So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1686: what is your job

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-six chapters, what are you doing?

Feng Siwei smiled slightly, and then began to exert his strength in his hand. He suddenly held the hand of the cannon and squeezed it hard.

The cold sweat on Zhang’s forehead instantly flowed down, and his hand was so strong that even Yao’s three guns were inferior. Zhang’s cannon did not expect that he would be easily defeated by Feng Sizhen’s power. The admiration is also born! This person has real strength.

"Big brother, I am very glad to meet you. I heard from my third brother. You are also a loyal person." Feng Siyi did not care about the test of the former cannon. After the force was applied, he let go and did not step. Step by step.

"Before I was offended, the four brothers are people who have real skills!" Zhang cannon admired.

"Oh, mix and eat." Feng Sixiao smiled and said: "Right, listen to the third brother, ask me to pick up a martial arts master? What happened?"

The shop owner is also a careful person. I have seen the strength of Zhang Cannon and Feng Siwei before, so I know at the moment that Feng Sizhen is indeed a capable person.

"It's like this..." The store owner said that Yang Ming had come to the store to "make troubles". Of course, he didn't mention anything about his previous blackmail.

"Oh..." After listening to the boss's introduction, Feng Siyi looked at the younger brothers who were injured by Yang Ming lying on the floor, and then some disapprovingly said: "It’s just a little faster, nothing, power. Not yet."

"Ah? Is this a quicker skill?" The store owner, Zhang Cannon, or Yao Sangun, all showed a frightened expression.

"Nature, when you punch, when you shoot slowly, you lose the opportunity. Naturally, there is only a beating, so the speed is very important for the boxer." Feng Sijun explained: "There is power, this person The power is obviously worse. Although the speed has gone up, it has sacrificed strength and is not mature!"

"Ah?" The shop owner and others are a glimpse. The person who is so powerful in his own eyes, in the eyes of Feng Siyan, has become immature?

"Oh, this is what I want to change. These guys are not just as simple as the leg bones are misplaced." Feng Sixiao said with a smile: "If I shot, they have already had a comminuted fracture."

"Ah!" The store owner and others are still surprised and open their mouths.

"Oh, huh..." Feng Siwei was still smiling, and then he punched out with a punch and squatted on a steel column that supported the food stall. Suddenly, "a bang", a big punch appeared on the steel column. Printed.

"Ah!" The store owner and others are still surprised this time, but they have already believed in Feng Sizhen’s words. Such a fist hits the bones of the human body.

"Four brothers, don't be able to do it, you are just hurt, nothing to play with steel pillars!" Yao San cannon saw Feng Siwei's behavior, and suddenly frowned.

"It's okay..." Even so, but Feng Siwei's face has changed. I thought that my injury was half a year ago. It was the first time in my life that I was so hurt. I lay on my bed. It took more than half a year to recover, but it was farther away from its peak.

Feng Siyi can hardly imagine that there are still so many people in the world. Is it too short-sighted before, or is it too powerful? Anyway, the past, Feng Siyi is not willing to think about it.

After the injury was good, Feng Siyi turned to Yao Yi, a former brother of the righteous brother. He knew that his current situation could not return to the underground boxing ring. He was injured and injured. Although he had recovered, he could not answer his original peak. Strength, in this way, in the underground boxing ring is not mixed, sooner or later will be killed, so in desperation, Feng Siwei gave up the life of the boxer.

Fortunately, Yao Sangun is not bad here. After Feng Siyu arrived here, he also urgently needed an opportunity to show his strength. Today, this is a good opportunity.

In fact, after Feng Siwei was injured, the whole person became cautious. The opponent is weaker than himself, and he is only able to shoot himself. If he is stronger than himself, he will not be able to do it.

After carefully examining the injuries of several people, Feng Sijun concluded that Yang Ming’s strength was not very good. He knew that Yang Ming was completely under his mercy. Otherwise, these guys would not say that they were injured. They have already gone to Xitian. I have taken it.

I heard that Feng Siwei said that there was no problem. Yao Sangun nodded. Since Feng Siwei was sure, he would not say much. He turned to the store owner and asked: "Bo Shu, what is the master of martial arts?"

"I am sure to live here at the Immortal Resort. I know his license plate number. I will take you to find him!" said the store owner.

"Well, I will hand over the brothers now, and I will find someone with you in the fourth brother!" said Yao Sangun.

"Without so many people, I will get it by myself." Feng Sizhen heard that Yao Sangun was looking for someone, and some indifferent gestures refused.

"Oh, actually, I want to let the brothers see the heroic spirit of the four brothers!" said Yao Sangun.

"Oh, okay, let them see, what is the match between the masters, what is the perfect combination of speed and strength!" Feng Siyi listened to Yao Sanju said so, nodded, said inscrutable.

"Yeah, how can we miss the fight between such masters? This is a good opportunity to learn!" Zhang Cannon also thought it was a nod.

So, Yao Sangun started to call, give his own follow-up, let them rush to the barbecue shop, these classes have heard that they directly watch the boxing to repair others, the boxing champion also shows the perfect combination of speed and strength. Have come to interest!

This is a rare opportunity. This underground boxing match is impossible in this small village. So everyone received a call from Yao Sangun and they quickly rushed over.

After the arrival of the people, the group killed the Haohao Tangtang in the direction of Xianren Resort.

On the road, Feng Siyi did not hesitate. He gave Zhang Cannon, Yao Sangun and those small followers the skills of punching and how to use the perfect combination of speed and strength.

These people listened to Feng Siwei’s explanation and learned how much the frog was in the bottom of the well. There are so many sayings in the fight! In this way, these people are even more eager to see what Feng Siyi said is the perfect combination of speed and strength.

"Four brothers, you should not solve the kid too soon!" said a small follower.

"Yeah, four brothers, you have to let us see clearly, you have to kill the kid with a punch, we have nothing to look at!" Another small follower said.

"We want to learn the perfect combination of speed and strength. You can't hide it for a while!" Someone said.

"Do not worry, I try to stay that little boy for a while, let him show more tricks, how do you see how I cracked, and how to defeat him!" Feng Siyi said with some fluttering.

"That's great!" The crowd nodded and said yes.

The pedestrian entered the immortal resort and came to the front of the villa building. The owner of the store looked at the BMW x5 off-road vehicle parked in front of the villa building. He pointed to the car and said to the cannon: "Cannon, you Look at the car number, is that one car!"

At the moment, Zhang Cannon saw the BMW car in the direction pointed by the store owner. He carefully looked at the car number and said: "Yes, that car, the boss, it is him!"

"Well, in this case, first give his car a smash!" said the store owner, hatefully, thinking of the shop, he wanted to drive.

"No problem, give it to me!" Zhang Cannon was not very addicted in the store. At this time, there was such a good errand. Of course he would not quit, and he took up his arm and went to work.

When Yu Yuemin just left the villa building, he saw a group of people walking around a BMW car. He thought that this car was Yang Ming’s. This is what the waiter said before himself. You can’t let this car be I have a problem with myself here. I quickly went over and asked: "Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Zhang cannon looked at Yu Yuemin and asked.

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