So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1731: Keep him useful

Chapter 1 731 keeps him useful

“Important guests?” Yang Ming smiled and said: “That’s right.”

Button sighed and saw that the gentleman was still polite and easy-going. It seemed that he had to wait for a good word, and it is estimated that this time it was not a big problem.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I will arrange the best room for you right away!" Butterton said flatteringly; "Sir, I am very sorry, before I was rude, please don't be surprised, what are your requirements, please come up as soon as possible, I must Do your best!"

"Well," Yang Ming nodded. "You can get it faster."

For Button, Yang Ming does not intend to be like him. To put it bluntly, this is Keck’s chores, and is it a bird’s thing? As long as he solved the room problem for himself, this is not a matter of style and work attitude. Yang Ming is too lazy to manage. I am not my own employee, nor have I gotten myself.

"Fast, I will find out the room card of the interior luxury presidential suite!" Button personally came to the front desk and told the front desk staff.

"Ah, okay!" The waiter also saw the boss's urgency, and quickly found him a room card. These internal reserved room cards are usually locked up, so to get it out, you must first open the lock of the drawer. Row.

Looking at the waiter's movements is a bit slow, but Barton is a little anxious. In fact, it is not a slow waiter. Is this thing always gradual? But Battton was in a hurry, so he was anxious to see everything and directly grabbed the key from the waiter: "I am coming!"

The waiter quickly retreated to the side and gave the position to Batton. Button quickly opened the drawer and took out the room card of the presidential suite, but he hesitated and took out a nearby presidential suite No. 2 Room card, he thought about it, maybe Yang Ming and friends, so directly to Yang Ming that two room cards came out, if not enough, there are still a few, are reserved internally, in order to give Temporary accommodation for people of the Douglas family.

Since Keck has already explained it, he naturally has to do his best to make Yang Ming satisfied. Only when Yang Ming is satisfied will he be able to say a few words to himself in front of Keck, and he will not be punished.

After thinking about this key, Batton has done a great job of doing things, trying to please Yang Ming.

"Sir, the room card is ready. This is the room card of the top floor landscape presidential suite. It can overlook the night view of the whole city. There are two. If you don't see enough, then you can just say it to me!" Button handed over his business card to Yang Ming: "This is my business card. I have the internal telephone number of my office and my personal telephone. If you need anything, please tell me directly. I will try my best!"

Yang Ming nodded. He really had something to do with Batton. Now he doesn't know which casino Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang are detained. Even if they know, Yang Ming will not rush to the person.

After all, this is abroad, and the world is not familiar with it. It is not the scope of its own power. Yang Ming does not want to act recklessly. He knows that he can win every battle. Yang Ming intends to first understand the background of this casino.

After picking up the business card, Yang Ming said: "That would have trouble Mr. Batton. I have something to ask you for a while."

"No problem, no problem!" Batton hurriedly agreed: "Sir, look... in front of the owner..."

Barton wants Yang Ming to ask him for help in front of Keck. With Yang Ming’s pleading, he believes that Keck will not pursue his responsibility. After all, his problems can be big or small. Yang Ming’s attitude is the whole piece. The key to things.

Button can be the general manager of a big hotel in the Douglas family. It is not a fool. His mistakes are at best a small mistake. However, it is only a matter of playing a woman in the office. It is a matter of harm to the hotel. But the key issue is that When I was playing with a woman, I mistakenly went downstairs to receive Yang Ming, which caused Keck’s anger.

Ever since, if Yang Ming did not intend to pursue it, I believe that Keck would not be entangled in his own.

Yang Ming also understood the meaning of Batton. Yang Ming did not need to rush to kill. He was having something to ask about Batton, and he did not care about a good man.

Yang Minggang nodded, and the phone in his pocket rang. Although Yang Ming’s phone number could not be displayed on Keck’s side, Keck dialed Yang Ming’s domestic number. After transfer and roaming, Yang Ming naturally Received.

"Hey?" Yang Ming picked up the phone.

"Mr. Yang, I am Keck, how is it, Batton, is the **** down? Mr. Yang, you can rest assured that I will punish him!" Keck loyal to Yang Ming.

"It's down, his attitude is not bad, even if he is punished, I still have the use of him." Yang Ming said faintly.

"Ah...well, what Mr. Yang said is what you said, your order is the direction of my life!" Although Keck didn't know what Yang Ming had to use to stay in Batton, but Yang Ming said that it would be left. What is the use of him? If you don’t know what you know, you should know a little less, or you will die soon.

"Well, that's it. I will find you again if something happens." Yang Ming was too lazy to ink more than Keck. He said that he had hung up the phone after two sentences.

"Thank you, thank you!" Button didn't expect Yang Ming to help him. What he had hoped for was that Yang Ming would not be able to say anything bad about him in front of Keck, but he did not expect Yang Ming to boast in front of Keck. His attitude is good, which gives Button a feeling of escaping. Therefore, Batton’s attitude towards Yang Ming was more respectful.

But what Barton didn't think was that Yang Ming casually said that I kept him useful, but it became a death-free gold medal in Batton in the future! In the future direction of hotel management, Batton had a major flaw. He was unanimously impeached by family members. He was prepared to exempt him. Keck suddenly remembered the words of Yang Ming before him. "Leave him and me." Still use!"

Keck was shocked and quickly said this to everyone. As a result, everyone decided to let Button continue to be a manager at the Douglas Hotel Las Vegas store.

Although I don’t know what Yang Ming wants to keep in Batton, who can dare to ask this? In the unlikely event that Yang Ming went to Las Vegas to find Batton and found that he was not there, wouldn’t Yang Mingyi be angry with the entire Douglas family?

Who can bear this! So Barton is once again in danger! Button knew the truth. He didn't know what to say. He was so lucky. Actually, because of the last incident, he was blessed by misfortune. Yang Ming’s words became his gold medal.

Button naturally knows what Yang Ming calls "keep him and I still use it" because Yang Ming asked him to inquire about things. Of course, Batton himself will not be stupid enough to explain things clearly.

Since then, Batton is ready to enshrine Yang Ming's gods, this is his own backing!

Looking at Batton still standing beside him, Yang Ming looked at him and asked; "What else?"

"Sir, are you not asking for something to ask me?" Batton said carefully.

"Oh, let's talk about it later, you can go back first. I will call you when I get there." Yang Ming hasn't figured out the whereabouts of Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang. These things can only be understood after talking with Wang Mei.

"Okay, then I will go back, sir, please call me at any time!" Button didn't know what Yang Ming was, and Keck did not say it before, so he could only use his husband.

"Wang Mei, go to your room first, you pack your luggage, live in the presidential suite upstairs, there are two sets, just live in a set." Yang Ming said to Wang Mei.

"Well..." Wang Mei worried about Zhang Bin's safety, so he was not very concerned about the presidential suite. Otherwise, she would be excited to cheer before changing.

Congratulations on Yang Ming and Wang Mei on the elevator, watching the elevator close the door, slowly rising, Button was relieved, and he finally completed the task, and the danger was saved.

Now, he has to report to Keck quickly and tell him his arrangements. Although Keck has already called and heard from Yang Ming that he has handled it properly, it is better for him to call himself. It can also show respect for the family.

"Boss, that person doesn't need to register..." The waiter at the front desk saw Yang Ming go upstairs with his room card, and some worried about Barton Road.

"Register? What to remember! Do your job, don't worry so much!" Buttton gave her a look, heart, what is the person who arranged the homeowner? Not looking for a pump?

However, the front desk service was very wronged, and he just reminded the boss according to the hotel regulations, but did not expect to be drunk for no reason. It was unfortunate.

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