So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1761: When is your family owner coming?

The first time, the seven hundred and seventy-one chapter, when will your family come?

The broken-headed wolf just wanted to shoot, but did not expect the pistol to have been removed, suddenly looked white, desperately shouted: "Come, come on!"

Yang Ming did not stop the screaming of the broken wolf, but made a look at the Taurus, which meant calling him to shout.

"Oh!", the office door was pushed open, and Wang Peng rushed in.

"Catch him! Give me a catch!" The broken wolf saw the incoming person, and immediately snarled and pointed at Yang Ming and Jinniu, yelling at the people.

Wang Peng was unmoved. He came here to come back to Yang Ming, and he was not the man who broke his head.

"How come you don't move? You didn't hear you talking?" The broken wolf was a little anxious, watching his "hands" stupidly standing there, no action, and screamed.

"Hear it." Wang Peng in front of Yang Ming, naturally more casual than the Taurus, looked at the broken wolf, I knew that he misunderstood, smiled, and teased him happy.

"Have you heard that you still don't move?" The broken wolf didn't think that his man was so stupid: "Yes, who are you under? How is this so healthy? I haven't seen you before?"

"Oh, I am Yang Ge's men." Wang Peng replied.

"Yang Ge? Which Yang Ge? What Yang Ge? Who is Yang Ge above?" The broken wolf stunned, did not hear that there is a person named "Yang Ge" in his gang, so he subconsciously thinks this Yang Brother may also be a small role, so many gangs in the gang, he naturally can not remember everyone clearly.

So he will ask, who is the boss above Yang Ge, see if he has any impression! However, the broken wolf is also wondering, where did the personal bodyguard before? Why didn't he come in and get such a two guns coming in? Moreover, how did he come in? Who allowed him to come in?

"Yang Ge, that is Yang Ge! Who is the top of Yang Ge? I know!" Wang Peng rolled his eyes and said: "In my opinion, Yang Ge is the boss, and there is no more powerful."

"You--" broke his head and said: "You give me a roll! Come, come on? Mike? Mike? Secretary? Secretary?"

"Oh, are you looking for them? They are already dead." Wang Peng said with a pitiful look at the broken wolf.

"Dead?" The broken wolf stunned, and then his face changed, and the faint thing felt that something was wrong! Those who have called themselves for such a long time, only the ones who come in this Yang Ge’s men, but no one else comes in...

Although the broken wolf is very reluctant to go bad, but today's things are a bit strange! It stands to reason that his secretary and bodyguards cannot disappear at the same time, and they shouted so many voices... A bad idea came to mind in the bottom of my heart...

"Yeah, dead!" Wang Peng slammed his head.

"How did you die?" The broken-head wolf asked unwillingly. He also saw it now. This person who came in was absolutely problematic.

"I was killed by me." Wang Peng replied.

"You...what are you?" The cold sweat of the broken wolf suddenly popped out, and as expected, this person had problems.

"I have said it, I am Yang Ge's men, aren't you telling you?" Wang Peng said with a smile: "Is it ah, Yang Ge?"

"Well, Wang Peng, don't make trouble with him." Yang Ming smiled, as if he was playing round. In fact, before Wang Peng came in to tease the practice of breaking the wolf, Yang Ming was also acquiescence, who called this guy before Extremely arrogant, Yang Ming also wants to tease him by Wang Peng.

"Okay, Yang Ge." Wang Peng smiled and stood on the side of Yang Ming: "Yang Ge, all the people outside have been killed."

"Well, it's done well, the speed is very fast." Yang Ming nodded with appreciation and then looked at the broken wolf: "Don't you say this is your territory? I am coming today, don't think about leaving, Is that the case?"

Yang Ming... Yang Ge... Mom! It turned out to be such a Yang Ge! The decapitated wolf knew that he had been played by Yang Ming and Wang Peng. He lost his own big fool and asked Wang Peng to order this order. As a result, people were not their own, and they asked themselves! There is a big ugly.

Although the heart is not completely convinced of Wang Peng’s statement, this big gang, left behind at the headquarters, has hundreds of gangs, how can Wang Peng say that he will kill all?

However, by now, no one has entered the office, and no one has reported that the headquarters has come to other people besides Yang Ming and Jin Niu. This cannot help but explain the problem!

"Yang Ming, what kind of tricks do you play in the end?" The broken wolf is not stupid, knowing that things are wrong, and starting to be cautious.

"I play tricks? Sorry, I didn't play any tricks!" Yang Ming said, "I am your gauntlet, let me come over, and then tell me, if you come, you can't go back." I also don’t see the owner of the Nancheng family, and told me that the gauntlet is just a lie, don’t have to obey! Then you ask me what kind of tricks do you play? Don’t you think your question is a bit funny?”

"This..." The broken wolf was thinking about swindling Yang Ming. It was a good thing to win him, but he did not expect that things have changed.

"Do you still believe that your people have already hanged?" Yang Ming looked at the broken wolf, but he was not so terrified, he guessed his mind.

Yang Ming’s words did say that the broken wolf’s mind was a little scared, but he did not believe that Yang Ming’s people could give their headquarters a pot! Just by the person in front of you, can you get the headquarters? Isn't that just a joke?

Therefore, the broken-headed wolf was lucky, and thought that Wang Peng did not know how to get in, but he had his own secretary and bodyguard, and then bluffed here.

"You look at the window from below now?" Yang Ming said with a smile to the broken wolf.

The broken-headed wolf smashed, and some unnaturally turned back. From the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, they looked at the compound of the headquarters. At first glance, they almost fell softly on the ground!

In the compound of the headquarters, I don’t know when, suddenly, a group of black men with guns and bullets, and these people, obviously not members of their own gangs, did not have so many guns in their gangs, and neither of them So trained!

And those who should have been on duty in the headquarters compound, all at this moment have disappeared, I do not know where to go! At this time, the broken wolf realized that things were really big!

Yang Ming did not lie to him, this headquarters, the living person, standing on his side is estimated that he is alone!

Wherein you are worried about the broken tarpaulin, but wherein he said that she has a lot of smiles. Yang Ming said that she was dead, and he asked What is the point?

The broken buttocks of the broken wolf sat in the office chair, looking at Yang Ming with some fear... He was not a daring person, the reason why he could be the boss of the broken head is completely because of Govi. For the sake of Sik, he is a cousin of Govesik. With this relationship, he is reused. As for the chopping and slashing, the broken wolf never participates. Going on, he is just the boss of the broken-head help, and it’s good to be the spokesperson of Govesik.

In his opinion, with the support of Govisik, his boss position is stable, and it is impossible for others to treat him. Every day, he is fragrant and spicy at the headquarters, and his opponent calls and drinks. Very refreshing!

Moreover, the decapitated wolf also gave himself a very windy name, called the "broken wolf", which sounded like a very bullish, but also made up a deed of his own chopping knife to cut the heads of countless people. So it is called a broken wolf!

This time, it was a very simple thing, but I didn't want to kick it on the iron plate. The other person was not a cartilage head at all. Not only did the entire headquarters be given, but... what is now facing, how will they deal with themselves?

"Call Govecic and tell him that the broken-head help has been taken over by me. When will your family come? My patience is limited and I don't have time to play with you!" Yang Ming looked at the expression. The broken wolf, no time to analyze what he was thinking, said directly to him.

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