So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1684: Potential opponent

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-four chapters of potential opponents

This kind of opponent, stay here, is not looking for trouble for yourself? In particular, his own trip to Yunnan is getting closer. Can you come back safely or two? If you leave, what should you do when you are entangled in Zhou Jiajia?

Yang Ming’s previous character is still kind, but now there is an idea of ​​not doing it all. Well, since this person is threatening to himself, then he will start with a strong hand before he has left.

Of course, although Yang Ming can unscrupulously carry out the light, even if Xia Bingyu knows nothing, Yang Ming is not a person who is jealous. This will also make people criticized. The best way is to find a fuse.

When seeing Yue Yuemin, Yang Ming knew that the fuse was found.

Yan Yuemin is also a part of the family. If you scuttle the dawn of the immortal group and monopolize it, it will not be said. Yang Ming has no special thoughts on the industry of the immortal group. His own money is enough for his own woman. It is useless to make more money. This decentralized industry is difficult to control and operate.

All that I have to do is to help the people in the squad when they are in the right to fight for the people. As long as there is no capital in the hands of Twilight, this enemy is not enough.

As for Yue Yuemin, who will be against the water after the immortal group, Yang Ming will not worry. The first Yang Ming did not let Yan Yuemin always become his own thoughts. It would be useless to ask him.

Secondly, from the performance of Yu Yuemin today, this person can be seen as a timid person. He is more powerful than him. He does not dare to offend him. He will only beg for mercy, unlike Shuguang Qi is a risk-taking adventure. People.

Therefore, after the squad is in power, he will only be grateful to himself. Even if he is not there, Zhang Bingbai and violent San Li are not the ones he can provoke.

"Blood white, you can also go out, I am working hard tonight." Yang Ming and other people screamed before going out, only said to Zhang Baibai.

"What's the hard work, or else there is nothing at night." Zhang Bingbai scratched his head and smiled: "That Yang Ge, I will go first, do not bother you to rest."

Yang Ming nodded and said that Zhang Baibai could leave.

After waiting for the white spray, Jing Xiaoyu asked with some doubts: "Yang Ming, how did you finally change your mind and give the money to the Yue Yuemin?"

"Well, he knows my nephew, called Shuguangqi, who is Zhou Jiajia's pursuer..." Yang Ming did not look at Jing Xiaoyu. Since he had told Jing Xiaoyu that he had to leave for a while, these things would not be necessary for her. .

From that time, Yang Ming accompanied Zhou Jiajia and also attended the class meeting at Xianren Resort. He talked about the person who was Shuguangqi, and introduced the character and personality of Shuguangqi, and the fears after he left. Finally, I said something that I intend to let Yue Yuemin do.

"It turned out to be the case, or you are far-sighted!" Jing Xiaoyu naturally nodded after listening to it: "This person listens to you saying this, but it is a person who knows how to bear and avenge, and does not solve it. It is really a trouble. ”

"I think about it again, see if there is any trouble that has not been solved. Before I leave, I have to solve your troubles." Yang Ming *** *** The temple smiled and said: "Otherwise Not at ease!"

"Oh... yes!" Jing Xiaoyu suddenly exclaimed: "There is still one person who has to solve it together!"

"What person?" Yang Ming asked, said.

"Liu Feifei, you are gone, what should I do if this guy is looking for me?" Jing Xiao said: "You can't treat it differently. Now people are also yours."

"Khan..." Yang Ming sweated a bit and said: "This person I have long planned to solve, that is, without you, I will not let him be so arrogant."

For this Liu Jifei, Yang Ming did not have a good impression at all. Not only did he frame his own company, but he also made a bank robbery case. He was troubled by himself. Yang Ming would not stay. Holding him.

Yang Ming is going to let Xia Bingyan collect and collect evidence and submit it directly to Xia Xue or Jiang Yan police. He will be sentenced to 10 or 20 years after Liu Jifei is arrested.

"This way, I thought you forgot it!" Jing Xiaoyu listened to Yang Ming's words and immediately rejoiced.

"There is no such relationship tonight, and I can't manage your affairs," Yang Ming said with a wry smile. "However, it seems that the stock gives you a little more to do."

"How can I do this? How? You don't want to give it to me?" Jing Xiaoyu was a little uncomfortable after listening, and some grievances asked.

"Or, you are giving you shares to start a new life and run your own business." Yang Ming explained: "But now, it is better to give you a lot of money, so that you can wait for me at home." ""

"Then I still want the company, I am waiting for you to come back in the company. I don't want to stay at home every day as a wide wife, I will be laughed at." Jing Xiaoyan shook his head: "And, now I am the chairman, more Sorry, there are so many people who are humbled by me every day. I don’t want to lose this feeling."

After listening to Jing Xiaoyu’s words, Yang Ming smiled and said nothing more. He just said, “That’s yours!”

In other words, after the owner of the barbecue shop and the cannon of the cannon, the barbecue restaurant became a wolf, and the store was full of broken copper and iron barbecue shops, and the store owner finally woke up! What have you done yourself? Are you fascinated? Actually, I personally turned the shop into this grandma?

Yes, that was the kid before, if he was not forced, can he do this? Thinking of Yang Ming, the store owner’s eyes are full of hatred.

He never thought that before Yang Ming had told him that he could not be jealous, he did not stop because he was so refreshed, and continued to madly go down.

"Zhang Cannon, you stop me!" The store owner looked up and saw that Zhang Cannon was still looking for a target with a sledgehammer. He suddenly did not hit one of the following: "Are you still not too embarrassed, let me Going home!"

"Ah?" Zhang Cannon was so repulsed by the store owner, and quickly stopped his hand, and some grievances in his heart. Didn't you ask me to continue to swear? Why did you change your mind at this time? Isn't this a play?

However, people are the bosses, they are the employees, and the boss can't listen to them. Zhang cannons will lose the hammer in his hand and quickly ran to the boss. Be careful: "Boss, what do we do now..."

The shop owner looked at the mess in the shop. The more he saw it, the more angry he was. A foreigner would take a handful of hard work and dare to scatter on the locals' own territory. He just didn't want to live!

This idea does not rise up well. If it rises, it will not be able to calm down. The more the store owner wants to be, the more he can't bear it. He is also a tyrant in the local area. Now he is so bullied, how can he raise his head to be a man in the future?

Thinking of this, the store owner finally couldn’t help it: "Cannon, come over!"

"Boss, I am here, what is the order?" Zhang cannon has stood next to the store owner and asked quickly.

"You and the village's second-class Yao San Cannon are buddies?" asked the store owner.

"That is yeah, we are brothers, I am a cannon, he is a three-gun, or my righteous brother!" Zhang cannon replied.

"Oh, then ask him to go out and pick up a person, how much is it?" The store owner is not bad now, but he can't keep his breath.

"Who is it?" Zhang Cannon asked: "Is that kid?"

"Yes, it is him, how much does not matter, must let the kid know, who is the most powerful here!" said the store owner.

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