So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1793: Trap on the road

The trap of the 1797th chapter road

However, most of these workers in the outer office are hired and do not know the forces behind this treatment plant.

For Yang Ming and Liu Ye, following the fat man’s direction toward the office inside, the workers in the outer hall did not care. After all, the business who talked about the business would be brought back by the fat man. As for the place to go later, the workers would not understood.

After a spacious corridor, the fat man turned into a small staircase in an emergency passage. After a flight of stairs, he passed a long narrow corridor and went to the door of a storage room. The fat man knocked on the door.

Naturally, the action of knocking on the door is regular and rhythmic. I want to think of something like a secret number.

After a while, the door of the storage room was opened, but there were two big men armed with guns, and the guns were aimed at Yang Ming and Liu Ye.

However, after seeing Liu Ye, the big man who pointed his gun at Liu Ye also pointed his gun at Yang Ming.

"Sorry, this is the rule. Please show me the documents." The fat man turned to God and said seriously to Yang Ming.

"No problem." Yang Ming is not angry, after all, the fat man is also careful, although he is brought by Liu Ye, but it is the first time, they are serious, careful not wrong.

Said, Yang Ming took his ID and handed it to the fat man.

The fat man took the certificate and carefully watched it for a while, and then took the document on a machine at the side door of the storage room. After the information displayed on the machine completely matched the information of Yang Ming’s certificate, the fat man would The documents were returned to Yang Ming, and the two men who used guns against Yang Ming also took up the guns at hand.

"Mr. Yang! Welcome, I am embarrassed!" The fat man returned the document to Yang Ming, explaining again.

"Nothing, I understand." Yang Ming smiled and said that he did not care.

"This is the master of the special service team, Yang Ming, Li battery is his help to arrest." Liu Ye simply introduced Yang Ming's identity, and said to Yang Ming: "This guy we call him Fat man, the liaison here, is the manager of the abandoned car treatment plant."

"Hello, Mr. Yang!" The fat man reached out with a friendly hand.

Yang Ming shook hands with him: "You don't have to be a guest, then I also call you a fat man. Let's take a look at Li battery first?"

"Okay, please come with me." The fat man led Yang Ming and Liu Ye into the storage room. After the two big men entered Yang Ming and others, they closed the door of the storage room.

This storage room is just the entrance to the secret passage. From the dark door at the wall of this storage room, the fat man took Yang Ming and Liu Ye and entered a passage through several rugged forks. At a dead end, the fat man skillfully opened a hidden organ on the wall, and several people went out of the way.

Here is a very empty underground space, no lights, dark, but Yang Ming's eyes can be seen clearly, parked in the underground space.

Sure enough, the fat man got on the car, turned on the lights, and the underground space was bright.

"Get on the bus," said the fat man.

Liu Ye apparently came here, and there was no surprised look on his face. Yang Ming had already seen the situation inside, so there is no doubt.

However, Yang Ming's wave is not shocked, but it is to let the fat man secretly admire, the master is a master, at any time is not shocked.

"Mr. Yang, the original Li battery was caught by your assistant. When Xiaoye said it, I was still amazed. Actually, there are such masters. I can’t see it. It’s a pity, but today I saw it. I found that Mr. Yang is so young! It’s really young!” said the fat man while driving.

"Oh..." Yang Ming smiled lightly, but suddenly he glanced at him, quickly got up to pull the car's hand brake, and said to the fat man: "Parking!"

The fat man was shocked, subconsciously stepping on the brakes, the car suddenly stopped, but the fat man was somewhat inexplicable: "What happened? Mr. Yang?"

"There is a problem with the road." Yang Ming frowned.

"Is there a problem? Impossible? I can't run thousands of times on this road, and there is an automatic cruise system in the car. There will be no mistakes!" If the fat man has confirmed the identity of Yang Ming, he will not be so good. Talk to Yang Ming.

This shocked, scared people.

Yang Ming did not explain, but now he has jumped out of the car, walked quickly to the front of the car, then picked up a small box from the ground and got up and handed it directly to the fat man: "Look at it yourself."

The fat man didn't expect Yang Ming to really pick up something from the ground. Some doubts came over. At first glance, his face changed dramatically and became very ugly!

"This... Who is this here?" When the fat man said this, the cold sweat had already stayed.

The fat man's vision is not bad. This is a small bomb. The trigger switch is on the top. As soon as the car is pressed, it will detonate. When...

"I don't know this, I need to investigate it myself." Yang Ming shrugged and said faintly.

Although Yang Ming did not doubt this fat man, but who is Yang Ming? But the king of the new generation of killers, always be careful and careful, especially in an unfamiliar environment, it is even more impossible to take it lightly.

Although the fat man's car is auto-cruising, and this road looks like Liu Ye has also gone a few times, but Yang Ming is always vigilant, always staring at the road ahead.

Sure enough, on the road not far away, Yang Ming found the problem.

"Mr. Yang...I..." The fat man knows that he has become a suspected object...

"Don't say it, I don't doubt you." Yang Ming said: "Unless you want to die yourself, after the bomb is pressed, don't say you and me, this car will be broken."

"This...thank you..." After listening to Yang Ming’s words, the fat man was relieved, but no matter who put it here, it’s always on his own site, and he can’t escape.

"Don't say it, go see Li battery, if I estimate it is good, he has been ruined." Yang Ming sighed, it seems that the inside of the fat has a problem. However, this is not the scope of Yang Ming’s duties after all, and Yang Ming can’t manage that much.

"Good!" The fat man took a breath, closed the car's cruise system, and prepared to drive by himself. After all, there was such a thing. Who knows if there is a similar trap on the way back? Fat people can't take it lightly.

"Open at full speed, there is no more behind." Yang Ming saw the fat man's mind, faintly said. Yang Ming was not idle before. Since he found such a trap, Yang Ming did not dare to make fun of his own life. He has searched the road ahead with his ability. At least within a certain range, there is no, even if there is one, then Reminders can also catch up.

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