to hang your cockroaches, you have a lot of adults, don't care about us..." The store owner is careful Said: "Big brother, you see, we can't do this meal for free?"

"Free of charge? Why didn't you say that before?" Yang Ming did not give face anyway: "Before my friend has warned you, so good to discuss, you don't want to, I have to do it, you ask for mercy, you Say you are free?"

"Oh..." The boss complained in his heart, and he said, if I knew you were so powerful, I went to black, then I was really idle. I was not only idle, but also had problems with my brain. If you know what it is, you still have to find something. Isn’t that stupid?

However, although the boss think so, but can not say so, but he was afraid to speak out after Yang Ming would beat him up and then the boss had said:! "Brother, you see something else you eat?

"Everyone is full, what else to eat?" Yang Ming is a little funny: "Rose is giving you two ways to go, one is that I can not play with you and Zhang Cannon, and then I will automatically shop."

"There is still..." The boss hurriedly asked, this first article. It is simply his life, but the boss can not choose this.

"And, you are doing it yourself." Yang Ming said: "To tell the truth, I am too lazy to do it."

·This..." The boss smiled when he heard it, why is it still a shop! "Can you not shop?"

"What do you say?" Yang Ming asked.

"I said... oh..." The boss sighed a little helplessly, and his eyes flashed through the mark - a trace of grievance: "Big brother, are you sure that there is no room for manoeuvre in this matter?"

"I have given you a chance before. You don't cherish it. The opportunity is always fleeting. If you have already missed it, remember this lesson." Yang Ming is not the kind of person who just cares about it, just this. The store owner's approach is a bit too much. Before the sea has revealed the consequences of continuing extortion may bring to the boss, but the boss just does not listen, who can blame?

"Bad, Zhang cannon, do it. The boss’s eyes flashed a glimpse of the twilight again. It flashed away and waved at the cannon: "Go get a hammer!"

"Ah?" Zhang cannon looked at the boss in vain: "Boss, what awesome?"

"If you don't want to, we have to be defamed! Don't say it, go get it!" The boss ordered Zhang Cannon.

This... is, the boss!” Zhang cannon had to go to the kitchen. As for the mournful brothers on the ground, Zhang Cannon did not have time to take care of them. He had already taken care of himself.

"This big brother, today is indeed you, since you want to shop, well, then I will give you a slap!" The boss looked at Yang Ming and said: "But I advise you to say a word, you have to spare and forgive Don't do anything, no one will always be arrogant."

Yang Ming snorted and naturally heard the threat of the boss's words. He wanted to let him let him go. Naturally, it is self-evident, but Yang Ming does not intend to let him go. "This sentence, I think I should advise you, I have to spare people and spare people. I don’t know who made the matter before. !"

"Okay, if that's the case, then I don't say much!" The store owner nodded and shouted at Zhang Cannon: "What can you do with Zhang Cannon? Didn't you bring the hammer quickly?"

"This is coming, boss!" Zhang Cannon has been listening to the movement in front of the kitchen. When the boss said that nothing was useless, Zhang Cannon also understood that today must be done.

"Everyone came to the small shop to join friends, but today the store is in a special situation, please withdraw in advance! The reception is not good, but also look at Haihan, we do not have to check out, I pay today." The store owner said to the guests in the store.

Many of these guests have already finished eating, just staying to see the excitement. When they listen to the boss for free, they are very happy and cheered. Although they can't continue to watch the fun, it is also very good.

Moreover, this shop is really embarrassing, and it will inevitably spread to itself, so everyone has stood up and left. The thoughts in my heart are also different.

Some people think that the boss is too unlucky, some sympathize with him, some people think that this boss is so slain, sooner or later, something is going to happen, today is to give him a lesson, etc. The last guest went out of the barbecue shop, the store owner The cannon waved to: "Open it!"

"Yes, boss!" Zhang cannons started the shop with a hammer, but they were all unimportant things, such as broken beer bottles and dishes.

"Well, it’s like a little look!" The store owner also sneaked out, picking up another sledgehammer that the cannon took out of the kitchen, and swung directly to the TV set, just listening to the bang The LCD panel of the TV set was broken, and the entire TV set fell to the ground with a "jingle".

Looked out, the store owner is really ready to kneel down, Zhang cannon to see the direct shock, this is more than 7,000 pieces of large LCD, so scrapped? Inside the LCD TV, the LCD panel is the most expensive accessory. If the LCD panel is broken, this TV will not have any value for maintenance. Therefore, the store owner does not want to do everything, and does not think about it. Can't be repaired.

The cannon is also worthy of picking up the hammer. He followed the boss and groaned. At first, it was a little psychological burden. I thought it was saving money! But after a few squats, the desire for destruction in my heart was aroused, I feel embarrassed. Things are so refreshing, as long as the big hand wave, "砰" a piece of glass or a money detector is scrapped, this feeling is simply wonderful.

In fact, everyone's heart has more or less a desire to vent, and once this desire is ignited, it will be out of control.

The store owner and Zhang Cannon were originally designed to deal with Yang Ming and shop. But later, it’s because I’m so refreshed, I’m excited, I’m not going to stop.

"Okay, almost." Yang Ming looked at the broken film in the store, felt almost the same, told the store owner, and then turned and walked to the door of the store. When Yang Ming left, Jing Xiaoying and Bi Hai and Cao Xin Yao naturally would not stay here, and went out with Yang Ming.

"Boss, big brother told us to stop, we can not be embarrassed!" After Zhang Cannon listened to Yang Ming's words, he stopped his hand, although he felt that he was really cool, but this shop is all money, so strong It has stopped.

"Oh," the store owner should have said, but the hammer in his hand has not stopped, still flying around, see what is wrong, ping pong is another explosion.

"Boss... we don't have to worry!" Zhang cannon said.

"Don't you have to worry?" The boss shook his head. "Since it is on, let's go. Ba, I am refreshing!"

"Ah?" Zhang couldnon, stunned at the boss: "What about me?"

"You will continue!" said the boss: "I don't know what it is!"

"Oh? That's okay!" Zhang Cannon was overjoyed after listening to it. Before he had been stunned, he was so distressed and distressed. He stopped the hard life. This time, with the boss's approval, Zhang Cannon finally continued to cool down. I thought of the cannon here and once again picked up the big hammer in my hand.

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