So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1717: Hold hands

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters

"Zhang Bin has an accident? What happened?" Yang Ming’s heart was tight, Wang Mei’s bad things, Yang Ming naturally did not want to pay attention, but when he heard Zhang Bin’s accident, Yang Ming suddenly became nervous. Zhang Bin is his own buddy from high school to the present, and Yang Ming is one of the best friends before he developed. When Yang Ming came back from Europe, he also looked for him to eat together. Why did he have an accident?

"Exactly, it is Zhang Shushu who has an accident - is Zhang Bin's father." Wang Mei said: "Yang Ge, I have not dared to tell Sister Si this thing... I think, only you can help Zhang Bin..."

"Don't tell Zhao Sisi? Only you know it yourself?" Yang Ming frowned, but it was not because of his distrust of Wang Mei, anyway, Wang Mei is also a woman of Huang Lele's friend Zhang Bing, so Yang Ming is on Wang Mei's Impression is not very good, but I don't think she can deceive herself.

"Yes... Zhang Bin took me out privately... I didn't dare tell Sister Si, I was afraid that she was not happy..." Wang Mei explained quickly.

"What do you mean? You said something clearly, what is going on! What is not clear, let me be confused! What happened to Zhang Bin and Zhang Bobo? What happened!" Yang Ming heard Wang Mei Incoherently, I always asked some small things that didn't make sense. I quickly interrupted her and asked.

"Oh... Ok, good!" Wang Mei was a little embarrassed, so she said in a long story: "This is the case... A while ago, Zhang Shushu’s jewelry company was invited by the International Jewelry Festival to participate in the international Jewelry Festival, and Yang Ge You and Zhang Bin’s company are also jewelry companies, so Zhang Shushu wants to go with Zhang Bin and Sisi, but if Zhang Bin leaves, the company will be too busy, and Sister Si Didn't go, Zhang Bin took me privately... Of course, this thing didn't say to Sister Si, we didn't dare tell her..."

"Then, let's focus!" Yang Ming reminded her that she should not always talk about her and Zhao Sisi. These things are clear to everyone, there is no need to say so detailed, and Yang Ming does not want to take care of other people's chores.

"This time the International Jewelry Festival was held in Las Vegas, so we went to Las Vegas together. At the beginning, Uncle Zhang saw Zhang Bin take me, some were not happy, but later I am more obedient, Zhang Shushu also acquiesced..." Wang Mei explained.

Yang Ming listened to his head and took a black line. If you are obedient, you don’t have to talk to me. Uncle Zhang changed his impression on you, and this has nothing to do with me. I am concerned about what happened to Zhang Bin!

However, Yang Ming probably also knows the character of Wang Mei. She knows that it is not meaningful to interrupt her, so she can only continue to listen to her: "And then?"

“The Jewelry Festival is only held during the day and ends at 4 o'clock every afternoon, so there is a lot of time to arrange it at night.” Wang Mei said: “Uncle Zhang said that this is a casino, and I have never seen it before. The luxury casino, just watched it on TV, I have to take Zhang Bin to see it... Zhang Bin also went to the casino in Macau, but the casino in Macau is better than Las Vegas. After all, Las Vegas is a world-famous old-fashioned casino!"

"Well, then?" Yang Ming continued to ask for his temper.

"Yang Ge, you know, in Macau, I and Lele are very good, so I have no interest in the casino, and I also know that there are other services besides gambling, there is me, Zhang Shushu definitely play I don’t open, so I didn’t go, let them go...” Wang Mei said: “Now I really regret that I shouldn’t think so much at the beginning, I’ll just go with it, there won’t be so many things. Up..."

"What happened in the end?" Yang Ming was a little anxious. Could it be that Zhang Bin and Zhang Shushu had any accidents on the way to the casino?

"The two of them went to gamble on the first day. It was better when they came back. But the next day, there was some dejection. I asked Zhang Bin what happened. He didn't say anything, just said that he lost some money." Wang Mei Said: "The result, I called the third day, that is, yesterday, said that they all lost their money, but still owe a lot of money, the casino side will detain them there, not let them come back, let people send The money passed... I don’t know who to say, think about Yangge, you can help..."

Yang Ming frowned and helped himself? When he was in the Yellow Lele Casino, it seemed that Wang Mei didn't know, and Huang Lele should not tell her about it. How did this Wang Mei decide that he can help?

When I heard that Yang Ming didn’t speak, Wang Mei thought that Yang Ming didn’t want to take care of it. He quickly said: “Yang Ge, beg you, beg you, save Zhang Bin, money first is my loan, then I and Zhang. Bin must work hard to return it to you, Yang Ming, I beg you, their people are very arrogant, indicating that the day will not send money, it is necessary to cut off Zhang Bin and Zhang Shushu’s hands..."

"Do you cut your hands? Are they quite unscrupulous?" Yang Ming was a little surprised. Generally, regular casinos would not use such extreme violence. After all, casinos involve some underworld, but there are also regulatory agencies. It is impossible to let them come.

"Yes...Yes... Zhang Bin, they gambled with red eyes, and finally gambled on their hands..." Wang Mei explained carefully.

"Rely!" Yang Ming couldn't help but want to swear, this would not blame the casino, gambling between guests, in many cases, there will naturally be additional conditions, gambling to red eyes, betting real estate, betting companies or even begging his wife to have children... ... At the time, Lan Ling, did she just sell her to the *** center for money?

The gambler's heart is very strange. If he loses to a certain extent, he will not be able to extricate himself. He knows that he is not doing the right thing, but he can't help himself to gamble. He expects the lucky **** to come on his own body and can turn it over at once.

However, the result of this is often the loss of the family, the wife and daughter. When they have nothing, they may also put their hands and feet on their feet and even gamble.

Of course, this kind of gambling is also in the case that both sides are willing to do so. Some gamblers like to play with excitement. When others see their hands and feet, they are happy to take it. The casino will not interfere. Close your eyes.

Of course, it does not rule out that some of the dealers in the United Casino have framed the guests, so that they can swindle a large sum of money.

Yang Ming still doesn't know the situation of Zhang Bin and Zhang Shushu. He can't judge the conclusion of the matter, but it is certain that Zhang Bin and Zhang Shushu will lose their eyes and make this decision.

Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin, let me say what is good for you? Yang Ming sighed helplessly. Zhang Bin’s accident, he will certainly manage it. Yang Ming is a very emotional person, let alone Zhang Bin, is the Tian Donghua who later met, Yang Mingming knows that Wang Xue has hurt him or he has seen Wang Xue in the face of Tian Donghua, and Tian Donghua’s father Tian Long is the same. reason.

Therefore, for Zhang Bin, a buddy from high school to the present, Yang Ming will not care! Just how to manage, how to manage the problem.

"Yang Ge..." Hearing Yang Ming said, Wang Mei’s heart is cold, isn’t Yang Ming not going to manage this?

"Fortunately, Zhang Bin has some feelings and has not sent you out." Yang Ming said faintly: "Where are you? How much does he owe?"

"The hotel I arranged at the Jewelry Festival Group, Douglas Grand Hotel, is very famous, taxi drivers know." Wang Mei said: "As for how much Zhang Zhang owed, he did not elaborate, the casino people let me pass Say, I... I am afraid... I haven’t dared to go..."

Wang Mei is also affectionate about Zhang Bin. He knows that Zhang Bin has an accident, and no one has ran away. After all, if Zhang Bin and Zhang Shushu have no money, Wang Mei is likely to be arrested and deducted. It is not that Zhang Bin is deeply concerned about her.

"Douglas Grand Hotel?" Yang Ming was dumb. Is the Douglas Grand Hotel? But fortunately, it is not the Douglas Hotel that Keng Zhangbin is not a good hotel. Otherwise, he would not have to call Kek to find him back and continue to "acquire" his hotel in Las Vegas.

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