So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1737: Growth under the hands

The growth of the first thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven chapters

"What's wrong? Yang Ming?" Huang Rongjin heard Yang Ming's strange voice, so he asked.

"Nothing, thank you brother." Yang Ming said: "First, I will contact you if there is something."

"That line, if you have something, then call again." Although Huang Rongjin was somewhat surprised that Yang Ming asked what to do, he did not ask much. Yang Ming asked these reasons why Yang Ming must be, and what Yang Ming did, Huang Jia can't help much. After all, everyone's strength is not on a plane, the gap is too big, so Huang Rongjin can only do his best. To Yang Ming to provide some help to the best of his ability.

Hang up the phone of Huang Rongjin, Yang Ming directly called the Taurus.

"Gold Butler? I am Yang Ming." Jinniu is still in the Charles family. Yang Ming is ready to go to Africa after a while and is fully responsible for the killer group.

"The leader!" Jinniu heard Yang Ming's voice, awe.

"I will explain some things to you, you must do it well." Yang Ming ordered in an unquestionable tone, because it is about the success or failure of tomorrow, Yang Ming can not be sloppy.

If the other party doesn't play any means, if you win, you will be honestly let go. If you don't let go, then you will do something, then you are welcome.

"Yes, the leader, Taurus will listen to you at any time!" said Jinniu.

"It is like this. You will arrange the manpower now and then fly to Las Vegas by special plane..." Yang Ming made a series of arrangements for Jinniu.

"The leader, you can rest assured, I promise to complete the task." Jinniu wrote down every word Yang Ming said, and then guaranteed.

"Well, I am still at ease with your work." Yang Ming is very valued for Jinniu. Otherwise, he should not be placed in such an important position to focus on training.

Jinniu not only has to become a powerful killer, but also to become a brainy manager, this is the ultimate goal of Yang Ming. It’s impossible for myself and Wang Xiaoyan to manage the killer group all the time. When the islands in Africa are developed, the things here are all finished, and it’s time for Yang Ming to return.

Now that they know that these people are not purely ulterior motives, Yang Ming will naturally not be stupid enough to go to gamble with them. Although Yang Ming is very powerful, but a group of people who take guns and guns!

In the country, Yang Ming can not be afraid of anything, because China’s gun management is strictly one of the best in the world, and the United States is different. Folk guns don’t know how many, especially the casinos are contaminated with gangsters. How could there be no guns?

Although Jinniu put down Yang Ming’s phone, he rushed to Las Vegas without a stop, but nevertheless arrived in the early hours of the next day.

After Jinniu arrived, he was afraid of affecting Yang Ming’s rest. He only sent a text message to Yang Ming, and then arranged for him to act according to Yang Ming’s instructions. Before Yang Ming had already explained it, Jinniu also understood the meaning of Yang Ming. When this night was quiet, it was just suitable for ambush.

Yang Ming’s sleep here is not so practical. After seeing the text message sent by Jinniu, Yang Ming directly gave Jinniu a call: “Golden Bull, have you arrived?”

"Yes, the leader, we are rushing to the south_city casino, some of the brothers ambush outside the casino, and the other part of the brothers pretend to be gamblers mixed into the casino, listening to Yang Ge at any time!" said Jinniu.

"Well, if you arrange this, I will be relieved." Yang Ming is very satisfied with the arrangement of Jinniu. It seems that Jinniu is also growing up. Unconsciously, it has matured a lot, and its vision is much wider. It was the small organization of Songjiang. Compared with the small killer, there has been a qualitative change.

"The team responsible for the unified action outside the casino is Captain Wang Peng, who are all professional mercenaries, and inside the casino are my men, all of them are professional killers." Jinniu said: "Yang Ge, you can also directly with the king. Peng contact."

"Not bad!" Yang Ming did not expect Jinniu to be so carefully arranged. Wang Peng's men and women are professional mercenaries. These people are well-trained and good at uniform action to quickly destroy the enemy, while Jinniu's men are good at assassination, each hiding in In every corner of the casino, people who are suspicious are quickly shot.

"Thank you for the praise of the leader!" Jinniu was a little embarrassed by Yang Ming, and laughed twice.

"Wang Peng's contact has been with me. You are vigilant according to what I have arranged. I will contact you at any time," Yang Ming said.

"Yes, the leader." Jinniu said.

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming is very pleased, and his own men have gradually grown up, and they will gradually let go, let them go boldly.

I got up and cleaned up, took a shower, and Yang Ming looked at the watch, it was already more than five in the morning.

For today's gambling, if Yang Ming is not worried about it, Yang Ming has no other people's nervousness and excitement before the game.

Do you know what you will win, and what excitement?

The hotel's restaurant only opened at six o'clock. Yang Ming was in bed and watched TV for a while. When he saw the time was almost up, he went out from the room and went downstairs to have breakfast.

I didn’t want to see Button standing in my room not far away, standing there respectfully, and seeing Yang Ming coming out of the room, and quickly asked: "Mr. Yang, good morning!"

"Oh?" Yang Ming stunned. I didn't expect Batton to wait until the door of the room. It’s been a while since I saw him. The reason why he stood not far away is to avoid eavesdropping on the room. It seems that Batton is professionally trained and he is estimated to be against other Douglas families. The same is true for members.

“Mr. Yang, the restaurant has prepared breakfast for you separately. Is it to the room, or are you going to the restaurant lounge?” Barton asked carefully.

"Oh, I will go eat it myself." Yang Ming nodded. "Wait for me to see if my friend has already gotten up."

"Okay, Mr. Yang." Button didn't know what relationship Yang Ming and Wang Mei had, but it was definitely not a lover to see the performance between them. It should be a good friend.

Yang Ming knocked on the door of the second room next door, and soon the voice of Wang Mei came from inside: "Who?"

"It's me, Yang Ming." Yang Ming said: "Are you up? Going to the restaurant for breakfast?"

"咔", the door of the room opened, Wang Mei had already dressed, and her eyes were a little red. It seemed that she didn’t sleep well last night. Before Zhang Bin didn’t come back safely, she couldn’t sleep well. I got up early.

"Well, let's go." Wang Mei nodded. "But I don't have any appetite..."

"Oh, eat a little, rest assured, today Zhang Bin and Zhang Shushu promise to let them come back safely!" Yang Ming laughed.

"Well..." Wang Mei still trusts Yang Ming's ability. When he was in Macau, Yang Ming showed the same power. The man who wrapped himself was not easily settled by Yang Ming!

Wang Bing was very surprised at the fact that Battton was diligent in leading the way. To know what identity is Battton, even if Yang Ming knows their boss, there is no need to show it in the morning!

Wang Mei’s growing feeling of Yang Ming’s mystery and energy is that there is no such thing as a person he does not know.

Button personally brought Yang Ming and Wang Mei to the hotel's VIP restaurant. This is a *** box, there are TVs in the bathroom with some morning newspapers and magazines, and bright floor-to-ceiling windows to see the morning scene outside.

"Mr. Yang, look, this is the breakfast list for you. If you have anything to avoid, or what you want to eat, we will prepare for you immediately." Button handed a beautiful menu to Yang Ming. At the same time, he also gave Wang Mei a piece: "Miss Wang, please."

Yang Ming roughly glanced at the menu on the menu. For the things that were taboo, Yang Ming was less, almost no, Western food, Yang Ming did not particularly love, so said: "Too much, half." ”

The same is true of Wang Mei. The Chinese eat Western food and have not said that they really like what they eat. So they nodded. "I don't care, I can."

"Not much, Mr. Yang, you can eat selectively!" Batton said quickly.

"Oh, that's fine, make less weight." Yang Ming waved his hand and motioned that Batton could be ready.

"Okay, Mr. Yang." Batton ran out of the box.

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