So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1696: In traffic jam

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-six chapters in traffic jams

Yang Ming naturally did not know that Chen Zhiye and his son had been plotting on the phone to arrange for themselves the "tragic" fate of tomorrow. The next morning, they came to the Songjiang International Hotel.

Violent San Li and Guo Jianchao have been waiting here, Yang Ming nodded to them, and they sat on the side of the main seat.

"Yang Ge, will you use me for a while?" Yang Ming asked after the violence.

"You don't have to go," Yang Ming waved his hand. "I and Guo Jianchao are enough. Nothing big."

"That's good, then I am waiting here. If there is something, feel free to call me." The violent three nodded and said.

"Yang Ge, when did the two of us leave?" Guo Jianchao looked at the time and asked: "The agreed time is 9:00 am, now it is 8:40..."

"Isn't that said yesterday? We will wait until ten o'clock to let them wait a little longer." Yang Ming shrugged: "Leopard, you go to turn on the TV, we watch TV for a while."

"Okay, Yang Ge!" Storm three stood up and turned the TV on the side, then handed the remote to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming changed a few stations, and finally stayed in the channel of an idol drama. This is an idol drama based on the latest novel of the second generation of the fisherman, which is played by Shuya as the female school flower.

Violent San Li and Guo Jianchao did not know the true identity of Shuya. Seeing that Yang Ming actually likes to watch this idol drama, some surprises, is Yang Ming a fan of Shuya?

"Yang Ge, do you like Shuya?" Guo Jianchao could not help but ask. Because whenever there is Shuya's lens, Yang Ming's eyes are straight, until Yang Ming is distracted by switching to someone else's picture.

"Well." Yang Ming did not deny, nodded directly.

"Then go chase, Yang Ge, your current identity, how can you deserve her! Although she is an Asian queen, but Yang Ge you are not bad now!" Guo Jianchao said.

"Oh, chase." Yang Ming smiled.

“Ah?” Guo Jianchao asked, “Is that catching up?”

"Catch up." Yang Ming nodded.

"I rely! No!" Guo Jianchao was surprised. He did not expect Yang Ming to chase the big star Shuya, and he really caught up with: "Yang Ge, when did you catch up?"

"Last time, when she came to Songjiang," Yang Ming said.

“Ah, it’s the same!” Guo Jianchao remembered that when Shuya came to Songjiang to hold a concert, he really lived at Songjiang International Hotel. Was it that time, she and Yang Ming had a relationship?

Thinking of this, Guo Jianchao had to sigh, Yang Ge is really too cow x!

"This film is good, leopard, you can buy a set of dishes for me." Yang Ming pointed out that TV said.

"Okay, I will ask people to buy it later." For the first time, I heard that the big star Shuya is Yang Ming’s girlfriend, but he and Yang Ming’s time is longer, and they will not talk casually. So shocked like Guo Jianchao.

Chen Zhiye got out of bed early and started to prepare for M&A negotiations with Keck. Keck also knows that Chen Zhiye used the merger and acquisition negotiations to fight Yang Ming, so he simply let Chen Zhiye participate in the lead. His ultimate goal is to acquire the Songjiang International Hotel. As for the process, Keck does not care.

At 8:45, everything was ready. Chen Zhiye and Keck came to the conference room and waited for the people at the Songjiang International Hotel to come. Originally, to go to the merger and acquisition of people, under normal circumstances are to go to the door to negotiate with the sincerity, how can someone waiting for the other party in the company? This is also a bit too high!

However, Chen Zhiye is trying to show this high profile and is waiting for the acquired object at the Douglas Hotel. He is going to be high to bring out the fall of Yang Ming.

Chen Zhiye’s son, Chen Xiaolong, has already dressed up as a waiter to hide in the corner of the side, to hand over the water for a while. Keck sat in the main position, and Chen Zhiye sat next to him.

Chen Zhiye looked at the watch, 8:55, and five minutes, Yang Ming is going to come.

Chen Zhiye cleared his throat and made a very bullish posture. He lifted his legs and waited for Yang Ming to come to the door like a grandfather.

Is this Yang Ming taking advantage of time? Don't you know that you are coming a little earlier? Chen Zhiye frowned, and his heart was a little belly.

Time passed by, five minutes passed, but the meeting room did not come in anyone, and no one downstairs informed Yang Ming that they had arrived.

"What's the matter? Isn't it good to say nine o'clock? Why no one is coming?" Keck looked at the time and asked Chen Zhiye.

"Yesterday did say that it was nine o'clock, did the other party become awkward and changed his mind?" Thinking of this, Chen Zhiye’s head suddenly burst into cold sweat, and he would not be played by Yang Ming’s kid. The kid deliberately swayed himself, but he did not plan to come over?

But it shouldn't be! Judging from the current operating conditions of Songjiang International Hotel, if it is not acquired again, it can only wait for bankruptcy, because the hotel industry is costly every day, and it is losing money if it is not making money. Can Yang Ming still stand up? Is it really going to pay for the family to go to the face?

"You call and ask in the past to see where the other party is." Keck told Chen Zhiye that he naturally knew the grievances between Chen Zhiye and Yang Ming.

"Okay..." Although Chen Zhiye did not want to contact Yang Ming on his own initiative, he still could not violate Keck’s instructions.

Chen Zhiye took out his mobile phone and dialed Guo Jianchao's phone.

"Yang Ge, Chen Zhiye called!" Guo Jianchao's cell phone ringing, took a look, and then said to Yang Ming.

"Oh, pick it up, tell him that we are on the road, traffic jam." Yang Ming said faintly.

"Okay." Guo Jianchao picked up the phone and said to the other side: "What is Chen?"

"It's me, Guo Zong, where are you? Why haven't you come yet? Isn't it good to talk about mergers and acquisitions in the conference room of Douglas Hotel at 9:00 this morning?" Chen Zhiye frowned and asked.

"This is the case, Mr. Chen, we have already come out, but the traffic jam on the road, you know, now is the commute time." Guo Jianchao said, nine o'clock is your decision, not Yang Geding, you say nine points on the nine order now? Yang Ge also said ten points! You are waiting to go.

“Ah? Traffic jam?” Chen Zhiye’s glimpse, the heart is dark, this is a street between the Songjiang International Hotel and the Douglas Grand Hotel. The two hotels can be seen from afar, how can traffic jams?

Chen Zhiye stepped up to the window and looked downstairs from the hotel. The result was a spacious and bright avenue. There were several cars driving in an orderly manner, and there was no traffic jam at all.

"Yes, it has been blocked for more than half an hour, and the car in front has not moved yet!" Guo Jianchao said with a smile, a serious saying.

"This... well, then you are as soon as possible!" Chen Zhiye listened to Guo Jianchao's seriousness. Isn't they starting from Songjiang International Hotel but starting from other places?

When Yang Mingping was not at the Songjiang International Hotel but lived in other places, Chen Zhiye felt that his guess was somewhat possible. It is very likely that Guo Jianchao first picked up Yang Ming and then rushed to the Douglas Hotel together. .

Yang Mingcai is the person who can be the master. Guo Jianchao’s own words are useless. I think that Chen Zhiye’s heart is better. I hung up the phone and said to Keck: “The boss, they are on the road, they have a traffic jam, so...”

"Oh, traffic jam, then wait a little longer." Keck did not think much, nodded.

So Chen Zhiye and Keck waited in the conference room.

Originally, some of the arrogant expressions and movements prepared by Chen Zhiye were turned into nothing in this long wait. Once they were degraded, they waited for more than half an hour. Yang Ming and Guo Jianchao still have not come.

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