So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1681: shocked

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-one chapters are dumbfounded

Zhang sprayed his own eyes and his eyes, how can this person have such a look? I haven't found it before. Now consider whether I will replace him later?

The boss's boss is that he can know it casually? I thought that if I was not in a coincidence, I would not be able to reach Yang Ge.

The younger brother did not dare to say anything more. He drove his car carefully and accelerated all the way to the villa building of Xianren Resort.

Yang Ming closed the door of the room, and ignored the Yue Yuemin and the waiter outside the door. He took Jing Xiaoyu’s hand and sat down on the bed, and opened the switch of the TV remote control.

"Yang Ming, why did you give him the money? Isn't this like your usual style?" Jing Xiaoyu looked at Yang Ming with some doubts, from the previous Yang Ming's enthusiasm for Xiangde, and at the barbecue shop. The strength of Yang Ming at the moment is a bit weak, and without a few words, people are sent over.

"The people's sheets sold us 100,000 pieces, and also said, we can not buy, as long as the sheets are returned, can not be said to be strong buy and sell?" Yang Ming spread the hand to explain to Jing Xiaoyu Road: "We want to buy it ourselves, but we still don't want people to sit on the ground?"

"But they are extortion!" Jing Xiaoyu was quite dissatisfied with the price of 100,000 yuan. When she saw it, she didn't want to buy the sheets. "Yang Ming, let us return the sheets to him."

"Re: How can that be? Isn't this very memorable?" Yang Ming smiled.

"That... In fact, there is nothing. As long as you and I know it, it is all in your heart. That would be good," Jing Xiao said: "100,000 yuan, it is better to buy me some fur coats! I still have nothing!"

"..." Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaoxuan's words with some speechless: "If you don't count the shares, your monthly salary is already tens of thousands of pieces?"

"That's not willing!" Jing Xiao said: "I am so stingy, can't change!"

"When I took you to buy clothes, why didn't you feel bad?" Yang Ming smiled after listening.

"That doesn't feel the same!" Jing Xiao said: "In any case, I think that a hundred thousand dollars to buy a broken sheet, I think it feels a little silly, it is not worth it."

"Look, the money is coming, and the Yue Yuemin may not dare to accept it." Yang Ming felt that he had not found out before, Jing Xiaoyu was still so cute?

Before Yang Ming felt that Jing Xiaoyu was a girl of money worship, but now it seems that Jing Xiaoyu’s worship is actually only a representation, but inside is a very stingy girl.

However, it is not unusual to think of her former family, grandmother who is sick in bed. Although Jing Xiaoyu used to look at the wealth as a life, the money she got was basically subsidized by her grandmother.

It can be said that Jing Xiaoyu’s greed was completely forced out because of family conditions. Now that he has money, the formerly careful and petty mentality has not changed, which has caused the current situation.

The complex environment of the family, as well as Jing Xiaoying’s premature burden of taking on the family, the experience of mixing in the early years of society, has long been a complex complex of the girl’s personality.

Vanity but it is also stingy, it seems very contradictory, but I figured it out, but I didn't feel anything.

"Don't dare to accept? What do you mean?" Jing Xiaoyu listened to Yang Ming's explanation and was somewhat wrong: "Look at the way that Yue Yuemin just said. He won't give up today without getting money. How could he not accept it?"

"It's hard to say, I will see it later." Yang Ming smiled.

As he spoke, Yang Ming’s cell phone rang, and Yang Ming took a look at the phone and was a strange mobile phone number. It may be that the spray is white.

Yang Ming picked up the phone: "Hey, hello."

"Yang Ge, I am Zhang Baibai, I have already arrived at the villa below the Xianren Resort Villa." Zhang Bingbai knows that Yang Ming does not like ink, so what is said, short.

"Oh, it's you, come on, I am in room 307." Yang Ming said.

"Okay, I am going up now." Zhang Bingbai sees that Yang Ming does not seem to have any dissatisfaction with the time of his arrival, and he is relieved in his heart.

I have already arrived at the fastest speed, but because the mountain road of Xixing Mountain is not very good at night, I only waited for a while. He was afraid that Yang Ming would wait impatiently, so he took the initiative to call Yang Ming’s tone. See There is nothing wrong with it, so rest assured.

Zhang sprayed the bag with money and went upstairs with the younger brother.

Take the elevator to the third floor. Just when I came out, I saw that I was standing in the distance and yelling at the people and a waiter. When Zhang Zhangbai was a sigh, what was the heart of the people who were here in the middle of the night?

However, Zhang Bingbai has important things today. When he is willing to delay the time because of these small things, he will not take care of him. He will go to Room 307.

Originally, Yan Yuemin did not notice Zhang Baibai, he was leaning sideways. Zhang Baibai did not care about this, but when Zhang Baibai walked to the side of Yu Yuemin, he suddenly found that the position of Yan Yuemin was exactly the door of Room 307.

As the saying goes, good dogs don't block the way. When Zhang Bingbai Deng is angry, but because Yang Ming is in the room, he is not too embarrassed to make Yang Ming leave a bad impression, just take a shot. Yu Yuemin's back, cold road: "Let's open!"

Yan Yuemin is annoying that Yang Ming is not giving face to shut him out. He used to sigh at Twilight Kai, and Yang Ming did not know what to look at, but in the eyes of Yu Yuemin, it seems to be squatting. And Shuguang Qi is the arrogance of his classmates.

At this moment, someone actually shot him on the shoulder and let him let it go. This is his place, this is the fairy resort! What kind of person is so bold to let his general manager let it go.

"What do you want? How can you go around? Is this road your home?" So Yue Yuemin was angry at the time! In fact, the question of Yu Yuemin is very artistic. If this person says that this road is his own home, he can forcefully take out his business card and tell the other party that he is the owner of this resort.

Zhang Baibai was a little bit stunned by the answer from Yu Yuemin! I have something to do today, I am not willing to take care of the people, nor do I have to worry about the fact that Yi Yuemin did not see himself and say hello to himself.

This leaps and bounds can be done well, and actually installed with yourself! I dare to ask myself who is this way, is it wrong?

However, I haven't waited for Zhang Baibai to get angry. I didn't want to go with Zhang Bingbai. The younger brother and Zhang Bingbai had come together to find the troubles of many people, so it is very ignorant for Yu Yuemin. Unhappy, grabbed the neck collar of Yu Yuemin: "Have you **** your dog's eyes? Bai Ge let you make way to see you, you actually asked who this road is. of?"

"Ah!" Yan Yuemin was pulled by the younger brother who pulled the white collar and just pulled his neck collar. He just wanted to get angry, but when he heard the name of Bai Ge, he suddenly jumped a big jump and turned his head to see it, but it wasn’t how it was white! There is also a white-blooded younger brother, who used to come here to find someone who is in trouble!

Yan Yuemin was a bit dumbfounded at the moment. How did this white-haired midnight come with a younger brother? Wait... Zhang Biaobai... Yu Yuemin suddenly thought of a thing, that is, when Yang Ming called, he also mentioned that a person named Zhang Baibai came to send money, can it be said that the white spray really Is this a white spray?

At this moment, even if Yu Yuemin is stupid and stupid, I probably understand it. This is a white spray, it is indeed the white spray! The white spray that once did things in his own place, at this moment, he never dared to offend the white.

"Big brother, you... how come you?" asked the subconscious of the folks, although he probably guessed some of the enthusiasm of the people, but still maintained a certain chance of luck, praying for a white spray here. It’s just an accidental situation, not the one that Yang Ming called!

"I came to send the money to my big boss. I don't have time to take care of you this time, but you remembered it. This time, it won't be like that." Zhang Bingbai slammed Yu Yuemin and looked at the younger brother. Said: "First let him go, don't tell Yang Ge to hear us quarreling at the door, let Yang brother hear how bad."

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