So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1702: Unforgivable

Chapter 1702 is unforgivable

Chen Zhiye said that the more he felt that he had guessed the truth, the more he laughed: "Ha ha ha ha, Yang Ming, you don't want to think, can two million buy a hotel? I think you are really stupid to go home, you actually I still believe that there is something to talk about here, telling you that my boss is lying to you!"

Chen Zhiye satirized and sneered at the side of Yang Ming. This time, not only Yang Ming, but even Keck also looked at the idiot and looked at Chen Zhiye.

Although Guo Jianchao did not know how the situation would suddenly reverse, a few words of Yang Ming, after a phone call from Keck confirmed, Keck seemed to have changed one person!

From Keck’s eyes, Guo Jianchao saw fear, a deep fear! It was like the fear of desperation when he pursued Sun Jie himself and was arrested by the riots! Even Keck is even more.

Therefore, Guo Jianchao knows that today's business is probably a talk! This business does not mean selling Songjiang International Hotel to Keck, but to Keck’s Douglas Hotel for sale to Yang Ming.

However, Chen Zhiye, who has always been self-righteous, thought that everything was well known, and he was laughing like a silly robes, making Guo Jianchao very disdainful.

"Chen, are you laughing enough?" Keck asked coldly about Chen Zhiye: "If you laugh enough, please keep quiet! If you don't smile enough, go out and laugh, don't bother me and talk to Mr. Yang." thing!"

"Ha ha ha ha, boss, what are you doing with me, hahaha, I have already guessed it!" Chen Zhiye still knows everything: "Boss, don't play this kid, don't ink with him." Now, since he is looking for death, let him be self-defeating."

"I think you want to die!" Keck was to be discouraged by Chen Zhiye. How could this kid be so ignorant? I still can't see that I can't afford Yang Ming now? I also said that I was so junk, I really don’t know what it’s like to die.

"Ah?" Chen Zhiye did not expect that Keck would suddenly make such a big fire.

"Guo Jianchao, you should first throw this guy into the bathroom over there, and close the kid with just fart, don't let him ink here, I am worried." Yang Ming pointed to Chen Zhiye and told Guo Jianchao. .

"Okay, Yang Ge!" After Guo Jianchao took the lead, he directly grabbed Chen Zhiye's neck collar, smashed him up and walked in the direction of the staff preparation room in the conference room.

Yang Ming told him to leave in the bathroom and the "fart" guy. Guo Jianchao naturally understood Yang Ming's meaning, and he and his son were locked together.

The so-called restrooms are just casually talking about the irony of Chen Zhiye and Chen Xiaolong.

"You... what are you going to do?" Chen Zhiye was shocked and wanted to avoid Guo Jianchao's claws, but it was already late and was raised by the students.

"Shut up, you shout again, I don't mind letting you quiet for a while." Guo Jianchao took a look at Chen Zhiye. He said that quietness naturally means that Chen Zhiye is stunned.

Chen Zhiye took a nap and didn't understand why the situation became like this! What does Keck seem to say is true? He wants to sell the hotel to Yang Ming? Is he still evil in the middle of evil? How could this be?

From Keck’s phrase “I think you want to die”, Chen Zhiye finally heard some unusual tastes! Keck is really angry with him, not loaded!

And seeing that he was picked up by Guo Jianchao, but did not say a word, can also reflect the idea of ​​Keck at the moment, that is, Keck did not want to control himself!

What went wrong? Before, Keck was still steadfast in supporting himself. How suddenly did it become like this? The peak turns and begins to compromise with Yang Ming?

Even if Chen Zhiye wanted to break his head, he would not think of the subtle relationship between Keck and Yang Ming. He never thought that Yang Ming was the one who destroyed the Lancer family and disturbed the Douglas family.


Guo Jianchao kicked the door of the staff lounge and threw Chen Zhiye into it.

Chen Xiaolong is listening to the outside movement, and he is also very strange. Why suddenly, his father and Keck quarreled, and still because of Yang Ming!

I was wondering, I was forced to upload it from the door panel, and I directly flew Chen Xiaolong to the top and fell to the ground. I was shocked with Venus, and I was dizzy. I haven’t waited for the reaction. It’s like a big sandbag. The unknown object fell on him.

"Oh..." Chen Xiaolong was smashed and his bones were scattered, and he screamed, but he was horrified to discover that the unknown object that was thrown on himself was actually his father Chen Zhiye!

"Dad! What happened to you?" Chen Xiaolong asked in horror.

"Less **** nonsense!" Guo Jianchao had long heard that Chen Xiaolong was not a thing. He dared to think about Yang Ge’s woman, so he squatted on Chen Xiaolong’s crotch, and Chen Xiaolong’s eyes were all coming out. Coming, the miserable screams and fainted.

This is still light! I thought that I was so worried about Sun Jie that I was so scared! Guo Jianchao will shudder at the thought of the original scene.

"What are you doing!" Chen Zhiye was shocked and quickly escorted to Chen Xiaolong's body. His eyes were full of crazy looks: "You dare to beat my son, I am fighting with you!"

After that, Chen Zhiye rushed to Guo Jianchao.

"Roll your eggs!" Guo Jianchao slaps Chen Zhiye to take a picture, coldly said: "To be honest with me, wait for Yang Ge to deal with you, don't be uncomfortable!"

After that, Guo Jianchao ignored them and turned to the staff preparation room. The "砰" sound shut the door.

"Jianchao, be careful, this hotel is ours right away, don't be so hard, you have to repair yourself!" Yang Ming looked at Guo Jianchao and said.

"Ah? Hey..." Guo Jianchao was a little embarrassed and scratched his scalp.

However, Keck was shocked and thought that Yang Ming deliberately set him up. He said quickly: "I am repairing, I am repairing! Mr. Yang, you can rest assured that all the hotels will be carefully repaired before delivery to you, no problem. I will give it to you again!"

"Oh, then it will bother you." Yang Ming saw that Keck would be a man, and there would be no martyrdom.

"No trouble, no trouble, no trouble, this is what I should do!" Keck said carefully.

"The two million, you leave the account to me, I will call you after I go back." Yang Ming said: "As for the contract, you do not have to sign, after the transfer procedure you get it, send it directly to Songjiang International The restaurant will be given to Guo."

"Yes, yes!" Keck nodded and said yes.

"Well, you won't deny it?" Yang Ming asked with a smile.

"Ah? No, how can it be!" Keck quickly waved his hand and denied it! Where can he deny it! He is eager to give these hotels to Yang Ming and calm the anger of Yang Ming!

As for signing a contract, it doesn't matter to Keck. What kind of contract does Yang Ming need? Even if he wants the Douglas Hotel in the world, he can't help!

Compared with the money and the money, which important Keck is very clear.

Yang Ming nodded. He just asked casually. He was not afraid of Keck’s remorse, unless Keck was a fool.

"Today's things are here, Chen Zhiye and his son, I don't want to see them again." Yang Ming stood up and said: "Will you handle this matter?"

"Yes, Mr. Yang, don't worry!" Keck promised.

Yang Ming did not say anything, but waved to Guo Jianchao, indicating that the two could leave.

Guo Jianchao stood up and went out of the conference room with Yang Ming. Keck only got a sigh of relief! Finally, the matter was solved satisfactorily, and Yang Ming’s **** was sent away!

Hey, it’s Chen Zhiye’s bastard. Even if Yang Ming doesn’t say, Keck doesn’t intend to let Chen Zhiye go. This guy almost put himself and his family together, absolutely can’t forgive!

Thinking of this, Keck picked up the phone and called his bodyguard...

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