So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1692: Swallow message

The first thousand six hundred ninety-two chapter annexation news

I have to say that Yu Yuemin is very interesting in Xixingshan. The car was completely renewed in the downstairs of the villa the next morning. Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoying could not imagine this is true. I thought that it happened last night. The car event is a dream.

However, the car has indeed been repaired, and I don’t know how Yu Yuemin did it.

Yang Ming took the car key from Yu Yuemin and nodded to him. He affirmed everything he had done, and Yang Ming and Jing Xiaoyu should go back.

How to arrange Jing Xiaoyu, but it has become a problem for Yang Ming, but fortunately, this problem does not need to be considered for the time being. Everything waits for him to come back from Yunnan safely. If you can't come back, it is meaningless to consider these.

After returning to Songjiang, Yang Ming’s days approached calmness, but there was another Jing Xiaoyu in his life. The two people were more intimate than before.

The Douglas International Hotel, which was created by Chen Zhiye and Keck, has been officially opened. Some tricks and promotions are made every day, which is a fatal blow to the business of Songjiang International Hotel.

Guo Jianchao, the general manager of Songjiang International Hotel, has reacted to the issue of violent temperament more than once to see if he can take any measures on his side and prevent this situation from continuing to deteriorate!

After all, now Songjiang International Hotel is equal to losing money every day, the other person is coming and going every day, but here is the door to it, Guo Jianchao is also worried!

However, every time I responded to the situation of the hotel, the violent San Li always said nothing, no need to do anything. If you don’t know that the violent San Li is the **** of Yang Ming, Guo Jianchao even suspects that the violent San Li is not a gap between the other hotels.

After many unsuccessful suggestions to the violent triad, Guo Jianchao had no choice but to personally dial Yang Ming’s phone and intend to communicate with Yang Ming.

Looking at Guo Jianchao's call on the mobile phone, Yang Ming was a little surprised. Guo Jianchao had direct contact with violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu. Under normal circumstances, he would not call himself directly.

"Hey? Guo Jianchao?" Yang Ming picked up the phone.

"It's me, Yang Ge!" Guo Jianchao said quickly: "I have something to discuss with you, are you free?"

"Oh, let's talk, I don't have anything right now." Yang Ming didn't know why Guo Jianchao would call himself directly to say things, but he still gladly responded.

For his subordinates, Yang Ming has always been Enwei and applied. When the time is severe, the time is strict.

"Yang Ge, in fact, this is the case. Do you know the Douglas International Hotel?" Guo Jianchao asked the first question.

"Oh, I know some of this, what happened?" Yang Ming probably guessed the purpose of Guo Jianchao's call. Eighty percent is related to the operation of the hotel.

“Yang Ge, the guests of our hotel are basically robbed by Douglas International Hotel! They are doing promotions every day to target us. Our current business is basically losing money, no one cares. Guo Jianchao said.

"Commercial competition, there is no way, people have nothing to do, what can we do with them?" Yang Ming laughed, during this time, Yang Ming also did not want to participate in these disputes, otherwise, this Douglas Grand Hotel It’s also a few days.

"But, they are simply targeting us!" Guo Jianchao said here, the voice is somewhat indignant: "The decision of each of their promotions is aimed at us!"

"Don't I say that? Commercial competition, we have no way." Yang Ming said: "This thing, I guess you first said it with the violent Sanli, violent Sanli did not say anything, you came to me. What?"

"This...Yes!" Guo Jianchao admitted: "This is indeed the case. I said it to the General Manager, but the General Manager did not say anything. Let me ignore them. I don’t think I can continue this way, so I will personally give you I made this call... wouldn't you blame me?"

"How can I blame you?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "You are also good for the company. This is correct. However, the words of the violent Sanli are actually conveying my meaning. Just leave them alone, let them follow them. Anyway, this Songjiang International Hotel is not the main industry of our company."

"That can't let them do this? Should we take any action?" Guo Jianchao did not give up.

"We take action, and we are in the middle of their minds. They will also have some moves waiting for us. As far as I know, this Douglas Hotel is an international chain hotel. They have a lot of marketing talents. They are doing this specifically. Research, we don't have to fight with their professional institutions." Yang Ming said: "Let them make trouble, and they will calm down for a while."

"Oh... that's okay." Guo Jianchao has no way. Since Yang Ming said so, he can only stand still.

"Oh, if there is a situation, please call me at any time, don't be too tangled!" Yang Ming smiled and said to Guo Jianchao.

"I know, Yang Ge." Although Guo Jianchao did not figure it out, but since it was Yang Ming's decision, he can only resolutely implement it.

As a result, Songjiang International Hotel, under the aggressiveness of the Douglas Hotel, retreats without taking any action. This is different in the eyes of those who care!

Songjiang's entertainment industry may have to change the sky! The era of violent triad is about to pass! Everyone is talking about it. It is only a local relationship. The Douglas family has a deeper relationship. It is not comparable to a local rich family.

As a result, the number of people who made Chen Zhiye and Keck increased.

Keck did not think that the violent triad did not have a little bit of counterattack. After being robbed of the guests, he was still silent. This made Keck feel that the violent Sanli was too weak.

"Boss, that kid has finally tasted this time!" Chen Zhiye was very proud to see Yang Ming's industry gradually retreat, this is his ultimate goal, and now has basically reached.

"I know very well in the hotel industry. If he doesn't have a guest now, it means losing money. It won't last long." Keck said with a smile: "It is estimated that they will not be used for a long time."

"Boss, how do you say that we will buy his hotel?" Chen Zhiye’s eyes turned, and the bad water came out again: "At this time, he is losing money every day, we buy his hotel at a very low price." Come and expand into our branch?"

"This is fine, but is it necessary? After all, our hotel is already big, and we don't need any branches." Keck said hesitantly.

"Of course, this is necessary, so that you can establish your position as the boss of the Songjiang hotel industry!" Chen Zhiye said: "You think, Songjiang International Hotel is the no1 in the original Songjiang hotel industry, and you are the latecomer. But if you don't annex the previous no1, there is always a pin in there, it's awkward!"

“It’s also true.” Keck’s explanation of Chen’s explanation was also tempting. To annex competitors in the same industry, the Douglas family also often did it, which would make the family’s hotel more famous.

“Then we went to the people at the Songjiang International Hotel to talk about it?” Chen Zhiye asked.

"Now that we haven't reached the best time, we have to pay for the price when we lose a lot of money!" Keck said: "And, I will use this time to annex the Douglas Hotel, let us The hotel’s reputation in the north is off!"

"Okay!" Although Chen Zhiye wanted to be as fast as possible, he still had to listen to Keck.

When there was almost no guest at the Songjiang International Hotel, when everyone thought that Songjiang International Hotel was on the verge of bankruptcy, Douglas Hotel sent a message in front of the media to acquire Songjiang International Hotel!

For a time, in newspapers and magazines, and on the Internet, this shocking news is everywhere! Douglas Hotel wants to annex the former industry boss Songjiang International Hotel!

Many people who know the background of the Songjiang International Hotel have sighed the strength of the Douglas family. The days of the Songjiang entertainment industry may have changed, and they must be occupied by the Douglas family.

This news is the unilateral release of the Douglas Hotel. It has not been in contact with the Songjiang International Hotel in advance, nor has it reached any consensus. However, what he wants is such an effect!

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