So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1690: Legendary master

The first thousand six hundred and ninety chapters of the legendary master

I haven't waited for this idea to sit down. Feng Siyi felt that his right leg was suddenly numb, and he didn't listen to it. His whole person fell heavily on the ground.

Feng Siqi tried to stand up, but he was horrified to find that his right leg could not move, and could not be anywhere! It's like this leg doesn't grow on your own body, it's not under your control.

At this moment, Feng Sijun knew that Yang Ming’s sentence was not just talked about, but it had already been put into action! For Yang Ming, the master of Hou Zhenduo, Feng Siyi has no doubts now!

Only the master of that person can do this! Feng Siyu knew that he had planted it and planted it thoroughly! After thinking about the truth, Feng Sizhen is not in a hurry to escape, because he knows that he can't run away anyway, even if he struggles, it is nothing but vain.

I looked at myself before, and the injuries of the four men were not the strength of Yang Ming, but the feelings of the men, and they did not want to be placed in the death of several of them.

When Yao Sangun came to himself, Feng Siyi stood up with his support and limped in the direction of Yang Ming. Can not run, he can only recognize the plant, although I do not know what will be waiting for myself, but Feng Siyi still daring to meet the past.

"I was thinking at the time. I didn't offend anyone here. Why are so many people looking for me?" After Yang Ming and other Yao Sanguns left, they looked at Zhang Cannon and the store owner with a smile: " It turned out that you guys are making a ghost!"

"This... oh... misunderstanding, misunderstanding..." The store owner is really dumbfounded. Even the arrogant Feng Sijun saw Yang Ming and turned around and ran. How was his opponent?

The shop owner regretted it and regretted why he was so stingy. Why can't he take the lesson and think about revenge? If you can't swallow your voice, don't you have this later thing?

As a result, the store owner’s face once again showed a look of embarrassment and fear, and said the same words as Yang Ming said in the barbecue shop before, that is misunderstanding.

"Misunderstanding?" Yang Ming couldn't help but smile after listening to the store owner's words: "You told me before that it was a misunderstanding. How come you come to the door?"

"This..." The store owner screamed, his face was red, he didn't know how to explain it, but he was afraid of it. He was afraid that Yang Ming would deal with him like Feng Sizhen. He bit his teeth: "I was wrong! Yes, I was in my heart." No, I want to retaliate, but now I don't want to, don't dare, you spare me!"

The bachelor's bachelor was to let Yang Ming swear: "Do you admit it?"

"Admit it, if you want to deal with me, let me go out! People are dead, I... I am going out!" The store owner seems to be really going out, knowing that he can't escape at this moment, and he doesn't care.

"Disposal?" Yang Ming really did not think how to deal with the store owner, this kind of person, it is too much, and every Yang Ming is disposed of, Yang Ming can not deal with it, to say that because this thing will kill the store owner Yang Ming is also not going to go. For a time, Yang Ming was a little embarrassed. I didn't know what to do. So I turned to look at Jing Xiaoyu: "Xiao Xiao, what do you say?"

"Let him pay for the car! My car has been smashed, how can I let him go so easily!" Jing Xiaoyu is everything to see the money, she has no loss, but the car was smashed, naturally want to cheat this shop The boss has a sum of money.

Yang Mingyi understood the meaning of Jing Xiaoyu and could not help but laugh at her greed, but I have to say that this is also the best solution. It would be a good idea to extort the shop owner's money. Let him learn a lesson.

"The car, the car, I lose, how much I will pay!" The store owner is now afraid that Yang Ming will give him a year in the hospital. Can not agree, immediately said the interface.

"When I bought this car, it was 1,300,000. The procedures were all down, and I had to pay 1.2 million. How much do you pay?" Jing Xiaoyu asked.

"Call..." The store owner breathed a sigh of relief. He knows the value of this car. It seems that Jing Xiaolu did not blackmail him. This one hundred million he can come out, the shop that has been swindled in recent years. The boss also accumulated a small five million savings, and even Feng Siyi looked at the people who turned around and ran, the store owner did not want to offend, and gave them some money to get things done.

"I... I pay 500,000 lines?" The shop owner thought about it, more than one million cars, I will give you this, and you will lose 500,000. How can you repair the car?

"Fifty thousand? I am a new car! Just settled!" Jing Xiaoyu looked at his ragged car.

"That's it, you take 500,000," and then Yang Ming turned to look at the help of Feng Siwei, who just came back and got Yao Sangun: "You two are also involved? You two take another 500,000, a total of one Millions, that's all right."

This Feng Siyan Yang Ming looked out to be a kind of timid person, so there is no need for this kind of person Yang Ming to kill all the time. It is estimated that the next time he hears his name, he will scare his legs and bend, and he will not be born. The heart of revenge.

"Well, OK..." Not waiting for Yao Sangun to answer, Feng Siyi was busy nodding and said: "I will pay, don't say 500,000, one million will do!"

Feng Siwei is a rich man. He fought in the first few years and did not earn less. Now he has less than 10 million net worth, so he is very happy that he can break the bank and avoid disasters! Yang Ming has been equated with the existence of the devil in his eyes.

"Oh, that line, I was going to let you take 500,000. Since you are willing to do it, then one million is good!" Yang Ming is very satisfied with Feng Sizhen's approach.

"Enn!" Feng Siyi quickly nodded: "I take a million... Big Brother, you see that I took another 500,000, can you cure my leg..."

Although Feng Siyi didn't know what happened to his legs, why didn't he still feel it now, but he wanted to come here and it must be the high-end kung fu used by Yang Ming!

To solve the bell, you must also ring the bell. It is estimated that if Yang Ming does not care, he will be able to cure himself if he is in the hospital. It is possible to have a disability in his life, so he feels very good about spending 500,000 yuan to buy a health. worth it!

Now, he has been afraid of Yang Ming from his bones, so Yang Ming has made his right leg crippled. He believes that he may be like this forever!

"Oh, if you admit that you have a good attitude and actively compensate the victim for the loss, then I will treat you!" Yang Ming nodded and smiled. "I was going to sell you a crutches for the rest of my life." Use it!"

"Ah..." Feng Sizhen was shocked by a cold sweat, and his heart was very dangerous. He lost a lot of mouths. Otherwise, he will not be disabled for the rest of his life! Feng Siyi is lucky, this million flowers is simply too valuable!

Yang Ming took two shots at Feng Siwei's waist. Suddenly, Feng Siyi felt that his right leg was back. He was overjoyed and turned two laps on the ground and exclaimed: "Hey? Is my leg really good?" Really gone? It’s amazing? You see, I’ll jump!”

Said, Feng Siyi also jumped on the ground twice, indicating that his legs are all good.

"..." Yang Ming looked at Feng Siwei's stupid x act, some speechless.

Yao San Cannon and Zhang Cannon and the store owner are very surprised, Feng Siyi is so good! They know that Feng Siyi has no reason to lie. The only possibility is that Yang Ming will really use the legendary acupoints to cure Feng Siyi's legs in an instant!

Acupoints, acupuncture points, this is the legendary existence! Can such a powerful person be provoked by himself? Originally, the store owner still felt that he had taken out 500,000 a lot, and now it seems that there are not many! Yes, really not much...

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