So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1820: Some 尴尬

The first thousand eight hundred and twenty chapters are somewhat embarrassing

Shen Mian is afraid that Yang Ming will think more. After all, the tone of her previous speech seems to be that she does not welcome Yang Ming to go to the door twice.

Therefore, I quickly explained another sentence, fearing that Yang Ming would misunderstand. Of course, Yang Ming will naturally not misunderstand, Shen Yang’s attitude, Yang Ming naturally looks in the eyes, this is a mother’s desire for her daughter’s future happiness.

If there is nothing wrong with Shen Yuxi’s legs, Shen’s mother can only look at his family’s family, and there is no need to let her daughter fall over. After all, she has a girlfriend. This matter should not be known.

But now Shen’s attitude is completely like thinking of her daughter, because she also understands very well that Shen Yuxi’s life is so lonely and horrible in her life.

Now my daughter is younger, and I am getting older? When I am old with her dad, what should I do when I wait for her? Is a family of three waiting in the room to die?

Therefore, Shenmu had to plan for the long-term, and the song was welcoming Yang Ming, thinking that Yang Ming’s relationship with her daughter would go further.

Yang Ming certainly will not scorn the snobbery of Shen Shen. This is human nature. Yang Ming can understand her parents' mood.

"Oh, of course not, Shen Ayi, look out, you are very welcome." Yang Ming smiled and explained to Shen Shen.

"Yeah, yeah!" Shen Shen nodded again and again: "I think you are coming every day! But Mr. Yang, you have more things, too busy, how can you come over every day? One month and a half, can come once, I It’s very happy!”

"Oh, auntie, you still call me Yang Ming, I have said how many times, don't call me Yang Dong or Mr. Yang, I don't feel well." Yang Ming has no way, this name has been said more than that. Once.

"How good is that, you are the company leader of Xiaoxi..." Shen said quickly.

"Then if you call me this again, I won't come next time." Yang Ming is really a bit awkward. He and his wife are the same age. If Shen Shen calls himself Mr. Yang or Yang Dong, Is that the case?

"Well, then I will call you a loud Yang Ming..." Shenmian listened to Yang Ming and said that he had to change his mouth.

In fact, she also wants to be close to Yang Ming, not to be so talented, but she does not dare. Since Yang Ming said this, there should be no problem.

"Auntie, is the rainshake still?" Yang Ming was unable to cope with the enthusiasm of the sinking mother, only changed a topic.

"Yes, yes. Still in the room, you just go to find her." Shen mother said.

"Auntie, this is the case. I contacted a famous Chinese acupuncture sorcerer. It is possible to improve the condition of the raindrop, so I plan to take her to see it. No problem?" Yang Ming naturally wants to sink. The opinion of the mother.

But what is the opinion of Shenmu? When I saw Yang Ming’s heart for her daughter, she was very happy. “Of course there is no problem, thank you so much, Yang Ming!”

"Auntie is polite." Yang Ming smiled and said: "This is what I should have helped. Then I went in to see the rainshake and talked to her."

"Okay, okay." Shen Shen nodded.

Yang Ming turned and walked to the room of Shen Yuxi. I wanted to push the door directly, but I thought it was a girl's room. Some inconveniences, Yang Ming still knocked on the door.

"Come in..." Shen Yuxi naturally did not think that Yang Ming would go back and thought it was a mother. I don’t know what happened to my mother today, but I also knocked on the door, but I still answered.

When Yang Ming heard the sound of Shen Yuxi, he pushed the door and went in, but after he went in, he looked at the sunshade with some stunnedness... The lower part of the rain was under the sun, nothing was worn... The legs were padded on the quilt. Directly exposed to the air...

Shen Yuxi saw Yang Ming, who was actually stupid. She did not expect Yang Ming to go back and return. I thought it was a mother, so I didn’t care at all...

Her legs can't move, Shen Yuxi naturally doesn't want to have hemorrhoids there for a long time, so she will be outside for a while to see the sun... but I didn't expect it... The rain has forgotten the exclamation at this moment, and the legs are also Can't move, can't take it back, just look at Yang Ming so silly, I don't know what to do.

In fact, Shen Mu naturally knows that Shen Yuxi has this habit every afternoon, but the coming person is Yang Ming, she is also happy to have no reminder, anyway, there is more than a small gap between her daughter and Yang Ming, naturally there will be no harm. If you change someone else, Shenmu will certainly not let him go into his daughter's room.

"Oh...sorry, let me go out first..." Yang Ming was a little embarrassed... Although he could easily see this with his ability, Yang Ming never used his power to do these things. What happened by chance still made Yang Ming’s blood surge.

Although Yang Ming doesn't see it very clearly, the more this unclear feeling is, the more it makes people feel heart beat...

The rain was only reacted at this time. I quickly grabbed a towel and covered my lower body. Some blush: "You don't have to go out... I... I... I was afraid of getting acne, seeing the sun every day..."

"You don't have to explain, this is what I am not good." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, rainshake."

Although Shen Yuxi is now like this, but after all, it is still a girl who is icy and clean, and she has seen it myself. Yang Ming is somewhat guilty.

"Nothing, really..." Shen Yuxi actually didn't care about being seen by Yang Ming at all, but he was a little embarrassed. In her opinion, if Yang Ming is interested in her, she will only be happier.

Therefore, after Yang Ming saw that he was somewhat embarrassed, the Shen Yuxi was somewhat stunned...

"Well, then don't say this..." Yang Minghao unveiled this topic: "Snowshake, I am coming back to you, I want to tell you, I have helped me to contact a Chinese medicine practitioner." The holy hand may have an effect on your legs."

"Really?" Shen Yuxi had already had no hope for his legs, but when he heard Yang Ming say so, he was a little happy: "Yang Ming, you mean, my legs still have to be saved?"

"I can't stand up, I can't say it, but I said that the person is an expert in the field of acupuncture, so I think it should be possible to restore consciousness." Yang Ming does not dare to guarantee that nature does not The confidence that will be said is full, it will only make the sinking rain more hopeful and disappointing, but he can't say that there is no hope at all, it will fight the healing confidence of Shen Yuxi.

Therefore, Yang Ming only said that it is okay to restore consciousness, which also gives confidence to Shen Yuxi and let her have expectations.

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