So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1750: Promotion and reward

The first 175 chapter promotion and reward

"The person who is the best with me should buy some of the senior staff of this jewelry association, so I will come up with such a thing. I think that the five thousand dollars of exchange vouchers should be specifically for you!" Ming said: "Others are just following the cheap!"

"Yeah! I said why I gave Zhang Bin a coupon for me. I only gave one for each other. I thought I had a big bargain. Their staff also regarded Zhang Bin as independent. The participants were there." Zhang liberated and sighed: "It seems that it is really greedy and cheap to eat big clouds."

"Give you two? It seems that they really spare no effort!" Yang Ming was speechless after listening. The vigilance of this liberation was also low enough. He did not show such obvious flaws. Thousands of dollars, there must be a number, how can you mess around? But Zhang can't think so much before liberation.

Zhang liberated some embarrassed fairy smiled twice. "Next time, I don't want to participate in these meetings, or honestly make money in Songjiang."

"Yeah, Zhang Shushu, Zhang Bin has these relationships that I have left. I will not be able to eat and drink in my life in Songan An'an." Yang Ming said: "As for the others, don't consider it."

Zhang Jiefang nodded. He also felt that Yang Ming said that the tone of life was a bit strange. It was like Yang Ming left here, but since Yang Ming did not say it clearly, he would not ask casually, returning to Douglas Hotel, Yang Ming let Jinniu go back. However, Jinniu insisted on coming down, accompanied Yang Ming, saying that there are things that can be told at any time.

In this case, Yang Ming did not insist on it, and nodded and agreed.

"Yang Ming, the room in this hotel is very tight, or else, let's change a hotel?"

Zhang Jiefang did not know that Yang Ming had opened a room here, but when they came to live, the room here was really nervous, so they had to live in a suite, or they would be emancipated by Zhang. It is necessary to live in two rooms. After all, although Wang Mei is a girlfriend of Zhang Bin, but it is not a daughter-in-law of Zhang Liberation in the true sense, Bi Jing and Zhao Sisi are in the same place. Zhang Jiefang and her living together are still awkward.

"No need to live here." Yang Ming waved his hand and went straight to the front desk of the hotel. The waiter who was responsible for the registration there said: "Is there a VIP room upstairs?

Give me another one! ”

"Ah." The waiter knew Yang Ming. He knew that Badton’s attitude toward Yang was yesterday. It was respectful, so he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I will give you this. ""

The waiter did not dare to offend Yang Ming. He found Yang Ming’s No. 3 room card: "Mr. This is the No. 3 room card."

"Well, you and Barton say it." Yang Ming nodded. He took the room card and walked over to Zhang Bin and Zhang Liberation. "Okay, let's get it, let's go upstairs!"

Although Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang did not follow Yang Ming in the past, did not know what Yang Ming and the waiter said, but they also saw that Yang Ming had only said two sentences after the past. The waiter found a piece of Yang Ming. Room card, suddenly surprised!

Is Yang Ming also aware of the people at the Douglas Hotel? Yang Ming’s social circle is also wide enough.

Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang both sighed in their hearts. A year ago, Yang Ming was an ordinary high school graduate. Several people went to Yunnan to travel together. At that time, Yang Ming did not have any special relationship. It was only this year, Yang. Ming has already been exhibited in foreign countries and can also call for the rain!

Yang Ming and Zhang Bin, Zhang Jiefang, and Jinniu entered the elevator together. Yang Ming helped the top elevator button Wang Mei, while Zhang Jiefang pressed their previous room floor button. They still don't know how to move upstairs to live.

"Upstairs, Wang Mei has moved up. Before that room, I will go back if I have time." Yang Ming smiled and said: "So we are all squatting."

"Ah! Have you moved in?" Zhang Jiefang was even more surprised. Although he didn't know that the upstairs room was a senior presidential suite, he had never been to the upper floor. He thought that the upstairs was also an ordinary room, but even so, He also felt that Yang Ming was powerful enough. The previous room did not retreat.

You can give them to the new room, and still the room that is together, what is the relationship between Yang Mingde and the owner of this hotel!

Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang also understand that when a hotel says that the guest is full, it does not mean that the guest is full, but some reserved rooms are not used for external use. These rooms are for some related rights. And Yang Ming actually got three without any effort!

After Yang Ming walked up the elevator, the waiter quickly called Barton. Although he knew that the boss had different attitudes toward Yang Ming, this time he also made a self-proclaimed gift to Yang Ming, not knowing the boss. Not going to be upset?

So the waiter called in the past and asked the boss to sin.

In the office, Batton played the office game with the secretary, and it was at a critical juncture. The phone ring on the table rang! Barton was shocked and the secretary was shocked.

"Who? It's really annoying, call this time."

"Don't ink!" Button didn't dare to neglect. Yesterday, because he didn't answer the phone, he was beaten by his family. If Yang Ming had forgiven himself. I almost died. He knows the rules of the Douglas family!

So where can he be scornful today? Yang Ming still lives here, and his current lightness is highly tense.

The secretary was slandered, and some grievances, I thought, do you usually complain about this?

What's going on today? But when she saw that Batton had no thoughts about playing with her, she could only sit with her mouth open.

"Hey, hello, I am Batton!" Butterton’s voice was respectful, and even the secretary was very surprised. Is this the boss?

"Mr.Batton, the waiter at the front desk of the first floor, I will report something to you!" The waiter said: "Mr. Batton, Mr. Yang Ming brought another guest back and asked me for a VIP room. The room card, I did not ask you in time, I made a claim to give him the third room card, Mr. Batton, if you are not happy, punished me!"

The waiter couldn’t get Yang Ming, but he couldn’t get into Battton, so he was careful to ask for sin.

"Oh? What are the penalties? You are doing very well, I want to give you a raise, but also to promote you!"

Barton was very satisfied with the way the waiter handled it.

If the waiter calls and asks himself to swear for a long time, if Yang Ming waits for the grievances, then he will be unlucky, so he is very appreciative of the waiter’s decision.

"Ah, the waiter didn't think that he was surprised by the disaster, and suddenly he was very surprised: "Thank you Mr. Batton! "Well, don't thank me, remember, if Mr. Yang has what he needs, you should satisfy him first, don't report it to me!" Batton said: "I see, you will be the vice president of the hotel today. Responsible for the quality of service! After all, call all the waiters to open a meeting and convey this instruction!

"Ah! Yes!" The waiter was shocked. Is this a vice president? This promotion is too fast, right?

Hanging up the phone, Batton sighed. The waiter was still a bit stunned. Yesterday, he also saw his attitude toward Yang Ming. Today he immediately decided to give Yang Ming room card, but he was able to admit his mistake afterwards. Individuals, such people, are also promoted to the hotel.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Barton to promote anyone. Even if the waiter is satisfied, he can reward some bonuses at most.

“Hey.” The elevator door slowly opened. Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang saw the decoration of the corridor outside the elevator. They were all shocked!

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