So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1789: Urgent task

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine chapter emergency mission

"Our department is called the special service group?" It is really bad enough. Yang Ming has been in the Mystery Bureau for a long time. I don't know which department I belong to...

"You don't know?" Xia Bingyan is also a glimpse. Obviously, it is very doubtful that Yang Ming does not know which department he belongs to.

"You didn't tell me..." Yang Ming smiled.

"Well, I didn't say it... but... I still don't know what to say about you..." Xia Bingyan is a bitter smile.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming was a bit strange.

"I did not seem to have said it," Xia Bing said. "But Yang Ming, I have already served you. On the documents, I have written which department you belong to. Have you seen it?"

"Don't look at it..." Yang Ming touched his chin and was a little embarrassed.

"You count!" Xia Bingyan is speechless: "Well, I still want to praise you two sentences. Now I am not in the mood, you are too disappointing."

"Hey, there is nothing good to be praised by you. You guys always like to look for things after complimenting, I don't want to be fooled." Yang Mingxiao laughed.

"Oh..." Xia Bingyan was said by Yang Ming, and smiled: "You guessed it, this time I called you, there is a task to be handed over to you."

"You see... I said something before, there is no good thing." Yang Ming sighed: "I said old summer, don't we all say good? Before going to Yunnan, I no longer have a mission, how do you change? Have an idea? Don't you want me to go to Yunnan? Or do you want to lie..."

"Cough... This is not to let you go to Yunnan..." Xia Bingqi coughed twice.

"That is what you want to play?" Yang Ming asked.

"..." Xia Bingyan was stunned by Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, this time, it is a temporary decision. You happen to be in Las Vegas, and you have participated in this matter before, so it is better for you to go. If we send people in the past, it will be too late, and there will be no more suitable people than you!"

"Oh...that is, I have to accept it?" Yang Ming was helpless. It seems that he could not return home immediately.

"In theory, this is the case." Xia Bingyu nodded. "But this is also for you, for a good break between you and Liu Ye..."

"Run-in? I am with him? Boss, I don't have a tendency to break my back... Although he looks a little bit like a girl..." Yang Ming was shocked.

"Yang Ming, what do you think is a mess?" Xia Bingyu said nothing: "I mean, you and Liu Yezheng, he is one of your partners in Yunnan trip, that is, the one I said to cooperate with you. !"

"Is it?" Yang Mingyi, before listening to Xia Bingyu's meaning, that match his own master, it seems quite arrogant, I don't think it is good to get along, but I did not expect Liu Ye, this person seems not too difficult to talk Right?

"It's him." Xia Bingyan said affirmatively: "The ace of the field team, so it will be sent to perform this mission! And you as the trump card of our special service group, just this time you cooperate with him, next time he cooperates with you... ”

"Rely, you said so, then I can only accept it." Yang Ming heard that Liu Ye was the person who wanted to go to Yunnan with himself. Yang Ming decided to promise Xia Bingyan's mission, after all, this time. The person who helped is the person who went to Yunnan together for a while, and Yang Ming naturally had to contact him more.

"That's right, don't let our special team lose face!" Xia Bingyan heard Yang Ming promised to come down, happy to say.

"Well," Yang Ming said: "What is this mission? What Li battery is not already caught? What is the problem?"

"This ... specific task, after you meet with Liu Ye, let him tell you, this is after all their work in the field team, I am not good to repeat." Xia Bingyan said.

"Also, if this is the case, I will contact Liu Ye." Yang Ming should have come down.

"I will give you the contact information of Liu Ye. You will contact him directly. His Shangfeng has already told him what you are going to do with him." Xia Bingyan said: "His phone number is xxxxxxx... ”

"Remember it." Yang Ming remembered the number in his heart and said: "I hang up first."

"What is the situation, report at any time." Xia Bing said.

"Understand." Yang Ming hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Yang Ming was sitting at the end of Jinniu's business car at the moment, and the voice of the speech was relatively small, so Zhang Bin, Zhang Jiefang and Wang Mei did not hear what Yang Ming said in the phone.

"Zhang Bin, I arrived at the airport in a while. You and Zhang Shu and Wang Mei first boarded the plane and went back to China. There are other things on my side. I can't go with you." Yang Ming hung up the phone and first put Liu Ye. The mobile phone number exists in his own phone book, and then said to Zhang Bin.

"Ah? Boss, don't you go back with us?" Zhang Bin listened after a trip and saw that he had to go to the airport. Yang Ming just took a call and said he would not go back...

"Oh, I have something to do here, rest assured, you buy the car's money, after you go back, I will transfer it to your account through online banking, and will not delay your car purchase." Yang Ming smiled.

"Boss... I don't mean that!" Zhang Bin waved again and again: "Boss, where am I like that? I just have some concerns... Isn't your business here finished? How do you stay here?"

Zhang Bin’s words made Yang Ming feel moved and smiled. “Reminder, nothing, not the Nancheng family. It’s something else, it’s not related to our purpose in coming to Las Vegas.”

"So... okay, boss, you are careful, I am waiting for you at home..." Zhang Bin said affectionately.

"You kid!" Yang Ming smiled and said.

Zhang Bin, Zhang Jiefang and Wang Mei were sent to the airport, and they were shown to enter the international exit passage. Yang Ming was on the bus.

"Mr. Yang, where are you going now?" Jinniu asked.

"I called and asked if I would say it." Yang Ming didn't need to avoid the Taurus at the moment. He picked up the phone and dialed the phone that Liu Bingyan told himself about Liu Ye.

After the call was made, there was two sounds over there, and I quickly answered: "Hello."

"Liu Ye?" Yang Ming asked.

"I am, are you?" Liu leaves a moment and then thought about it: "You are Yang Ming, Mr. Yang?"

"It's me." Yang Ming saw Liu Yeh heard his voice and stopped saying anything more: "I have already received the above call. Where are you, I am now."

"I am... forget it, where are you, or I am going to find you, I have been here for a few days, I am afraid that being stared at is not safe, just want to change a hotel." Liu Ye hesitated Said.

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