So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1802: Kevin tragedy

The first thousand eight hundred and two chapters of Kevin tragedy

Yang Ming suddenly slammed the direction of the run, rushed to the small leaves of Passat, and the chasing Kevin once again gave a flash!

Kevin was really angry this time, and rushed over: "When I catch up with you, it is your death!"

"Open! You are not powerful? You are not going to kill me? I see how you play!" Yang Ming said slyly, and turned his head to make a big face to Kevin: "The silly robot, you I thought it was very good? I didn't run like me... ah!"

Yang Mingzheng satirized Kevin with enthusiasm. The result was not looking at the road ahead. "If he was not careful," he slammed into the cover of Liu's Passat machine and fell directly on the cover of the machine. This is also Yang Ming "Oh," A reason for the sound.

Hahahaha! Kevin really wants to laugh a lot! What is music and sadness? What is the extreme of things? Are you not a sorrow? Are you not able to bear it? Are you not arrogant? You are not laughing at me, can't I catch up with you? Don't you want me to kick you?

This time is good, God will help me, let you walk without eyes, let you look back at me, let you make faces for me, finished? Tragedy? Dumbfounded?

Grandpa is coming, waiting to be kicked! Haha!

For a moment, Kevin's body was filled with energy and power, and he quickly rushed to Yang Ming. He wanted to give Yang Ming a fly, and the young life of Yang Ming was lost!

On the cover of the machine, Yang Mingxi pretended to be hit by a light, licking his mouth, but did not notice Kevin who came after him.

Kevin stood up and kicked Yang Ming to the past!

Kevin can imagine that Yang Ming was kicked out by himself, and his bones were broken and he died directly in the air! Thinking of this, Kevin’s heart is a refreshing moment!

Oh... Yang Ming’s mouth sneaked a sneer, Kevin’s classmate, brother didn’t mean to lie to you, brother didn’t lie to you, brother was kicked to death by you, so it’s not that I die or you die, that’s still you die. Brother still has to go to Yunnan, and now can't die.

"砰", a gunshot sounded loudly, and at the same time as the gunshot, Yang Ming suddenly slid from the car's machine cover to the side...


Kevin fell on the cover of the machine and kicked the car's machine cover a hole!

In Qianlong's cave, Yang Ming couldn't help but scream, and he lost himself to hide. Otherwise, this foot must not be kicked by himself. Even if you don't die, you have to die half and die!

Kevin’s impact is still quite large... However, after Kevin’s legs fell into the machine cover, they never lifted up.

Yang Ming also breathed a sigh of relief. If this is not enough to deal with Kevin, then he can only take the opportunity to take Liu Ye’s car and let him rush to escape, and temporarily give up the task.

Liu Ye is not the ace of the field team. When Yang Ming and Kevin chase, he is ready to attack and wait for Kevin’s right foot. When Yang Ming falls on the cover of the machine, Liu Ye will I have already guessed that Yang Ming is a strategy to lure the enemy!

Otherwise, how can the special team's trump card be so stupid, not caught by the enemy, but they can't climb up on the cover of the machine. If it is passed out, it will not be laughed at? So this is obviously impossible.

So Liu Ye waited for Kevin to come over. As a result, Kevin really came over. Liu Ye was not used to him, and he shot him directly at the foot of his right foot...

Of course, Liu Ye is also very embarrassed. Although Yang Ming vowed to let him aim at Kevin's right foot, but did not tell him what is the basis, so Liu Ye is not sure whether this gun will have an effect... ...

But now it seems that Kevin has not been moving for a long time, and it is effective to think of this gun!

Liu Ye opened the door and got off the car. Looking at the big hole on the cover of the machine that Kevin had pulled out of his foot, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried. If this foot is on Yang Ming’s body, Yang Ming will not finish it immediately.

"Boss, are you okay?" Liu Ye looked at Kevin, who was motionless, and asked Yang Ming.

At this time, Yang Ming also climbed up from the ground, patted the soil on his body, and shook his head: "Nothing, I didn't expect it to be effective. This guy is really a tragedy, so I was told to play."

"The brain is cruel," Liu said. "Half of the people are half machines, that is not what the brain is..."

"Oh..." Yang Ming listened to Liu’s explanation and couldn’t help but be happy: “According to what you said, he is really brain-destroy...”

"Oh, yes, boss, is this guy dead?" Liu Ye did not dare to touch Kevin.

"Dead?" Yang Ming glanced at Kevin's footsteps. Liu Ye's gun was fierce. The armor-piercing bullets were put in from the interface and directly put a part of Kevin's body parts and wires into a smash, the most powerful. It is to break the power supply line of the foot. This guy can be blamed.

Listening to Yang Ming, Kevin is dead, Liu Ye will dare to reach out and throw Kevin out and throw it on the ground: "It looks like it is dead, but some pity, this is in Las Vegas, with With such a body, it is not easy to return to China. Otherwise, it will be returned to our institute, but it will help our technology!"

Liu Ye has some regrets. He also knows that the technology of Kevin is much higher than the value of the chip in his hand!

"Oh, then I want to find a way." Yang Ming listened to Liu Ye’s words, and said, this is also a contribution to the mysterious investigation bureau before going to Yunnan. If you can’t come back, it’s mysterious. People in the investigation bureau will also remember their merits. It is enough to take care of their family members...

"Do you have a way?" Liu Yeyi stunned, only to suddenly think that Yang Ming's network in Las Vegas is quite broad.

"Well, almost, I asked if there is any smuggling, and get it back directly." Yang Ming nodded.

"Boss, you fierce!" Liu Ye has to sigh, Yang Ming really to force, there are more roads abroad than in China.

"Don't say this first, see if the chip is on him?" When Yang Ming said this, he began to look for the whereabouts of the chip with a perspective eye: "In the pocket on the side of the vest inside his jacket, take it directly. Come out."

"Oh..." Liu leaves undoubtedly obeyed Yang Ming’s words, reached out and untied Kevin’s shirt, then put his hand into the pocket on the side of Kevin’s vest, and surely touched something from inside and took it. Come out and see what is the missing chip you are looking for!

However, Liu Ye was not surprised. Now he is no stranger to Yang Ming’s magic. He has completely served Yang Ming.

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