So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1700: Who is offended?

Who is the one who lost the 1700th chapter?

"Yang Ming, if you just come to play, then you can go." Chen Zhiye said with a cold face: "But I can tell you that everyone is equal before the opportunity, your chance is only one!"

"Oh? How do you say that?" Yang Ming deliberately teased.

"Today, you go out to this conference room, then our cooperation is over. I am very happy to see how your Songjiang International Hotel went bankrupt step by step." Chen Zhiye sneered: "Let's talk about the acquisition, price But there is no such discount."

"Oh, Mr. Chen Zhiye, this Douglas Hotel, is it yours? Can you say that?" Yang Ming suddenly looked at Keck: "It turns out that Mr. Chen Zhiye can be the master here!"

"Yang Ming, you don't have to provoke dissension!" Chen Zhiye thought he had seen Yang Ming's trick and said: "Mr. Keck has already authorized me this time for the negotiation. My decision is the final decision. If you don't believe it, You can ask Mr. Keck in person!"

"Don't ask." Keck also spoke at the moment. He was also very uncomfortable with Yang Ming's practice. He said directly: "Chen's meaning is what I mean. It seems that we don't need to continue talking."

"Oh," listened to Keck’s words. Yang Ming suddenly looked at him with a very sympathetic look: "Keck, are you insisting on getting together with Chen Zhiye?"

"Mr. Yang Ming, what do you mean?" Keck did not expect Yang Ming to ask himself so rudely, and he was angry! What is your identity? The owner of the Douglas family, this time personally came here, but also to support his own men, but a small person like Yang Ming, he was too lazy to say anything with him, if not Chen Zhiye, himself Will you sit here?

However, this Yang Ming does not seem to have figured out the situation. He actually said to himself three times. Who did he think he was?

"It doesn't mean anything, just don't want you to repeat your cousin or the cousin's foresight." Yang Ming spread his hands and said naturally.

"What is the secret of my cousin's car?" Keck frowned. "What do you want to say?"

"How did Goode die?" Yang Ming suddenly asked.

"Goode... ah?" Keck heard the name of "Goode" and suddenly stopped. Some incredible look at Yang Ming, Goode, is the first heir in front of him, but because he has offended a powerful monk and was killed, he was able to go up.

But how does the young man in front know the name of Goode? You know, although this thing is not hidden in the high society of Europe, many people know the name of Goode, but in the distant China, how can anyone know this?

Even Chen Zhiye, who is not aware of the Keck family, has never said this before. Is this kid ready to bluff after seeing some gossip messages online?

Thinking of this, Keck felt that this is very possible. Yang Ming estimates that this news was found from a foreign gossip forum.

"Gude is not dead, it has nothing to do with me." Keck said coldly: "I have a bad relationship with him, you don't have to say anything about him."

"Oh? Is it true? If Gude is not dead, how do you get there?" Yang Ming asked: "And, I didn't say that he died and has anything to do with you, but wants to remind you that you have to be clear. How did Goode die?"

In front of this, Keck is the current owner of the Douglas family in the town of Elo, Europe! The second successor of the Douglas family! The first successor, Master Goode, was killed by Yang Ming. His family, Lancer, was also destroyed by Yang Ming, including his Uncle Jetson, who also became a smoky smoke...

Before Yang Ming learned about the name of the Douglas Hotel, he checked the background of the Douglas Hotel. I didn't expect it to be the investment industry of the Douglas family in Ai Luozhen.

For Goode’s death, Keck’s behavior of sending and leaving to death was Yang Ming’s speechless speech. How do people in this family have a little bit of pressure?

At first, Yang Ming did not intend to treat him. To be exact, Yang Ming was too lazy to take care of him. Because Yang Ming felt that the Douglas family had already suffered a blow, it was already very tragic, so Yang Ming sympathized with him and did not want to let the newly appointed owner die.

However, I did not expect that this guy did not know how to be good, and Chen Zhiye partnered, step by step, and finally wanted to buy his own Songjiang International Hotel, and opened a low price of 20 million. This made Yang Ming intolerable.

Ok, since you don't know how to live and die, can I let you go? There is no hatred, it is not my style of doing things! Originally, Yang Ming only planned to take the Douglas Hotel in Songjiang for a small amount of punishment. However, when he came here, he changed his mind. He directly asked the Lions to open all the Douglas hotels in the entire Huaxia area.

"You...what do you want to say?" Keck listened to Yang Ming’s words, and suddenly he was nervous.

"I don't know if you are stupid, or forced, or have memory problems." Yang Ming looked at Keck with some regrets: "The elders of your family, those elders, did not tell you who Goode was offended." Are you killed?"

"Whoever offended..." Keck’s face changed again: "What does this have to do with you?"

"Crap, of course, it has something to do with me. After you heard my name, I still dare to live with Chen Zhiye and do this kind of thing together. I really admire your courage!" Yang Ming shook his head: "You This can't be described with courage. It's just a death squad! Because you are not afraid of death!"

"You...your name?" Keck's face became more ugly, and he had a bad premonition: "What do you want to say?"

"Nothing, give you some time, you call and ask the elders of your family, Gud is killed by whoever." Yang Ming did not explain anything, said directly to Keck.

"This..." Keck hesitated. Although he was ordered by Yang Ming, he was very upset, but Yang Ming’s words made him feel very uncomfortable. Is it related to the death of Yang Ming and Goode? Not?

Keck finally picked up the phone and dialed the phone number of the family elder.

"Great elders, I am Keck." Keck did not evade anything at the moment. He was nervous and went straight to the subject: "The elders, I have something to ask, who is the man who Goode offended?"

This thing, the Douglas family was originally very taboo, but at this moment, Keck must ask clearly.

"Kecker, you ask what to do?" The elders stunned, and some did not understand what Keck meant.

"Come tell me, there are important things!" Keck was anxious.

"Well..." Although the elders didn't know what Keck meant, they said: "His name is Yang Ming, the son-in-law of the butterfly family, a person we will never be guilty of!"

"What! Called Yang Ming? You said that he is Yang Ming?!" Keck only felt that his hand holding the phone was shaking. At this moment, he was completely stupid, and some were overwhelmed. The whole person was like a soul. Hey, in general, there is sluggishness there.

"Yes, my homeowner, what's wrong with you?" The elders had some doubts about why Keck's reaction was like this: "Homeowner?"

Keck can be 100% sure. He had heard of the name Yang Ming in the family before, but he did not remember it! When I heard Chen Zhiye mention the name before, Keck felt familiar, but did not think of anything.

The names of Chinese people are also very difficult for foreigners to remember, just as the names of foreigners are the same for Chinese people. So Keck did not think much.

But at the moment, when I heard the name of Yang Ming, the big elder in the family, Keck knew what a big disaster he had, and what kind of existence!

Looking at the opposite side, the young man who still keeps a light smile, Keck is thinking, if time can go back, what a wonderful thing...

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