So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1779: Want to go when you get out of the car?

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters smashed the car and wanted to leave?

"The kid in front! Quickly open, don't approach him!" The young man who chased the man behind saw Yang Ming actually got on the bus, and was so close to the man he was chasing. He was a little anxious and shouted loudly. : "He is very dangerous!"

"Danger?" Yang Ming looked at the person in front of him. It is dangerous to say danger. A fist can blow the outside of the car's central control switch, but it is not an ordinary person.

At this time, the man who was surrounded by Yang Ming’s neck collar was very annoyed and intolerant to Yang Ming’s sudden ride on the car, but he heard the shouting of the man behind him, and the man suddenly appeared. Regardless of Yang Ming’s hand holding his neckline, he was looking for a car to fire the lead, and he did not know where to turn out a dagger, just like Yang Ming’s neck.

The young man who chased after the man saw his movements, and his heart suddenly became tight. He was afraid of what he was going to do. He went abroad to perform special tasks. The man who chased him was a secret wanted criminal of the country. He stole some of the country's scientific and technological achievements, fled to a foreign country, and chased him all the way to Las Vegas, ready to secretly break him.

However, this person's skill is also very good, has gone beyond the scope of ordinary people, and abnormally embarrassed, several times chasing him to lead themselves to the downtown area, so that they can not let go of their hands and feet, nor Dare to shoot at will! After all, this is not the territory of the country. It is a secret to carry out the task. If the local police find it, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Originally, this time I was going to catch up with the man in front, but I didn't want him to jump into a roadster and prepare to run away with a sports car. The owner of the sports car didn't seem to realize how dangerous this person was, and rushed to the theory!

If the man wants to catch the owner of the sports car to be a hostage to marry himself, it is really difficult for him to say that he must not let him go! After all, with the hostages, people passing by will report to the police and they will not be able to take any further action.

Thinking of this, the chasing person could not help but sigh, but the person who was caught by the man was also an Asian. As a compatriot, he still had to remind him: "Get out of the way! That person is very dangerous!"

However, the man’s dagger has already been forced to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming’s eyes flashed a bit of sarcasm, smashed his car, and wanted to hijack himself?

"Do you want to kill me, or want to take me as a hostage?" Yang Ming gently flashed, and escaped the man's rapid dagger, asked faintly.

"Hey?" The man’s obvious glimpse never thought that Yang Ming could escape the dagger that he had stretched out. He had some confidence in his skill. Otherwise, he could not escape this guy repeatedly. The pursuit!

Damn mystery investigation bureau! It’s a nosy, it’s obviously a matter for the security bureau. In the end, it has coordinated such a master’s pursuit of killing himself. Li’s heart is full of unwillingness and anger!

Why, the chip is no longer in your own hands, and you have already handed it out, this guy is still not chasing after him to chase after him, it is simply a ghost!

Dr. Benjamin is also a jerk! I clearly promised myself that after I handed over the chip, I would send a master to protect myself for a period of time. However, after my chip was handed over, the master would not move to the **** instructions, and would not listen to his own command!

Spicy next door! I knew that it was so dangerous that I would not take this risk for the tens of millions of dollars! I am in the country, and I am also a high-paying scientific researcher with hundreds of thousands of dollars a year...

Thinking of this, Li battery is extremely depressed and dying.

He wanted to take Yang Ming as a hostage, to force the person behind the mysterious investigation bureau to stop chasing himself. However, Li battery has discovered for a moment that this young man who looks very ordinary and is a little sunny and handsome seems to be also a Dangerous people!

His mother has a head, what is this thing! How can I be so unlucky? I wanted to hijack my personal qualities, but I found that the hostages are more powerful than him. Li battery wants to cry!

But this time is not the time to cry, or to escape! A single blow, Li battery also gave up to attack Yang Ming, just Yang Ming that moment of flash, Li battery has been aware of the danger.

Li battery dropped the dagger in his hand and dealt with the master. The dagger did not use it at all, not only could not hurt the other party, but also became a tool for suicide. After Lee battery dropped the dagger, he had to jump to continue to escape, but suddenly found that his neck collar was still pulled by Yang Ming...

Li battery has already made a lot of effort, but still can't break away from Yang Ming's hand.

"Hey!" Li battery is anxious, a hand knife is like Yang Ming's wrist cut! He was really anxious, and the people behind the mysterious investigation bureau caught up, but he was caught by this kid and could not go! What is this called!

Li battery finally understands what it means to lift a rock and lick its own feet. It is self-confident, stealing chickens and not eclipsing the rice, and losing the wife and losing the soldiers.

"Hey!" Li battery smashed on Yang Ming's wrist.

"Hey--" screams.

Yang Ming looked at Li battery and almost didn't hurt to be high on the ground. He sneered and looked at him with sarcasm: "You took my car and wanted to leave?"

Yang Ming’s hand knife for Li Battery didn’t even hide. He wanted Yang Ming to be selected by Fang Tian. When he was trained, he used his medicine to soak and transform his body every day. Punch and kick, directly broke the n big trees, his Li battery's wrists are harder, can you compare the big trees? It’s a bitter to eat a knife for yourself! I have been guilty of sin!

"Rely!" Li battery wants to swear, heart, big brother, how much is your car worth? I ran for a while, my life was gone! He really wants to slap a slap in the face of this kid, how can he not prioritize?

However, Li battery is just thinking about it in the heart, let him really shoot, he is really not afraid! I thought about a hand knife that was cut on the wrist of this kid. This kid has nothing to do with it, and he still sneers at himself, and his painful hand has to fall! ,

How do you hack to an iron stick? Is this the human wrist? It is simply reinforced concrete!

At the same time as the more horrified in the heart, Li battery also knows that he will not be able to use Yang Ming. It is worthy of pleading to Yang Ming in a polite tone: "Big brother, I will definitely lose your car, I will not blame!" Let me leave first, I will pay for your two cars afterwards..."

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