So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1824: Nightmare also goes to spring tour?

The first thousand eight hundred and twenty-four chapters of the nightmare also went to the spring tour?

The legs of Shen Yuxi can indeed be cured by acupuncture, but the key problem is that it is not enough to cure the level of Guan Xuemin.

Guan Xuemin is also very frank: "I was instructed by an expert in the past, and I made a slight contribution to acupuncture. If the high-ranking person is there, the situation of Shen Yuxi is 100% sure, he is better than me. Know how many times!"

"The tall man is..." Yang Ming asked anxiously.

"The tall man, the dragon is not seeing the end, and he has never made a name for himself in the medical profession. After many inquiries, he should be called Lin Dongfang, the **** of the doctor Lin Dongfang!" Guan Xuemin has some regrets. "It’s just a little bit I already have this medicine, and it is called the Chinese medicine master by the world. If the high person comes in person, what a great deal?"

"Lin Dong..." Yang Mingmo read the name: "In any case, thank you, Guan Lao!"

“Oh, you are welcome.” Guan Xuemin sighed: “If you can really see Lin Dongfang’s doctor in the future, please let me see him again. I really want to see him again, even if I don’t say anything. Just see one side..."

"If this is possible, I am naturally willing to help." Yang Ming nodded and asked for Guan Xuemin's request.

"Shen Yuxi lived here, it is also convenient for her treatment. I apply her needle three times a day, which should be effective." Guan Xuemin said.

"But... the rain is usually inconvenient in life... I am afraid of her..." Yang Ming refers to the sinking of the rain or to go to the toilet, Guan Xuemin can not take care of her.

"Oh, nothing, there is Liu Ma here." Guan Xuemin said with a smile: "Liu Ma is the nanny at home, now not at home, go out to buy food, she can take care of the rainshake!"

Since Guan Xuemin suggested this, Yang Ming did not feel any emotion. After discussing it with Shen Yuxi, he left Shen Yuxi in the home of Guan Xuemin. Yang Ming returned to Songjiang with Shen Niu.

On the road, the mad cow is somewhat uneasy: "Sister, my sister is alone, will it be lonely?"

"I will come to see her often, but if you have time, you will come with your sister." Yang Ming is not a problem when he comes to see the rain, but Yang Ming is worried that after he went to Yunnan, The problem of sinking the rain.

"Don't worry about my brother-in-law! That is my sister, of course I want to see her!" The mad cow nodded.

On the night of Friday, Yang Ming was trying to contact Zhao Ying on the Internet, but he saw that Chen Mengxi was packing up something. He asked some strange questions: "Dream, what are you doing?"

"Clean up what you want to bring tomorrow!" Chen Mengyu said.

"What are you going to bring tomorrow? What are you going to do tomorrow?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, will Chen Mengyu go out tomorrow?

"Tomorrow's economic organization organizes a spring tour. I am the president of the student union of the economics department. Of course, I have to prepare." Chen Mengxi said that there are some regrets: "But don't let family and friends, otherwise I will take you with Jiajia. went……"

“You? Spring tour tomorrow?” Yang Ming’s eyes widened and his heart screamed badly. He thought that only the graduates of the economics department would go to the spring tour tomorrow, but did not expect the undergraduates to go together!

"Yeah, only me and Lin sister can go..." Chen Meng said: "People can bring family and friends, but there is no way, who let us be undergraduates?"

"So... how do you go tomorrow?" Yang Ming complained in his heart.

"I originally wanted to drive by myself, but I am a student council cadre. I can't drive myself. I can only take a bus with everyone." Chen Mengyu said: "But it's okay, the bus is very comfortable, and the distance is not too far." Go to the Sea Moon Resort in the East China Sea!"

Sea Moon Resort? How is this name so familiar?

Yang Ming thought about it. There seems to be propaganda on TV. It is a resort near the seaside. There are rockeries in the resort. It also depends on the beach and the sea, but it attracts many tourists...

correct! Yang Ming suddenly remembered that this is a hotel resort invested by Zhou Jiajia's mother and Sun Jie!

But now, it should be Tian Donghua who is in charge. Yang Ming smiled bitterly. He actually hasn’t been there yet. I don’t know what the resort looks like! Since Zhou’s father did not return to the housekeeper, the two went to travel around the world and threw the industry in their hands to Tian Donghua.

Now that the two are on the island, it seems that there is a sense of settlement. Zhou’s father has the experience of being a steward, and being a housekeeper on x Island is more than enough! I want to come to them and I want to understand that the money is just a figure for Yang Ming. My daughter will not be short of money with Yang Ming, so what are the industries that my own business is still doing? It’s better to let go early, and the two can enjoy life!

"Isn't that the Jiajia family's resort?" Yang Ming asked.

"Well? It seems to be true?" Chen Mengyu also remembered, as if this is the resort of Zhou Jiajia's family: "Isn't that the resort opened by Hua Auntie and Sun Jiejie?"

Chen Mengyu naturally knows Sun Jie. The last time the company had a problem was Sun Jielai's solution. Therefore, Sun Jie is no stranger. This business woman is so admired by Chen Mengyu. Lin Yuyun is even more admired. He is always in contact with Sun Jie in private. , learn from her.

So this time I went to the Sea Moon Resort in the East China Sea, Lin Yiyun also planned to visit Xia Jiejie.

Of course, Chen Mengxi does not know the relationship between Sun Jie and Yang Ming. If he knows, I am afraid that he will not visit Sun Jie with Lin Yuyun.

"Well, it should be." Yang Ming pretended to be inadvertently asked: "Right, nightmare, graduate student, is it like you to go to this resort?"

"Yeah, what happened?" Chen Mengyu nodded.

“Nothing, just ask.” Yang Ming said: “A lot of graduate students are all in-service people in the society to read, the age difference is relatively large, and your undergraduate students should not play together.”

"Oh, they don't live in a building with us. Should they play their own?" Chen Mengyu said.

"This way..." Yang Ming sighed a sigh of relief. If it was as Chen Mengxi said, it would be pretty good. Otherwise, wouldn’t he and Zhao Yingzhen face Chen Mengxi and Lin Yuyun?

But even so, Yang Ming has to change the plan a little, but can't let Chen Mengyu run into himself and Zhao Ying. Otherwise, before he leaves, the fire in the backyard can be bad, and the restless life of walking away. .

"Dream, then I will go upstairs, and you will call me for a while, I will sleep in your room tonight..." Yang Ming said.

"Well..." Chen Mengyu’s face was red, and naturally understood the meaning of Yang Ming...

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