So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1752: Crashed family

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-two chapters of the family that died

Of course, before sending people to the Douglas Hotel, Govisik will not rashly act. After all, Douglas Hotel belongs to another Douglas family. Although it is incomparable with the Nancheng family, it is also a big family.

Before you go, you should also have a good time with them. After all, there are things that you have to go through.

Thinking of this, Govisik picked up the phone and dialed the phone number of Batton.

"Hello? Hello, I am Batton." Because of the stay of Yang Ming in the hotel, Barton became very polite when he answered the phone these two days. He was afraid that his family or Yang Ming would call.

"Mr. Butterton? I am Govesic!" Govisic said enthusiastically. Although the two belong to different families, they are all face-to-face figures in Las Vegas. Not bad.

"Mr. Govisik, hello!" Button didn't think that Govesik had called him at this time. However, he suddenly thought of Yang Ming before he helped him collect information about the Nancheng Casino, Batton's Suddenly, I felt alert and careful about Govisik. This matter was related to Yang Ming. He had to be careful: "Is there anything?"

"It is like this. Some people are making trouble in our casino, but this person lives in your Douglas hotel. If I take people to catch people, I would like to say hello to you," Govesik said.

"Oh, this way--" Batton listened to Govesik’s words, this is a trivial matter. The other party said hello to himself. In fact, it’s a kind reminder. They really want to arrest people, they don’t have The way.

"Since Mr. Batton has no opinion, then I will send people over. I hope you can explain the people under your hand, let me cooperate?" Govisic said: "The next day, I invite you to play golf!"

"There is nothing wrong with this." Batton said: "Yes, what is the name of the person you want to catch? I will arrange it in advance?"

"Oh, he is Yang Ming, a foreigner!" Govisic said.

"What? Yang - Yang Ming?" Battton was shocked.

"Button, what's wrong with you?" Govesic heard that Button's voice was a little weird, but he couldn't see Button's expression, so naturally he wouldn't think so much.

"Nothing, I will arrange it, I will call you to arrange it," Batton said.

"This way? Then I will bring people directly, or wait for your call?" Govesik was somewhat inexplicable.

"Wait for me to call, I always want to confirm, is the guest in the hotel, or you will not be tossed if you run away?" Batton explained.

"Well, what you said is also." Although Govesik felt that Button’s words were a bit weird, but it was also reasonable, so Kovisik did not doubt much, and hung up the phone according to the meaning of Batton.

After Batton hangs up the phone of Govisik, he suddenly feels cold sweat, thanks to his own mouth, or else, it is still troublesome! This matter involves Yang Ming, I can't care about it!

Although Button does not know the specific background of Yang Ming, but even the people who are so respected and valued by the family, it is no small matter to want to come to him!

This Govesic wants to move Yang Ming. But Batton naturally won’t say anything to him. He has to ask the owner to make a decision. So, on the side of Govisik, Batton perfuse him and drags him. For a while.

Button organized his own language and called the home owner Keck: "Hey, is the owner? I am Batton!"

Keck has already given his personal phone to Battton because it involves Yang Ming, so Keck told Barton that he had to inform him about all the news about Yang Ming.

"Oh, Batton, is there anything?" At this moment, Keck was discussing important things with several elders in the family, but when he saw the number of Button, he quickly made a gesture and picked up the phone.

A few of the elders here are a bit strange. Isn’t Barton a head of family business in Las Vegas? How is the owner so valued him? I have to answer the phone at this time?

At the same time, several old guys are also somewhat dissatisfied with the behavior of Keck receiving the phone. You are the owner, can you answer the phone during the meeting? So how do you still ask us to close the phone? Is this too unequal?

However, the next Keck’s words made these few homes swear, and they couldn’t help but close their mouths.

"Homeowner, I have an important thing to report to you!" Batton said: "It is about Mr. Yang Ming!"

"Oh? Is it about Mr. Yang Ming? What's the matter, you are going to say it!" Keck asked quickly.

"This is the case. Before the Nancheng casino owner Govisik called me, there was a call from a hotel in our hotel to make trouble at their casino. They wanted to arrest people and say hello to me. I will Asked the name of the guest, remembered that Govesik told me to call Yang Ming, so I dragged the other party first and told Govicik to help him check if Mr. Yang was at the hotel and let him wait for me. Going back, I will report to you as soon as possible!” said Button.

"Button, you are doing very well!" Keck was shocked when he heard Barton's words. This is a big event. When it comes to Yang Ming, he has to be careful and careful.

"Homeowner, what do you say we should do next?" Batton asked carefully.

What should I do next... Keck has made some mistakes in a moment. In his opinion, with the strength of Yang Ming, there is no fear of any Nancheng family. At the time, the Lancer family was not the most prosperous family in Europe. One? The result is not finished in an instant.

But the key is his own attitude. Although Yang Ming does not need his own help, he has to express himself. When he thinks of it, Keck said: "In this way, you immediately report to Mr. Yang Ming truthfully, and then ask. What does he mean, you don't need us to help, if he needs your help, you will cooperate with him! Don't ask me anymore!"

"Ah!" Barton stunned, and he was wondering how his family had spared no effort in Yang Ming’s affairs. However, there are some fears: "Homeowners, but the power of Govisik is not weak. The broken help of one of the three underground gangs here seems to be their people!"

"You don't have to worry about this! With Mr. Yang, no matter what the last time, the family will reward you!" Keck gave Barton a reassurance.

"Okay, then I will report to Mr. Yang!" Button got a positive reply from Keck and also settled down.

Hanging up the phone, Keck shook his head and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "This Nancheng family is really rushing to death! Yang Ming is not looking for you, you have already burned incense, and now I want to take the initiative to find Yang Ming’s trouble! Hey!”

The elders here have understood the meaning of Keck’s phone call. It seems that this Nancheng family really doesn’t want to be good. Anyone who is not good at it is going to provoke Yang Ming!

For the greatness of Yang Ming, everyone here is deeply experienced.

After Barton reported to Keck, he quickly dialed the phone number in Yang Ming’s room. He had already known from the waiter that Yang Ming had returned to the hotel.

"Hey?" Yang Ming picked up the inside call, initially thought it was Zhang Bin or Jinniu, but it was indeed the sound of Batton.

"Mr. Yang, didn't bother you? I have important things to report to you!" Button unconsciously used the tone of reporting work with his family. In his opinion, Keck is doing this to Yang Ming. Shouldn't he respect Yang Ming more?

"Oh, nothing, you say it!" Yang Ming did not know what Battín was looking for at this time, and some wondered.

"This is the case. Mr. Yang, the head of the Nancheng family in Las Vegas, Kovisik, called me. He said that you are making trouble in their casino and will bring people to pick you up. Let me say hello in advance..." Button said the previous call of Govisik and Yang Ming: "I have already dragged them, Mr. Yang, what should you do with this matter? I am mobilizing people to come over..."

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