So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1747: Not following the rules of the game

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters do not follow the rules of the game

"Hey..." a soft bang. No bullets are fired.

It seems that my luck is not bad, it is up to you. Yang Ming pushed the pistol over and placed it in front of Klass.

Looking at Yang Ming's relaxed expression, Klass was speechless, even thinking, is this guy really not afraid of death? Just don't cherish life? I am still vocal and say that I like to take risks. Now, it seems that who is adventurous!

Kras frowned. There are still no text messages on the phone to reply to these people. Really can't be. How to do it, the two teams have no news. This is too unreliable, right?

Watching Yang Mingqi look at himself. Klass can't help. I can only pick up the pistol with a strong smile and Huai’s own temple. However, when I was on the top, it was slightly biased. This way to fight. Shouldn't you die?

at least. I finished it myself. Should I be rescued when I am sent to the hospital? Klass thought of it. There was a little comfort in my heart, I let out a sigh of relief, then gritted my teeth and pulled the trigger on the pistol.


Another whisper. The bullet still did not shoot out.

Klaston breathed a sigh of relief. It’s like being out of the way. The whole person has been soaked with sweat. It seems to have just steamed through the sauna.

"It's up to you." Klass breathed a sigh of relief and then pushed the pistol to Yang Ming.

It has been opened for two rounds now. There are four rounds left, one of which has bullets. Therefore, Yang Ming has a 25 percent chance of being shot and killed. This opportunity is great!

Klass prayed in his heart, it is best for Yang Ming to scream. This will be all right.

"Oh. Good." Yang Ming's expression was out of Klass' expectations. Yang Ming still seems to be not very serious about taking the pistol! Klass was shocked to say the first shot before. The probability is smaller, and Yang Ming’s performance does not matter, but it is normal. But this second shot, how is this?

It seems that he is not worried at all that this gun will die. Is this kid a slap in the face? Not like it!

Yang Ming’s next move is still as calm as ever, picking up a pistol and facing his own temple. Triggered the trigger.


It was another bang, and the bullet was still not shot.

"It's your turn again. Mr. Klass." Yang Ming pushed the pistol to Klass: "It seems that my luck is not bad."

Klass cursed in his heart. This Yang Ming is really lucky, this is three shots still not ringing, if you open the fourth shot, "...the chance becomes one-third, it seems. I am very dangerous.

but. The current situation. He is also not allowed to choose. He regretted looking for Yang Ming to gamble. He knew that it was better not to wait for the big, directly waiting for Yang Ming to come and let his two teams rushed in to kill Yang Ming.

but. The two unreliable squads of their own, let them do things, it seems that I really don't know what the outcome will be!

"It’s coming to me again. Hehe..." Klass laughed twice and picked up the pistol to see Yang Ming. Kras took a deep breath and put his gun to his own temple.

This time, like the last time, the muzzle was slightly biased, in his opinion. As long as you don't die. I am recognized by the bitterness.

"Oh..." Kras pulled the trigger. A whisper came. Klas did not feel any pain, but also an empty gun.

Hahahaha! Krass finished the shot. I really want to laugh a lot, I am really a good color! I have escaped a catastrophe. There are only two shots left, one of which is a bullet. It seems that Yang Ming is hard to escape this time!

"Mr. Yang, this time, it’s up to you." Klass returned the pistol to Yang Ming: "The last two shots. Mr. Yang can be careful.

"Yes? Is there not two more shots? I am not dead, that is, you are dead, what are you so happy to do?" Yang Ming glanced at Kras, and said something sarcasm.


Klass stunned, but he thought that Yang Ming was right. He is not dead, that is, he is dead, and he really has no reason to be excited. Just the hope that Yang Ming’s first shot should die is bigger?

"Mr. Yang is laughing. Where am I happy? I am just excited. I have said it before. I am a risk-taking person. There is a 50% chance, so I am very embarrassed." Oh!" Kras gave a strong smile and explained.

"Oh, then you continue to be excited, if I don't die. You can be excited."

Yang Ming said faintly.

"..." Kras couldn't figure out how much Yang Ming came to such a great courage. There were two shots left. He was still not busy, but it was a bit strange.

Yang Ming did not care about Klass. Pick up the pistol. He did not hesitate to trigger the trigger on his own temple.

"Oh..." is still a soft bang. No bullets are fired. It seems. Another shot is an empty gun.

Klass originally hoped that Yang Ming’s gun would be awkward. But the result was very disappointing, and Yang Ming did not have anything at all. That is not to say. The last shot was with bullets? Isn't that your turn?

Think of it here. There was a horror of Clarston’s fear that it was gambling and a chance to live, but now it’s ok! If you shoot this gun yourself, it will be seriously injured if you don't die.

Klass’s cold sweat suddenly fell, and I didn’t expect it to be such a result. Is this Yang Ming too lucky? This is not dead. Instead, it is my turn.

"Mr. Klass, this last shot, is it for me to fight for you? Or do you solve it yourself? Yang Ming looks at Klass with a smile: "It seems that your luck is very bad. "This"... or I will come by myself..." Krass pale, don't know what to think about.

"Okay, then come on your own." Yang Ming pushed the pistol to Klass: "You are going to be dying soon."

Krass was speechless for a while, and Yang Ming said that it was true. I was immediately irritated to death. But he is not reconciled, by what, by what! He is not stupid. Ming knows that the last shot will die. Kras hesitated.

He can't shoot, he can't, and his own men don't know what to do. There is no news yet. It is just right to rush in to solve the problem at this time.

Kras hesitated. There is already a fix in mind. He slowly lifted the pistol and then who had his head. Suddenly, his hand jerked and the gun was against Yang Ming. Trigger the trigger with the speed between the fire and the photoelectric stone!

"Oh..." The gun rang. But it was a soft bang and no bullets were fired.

but. Klass did not notice this detail. He subconsciously thought that the bullet had already been shot. Looking at Yang Ming with a clear eye. Waiting for him to fall in a pool of blood.

However, Klass was disappointed. Yang Ming did not fall into the pool of blood. There seems to be no harm at all, and I still sit there with awkwardness. Look at yourself with a very contemptuous look.

Klass realized that there was no bullet in the pistol. He is a little anxious, how is this possible? Is it stuck? He continued to pull the trigger. "One by one, one by one," is a few whispers. Still no bullets are fired.

At this time, Yang Ming moved, only to see his hand gently lifted. A bullet shot from Yang Ming's fingers and shot directly at Klass' eyebrows. When Clarston opened his eyes, he snorted. Just fell, his right hand still holding the revolver. Keep the shooting position.

"I know you will not follow the rules of the game." Yang Ming sneered. Said: "There is no bullet in the gun, the bullet is in my hand."

It is also because Yang Ming knows that there are no bullets in the gun. Therefore, when Klass shot at him, he did not make any dodge. Otherwise, at the speed of Yang Ming, he could completely avoid the Klass.

"Catch him, don't let him run!" Smith. And his men. And Klass’s men were so dumbfounded by this sudden change at the moment.

But Smith still reacted first. The opponent made a loud command.

unfortunately. His order has just been exported. The door of the box was kicked open, and the Taurus took the person directly into it. In an instant, everyone in the box except Yang Ming, Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang was controlled.

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