So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1808: This is not over yet!

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty chapters are still over!

"Hey--" Zhang Baogong screamed, and a cup of hot coffee was buckled on the door of Zhang Baogong. He directly smashed him from the ground and screamed: "It’s hot, it’s hot." I am grassing your mother, you are murdering!"

Zhang Baogong is a young master, when was this grievance? The coffee that was sprinkled on the face, the hot face will fall!

Zhang Baogong squinted at his face, shouted loudly, danced and danced, and Yang Ming said: "You are deliberate, absolutely deliberate! I am **** you!"

Saying, Zhang Baogong did not care, even if he was led by the company afterwards, he did not care, and raised the hot coffee pot in one hand, and Yang Ming was drenched.

Yang Ming’s face crossed a trace of sarcasm, and his hand shook slightly. A flying needle fell into the wrist of Zhang Baogong. Zhang Baogong still didn’t react. What was going on? I was thinking of putting a pot of hot. The tea was drenched on Yang Ming’s head. The result was not thought. Why didn’t my hand be heard?

I haven't waited for the coffee pot, and I have no strength in my hand. As a result, the coffee pot rolls down directly. The "啪" is sprinkled on the body of Zhang Baogong. From the crotch to the foot, all the hot coffee is dripping. Got it!

Zhang Baogong once again screamed, and squatted on the floor with his pants: "I rely, I rely, I rely, I am not alive, I can't live, oh... I am so dead... I am so dead..."

The first class was originally very quiet. It was so troubled by Zhang Baogong. The passengers who were sleeping all woke up. Looking up and looking at it, I saw Zhang Baogong’s high jump on the ground like a clown, and suddenly he showed a contemptuous look. It is said that the quality of this flight attendant is so low, and it is still taking advantage of the movement of the crotch on the plane.

"Mom, what is that uncle doing? Why does he touch his own ***?" A child asked his mother strangely.

"Oh, baby, he is learning Michael dancing..." The mother hated the contempt of Zhang Baogong and explained to her son.

Of course, in the first class, there are some more daring little girls who are laughing at the sound at this moment. The action of Zhang Baogong is too cumbersome, just like doing some kind of diy.

"Come on the police, come on, someone attacked me!" Zhang Baogong shouted loudly, he must give Yang Ming a good look.

The policeman had already heard the news at this time. The first class had such a big noise. They also heard it. They saw Zhang Baogong yelling there and asked strangely. "What happened to you?"

"Give me a hand!" Zhang Baogong said Yang Ming: "This kid harms the safety of other people on the plane in a dangerous way! He drenches me with coffee, you see, he is burning me!" ”

After Zhang Baogong finished, he pointed to his face with a big face.

"Sir, please take a trip with us." Although it is not clear what happened to the matter, but these police officers saw Zhang Baogong so vowed, naturally, they must first take Yang Ming away and investigate.

"Xiao Wang, this is my friend!" Huang Lele said at this time, the policeman who spoke to the police said: "Zhang Baogong himself got the coffee, and thanked my friend!"

"This..." The policeman Xiao Wang did not think that the person Zhang Baogong said was actually a friend of Huang Lele! He only noticed at this time that it was Huang Lele who was sitting next to that person! I haven't noticed it before.

However, this time it is a bit difficult to do. Xiao Wang also knows that Zhang Baogong pursued Huang Lele. At this time, seeing Huang Lele sitting with another man, it is difficult to protect Zhang Gonggong from taking the opportunity to seek revenge on the man. Deliberately said so.

This kind of thing, Xiao Wang really does not want to participate, but since it comes, it can't be ignored. This is a public security problem that occurs on the plane. If he doesn't care, it is not easy to explain it to the captain.

"Lele, I am also investigating, it is all right to figure out..." Xiao Wang assured Huang Lele.

"No, in this first class, there are so many people, you can ask them, did Yang Ming just touch Zhang Baogong, how did his hot coffee come from?" Huang Lele said.

Xiao Wang listened, yes, so many witnesses, do not ask if you ask? In this way, if you use a third-party witness, you will not be guilty of both the Zhang Baogong and Huang Lele, and the captain will explain it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wang quickly asked a lady who was not far away: "This lady, have you seen what happened just now?"

This lady is just the child who is fucking, and her heart is hating Zhang Baogong’s bad child. How can I have any good air?

"I saw it!" said the lady. "The flight attendant just poured coffee on the lady behind the gentleman. As a result, the plane swayed. He accidentally spilled himself on his face, and then he leaned on the gentleman in front. He was furious and angry, not only swearing, but also squatting on the plane to do some insignificant movements on the plane..."

Xiao Wang Khan, won't you? Zhang Baogong is also openly hooligans? I looked at Zhang Baogong and saw him blushing and pointed at the lady. "You are nonsense! I obviously want to pour him with coffee, but he suddenly raises his hand and blocks the coffee cup." Just buckled on my face, how can I call me careless?"

"Oh..." The passengers in the plane listened to Zhang Baogong’s words and then gave a slight laugh: "Ha ha ha ha..."

"Have you heard?" Yang Ming's gaze looked at Xiao Wang: "This guy himself has admitted that he wants to use coffee to pour me, and he is self-sufficient."

"Sorry, sir, I am sorry!" Xiao Wang heard the testimony of the passengers. Now that Zhang Baogong himself has admitted, there is no need to investigate anymore. This Zhang Baogong can really hurt people. If you want to be unreasonable, please Yang Ming. In the past, if Yang Ming did not know the truth and sent the plane to the plane after the plane stopped, the responsibility of himself would be great!

"No, I was wrong. I didn't pour him. It was the plane. I didn't stand still. I didn't mean to pour him..." Zhang Baogong knew that he had made a mistake and explained it quickly.

“Ha ha ha ha...” The passengers on the plane laughed again: “Is this still not standing still?”

"I..." Zhang Baogong's face was red, yeah, if I explained this, isn't that the testimony of the lady before? I just said that she is nonsense...

"Sir, I am sorry, this matter, we must deal with it seriously!" Xiao Wang also ignored Zhang Baogong and carefully apologized to Yang Ming.

"Oh, are you dealing with it?" Yang Ming smiled faintly: "I am afraid that this will not work. This is not finished yet!"

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