So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1839: Ask again

Ask the first thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine chapters again

"No! Which one are you? Is there a place for you to talk here?" The cow bomb blinked and glared at Yang Ming: "I still saw him! Just him! This little white face is suitable for acting, I like it! You grow It’s too ugly, unlike the little white face, I don’t like you!”

The cow bomber said that he pointed to Fan Jinzhe. Fan Jinzhe is a little depressed, how does Laozi become a little white face? To say a little white face, is that Yang Ming more potential?

But at the moment, no matter who is a little white face, as long as you can kiss Zhao Ying's Fang Ze, then he does not mind being a little white face.

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe looked at Yang Ming for his difficulties: "Man, you don't think I don't want to, it's a bomber who doesn't want to, he doesn't say that I look at me... I am a little white face... Actually, where is my little white face? I think Buddy, you have the potential of a small white face, but the bomber is the boss here. He said that I am a little white face, then I can only be a little white face!"

"Is it?" Yang Ming’s mouth crossed a smile. He now finally knows what Fang Jinzhe played, and it turned out to be such a poor idea!

He wants to use his cattle bombs and cattle bombs to pressure a few of his own people, and then let him go to Zhao Ying to do something unscrupulous. However, let alone, although he is a little childish, if today's people are not their own, maybe they will let Fan Jinzhe succeed!

There is no reason for it. Even if ordinary people can fight again, it will not be the opponent of a group of big men with irons in their hands. These people will come up and beat together, even if they are even more powerful, they can’t resist it!

At that time, in order to save his life, the only thing that can only be left is Zhao Ying’s grievances and Fan Jinzhe’s performance of a reality show.

After the end of the matter, Fan Jinzhe can push his responsibilities all the time. Anyway, Zhao Ying is also willing to volunteer. When he is preaching and publicizing the reputation of Zhao Ying, Zhao Ying can only follow him.

I have to say that his wishful thinking is still loud. Unfortunately, he made a mistake. That is, there should be no such thing as Yang Ming in this plan. Since there is Yang Ming’s existence, it is doomed that this plan is a failure.

"Of course, buddy, don't be surprised," Fan Jinzhe said to Zhao Ying. "Zhao Ying, you see, we can only do this in order to save our lives. You can rest assured that even if this matter has passed, I will also I am responsible for you, I am a man of the top. Although this is an accident, I will not disapprove!"

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha..." Yang Ming suddenly laughed, laughter on this occasion, it seems a bit awkward, Yang Ming clap his hands: "Yes, Fan Jinzhe, you are very talented in acting!"

"Playing... What kind of play... What are you talking about?" Fan Jinzhe snorted, and then said: "Yang Ming, don't say that those are useless, now life-saving, angered the bomb brother, you can't eat Go! If you want to die, you will die, not to harm other people!"

"Oh..." Yang Ming looked at Fan Jinzhe: "Since you don't admit that you are acting, then I am sorry, Zhao Ying will not participate in your performance. If you want to play a reality show, let's play it yourself!"

"Do you want to die? Where is the turn of your voice here?" The Bomb did not think that Yang Ming was so arrogant, and dared to say these words on his own site: "Which acting is not acting, don't want to die, you have to give it Laozi acting!"

"Sorry, no interest." Yang Ming got up from the sofa and pulled up Zhao Ying's hand: "The tires have not been replenished, I have to go."

"Take your mother!" When the cow bomber saw Yang Ming so he didn't put himself in his eyes, he immediately angered: "You a few, first give me this kid, the girl does not move, but also has to Use her to act!"

"Yes, Bomb Brother!" The four big-shaped big men behind the cow bombs screamed and sneered at Yang Ming.

A big Han Dao holding an iron rod: "This kid is handed over to me, you look at it!"

"Oh, then you are going to the third child. I wanted to practice my hand, but this kid is too weak!" The other three big-eyed men shook their heads with regret.

"Kid, you come over and let me play, don't look uncomfortable!" The third child waved an iron bar to Yang Ming.

"Hey--" a loud noise.

"Ah--" a scream.

The third child slammed his head and fell down on the ground, but there was an obvious blood hole on his forehead!

Yang Ming did not keep a hand, grabbed the iron rod and hit the enemy.

The people present were dumbfounded. The cow bomb is stupid, the pony is stupid, and the three unskilled big men are stupid! Even Fan Jinzhe looked at Yang Ming!

No one thought that Yang Ming could actually grab the iron rod in the hands of the third child. They still didn't see how it happened. The third child fell to the ground, and the forehead was beaten by a blood hole!

So hot! A cow bomb glimpsed, although he often fights, but like Yang Ming, it is really rare to hit someone to death. This stick goes down, and the third child does not die and becomes a vegetative person.

The head is broken, can you still have it?

"Kid, are you too embarrassed?" The Bomb Bomb has seen a few scenes, did not order his men to continue to go up, but to prepare to explore the details of Yang Ming! He already felt that Yang Ming is a hard scorpion.

"I ask again, is the tire repaired?" Yang Ming did not answer the cow bomb.

"Kids, don't be too arrogant, do everything in order to stay behind, don't think that you are good, you are invincible!" The cattle bomb is very angry, I wanted to say a few words about the background of Yang Ming, but since Yang Ming does not give face Then there is no need to talk! I hurt the third child, and I don’t want him to leave something, then his cow bomb will be mixed: "Give me up, don't keep your hands!"

"Yes!" The other three people have long wanted to avenge the third child! Although the third child is not their brother, but together for many years, fighting together to pick up a girl, better than brothers, and now some people will be like this, the eyes of them have long been full of hatred, to Yang Ming corpse.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" Three loud noises.

No one saw how Yang Ming shot, but with three loud noises, the other three big-shaped big men all lay on the ground. Everyone has a blood hole on the brain, and a corner of his mouth has begun to spit. Obviously it’s not alive...

"" This time, the cow bomb finally knows what it means to be afraid. Before, Yang Ming’s third child can be said to be lucky, but now it will definitely not be so lucky!

The three men who hit the three sticks were directly disabled. Is this the average person?

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