So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1846: Unite

The first eighty-four hundred and forty-six chapters unite

The previous hesitation and restraint were entirely due to Chen Mengyu. Now, with Sun Jie, a good friend, what are you afraid of? If Chen Mengxi does not accept it, he will not accept it. They are together with Sun Jie, Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia. Are they not very happy and happy?

Moreover, Wang Xiaoyu is also on his side, so that even if Zhou Jiajia is neutral, there are three people who support themselves! With so many friends supporting myself, what else can I care about?

Sometimes, one thing, for a few years, may not be able to figure out, but sometimes, I want to understand it in a flash. The so-called Mao Seidun is the truth.

"Sisters, let us first welcome Zhao Ying with warm applause..." Sun Jie said, first applauded, and under the influence of Sun Jie's atmosphere, everyone else also raised his hand.

Of course, everyone is sincerely welcoming Zhao Ying, instead of dealing with two emotions.

"Thank you all, thank you..." Zhao Ying didn't think that everyone would be so enthusiastic and excited. "Today, it is the most happy and happy day of my life. With your support, I am very happy..."

"Oh, everyone will understand and tolerate each other in the future!" Sun Jie smiled and said: "Ying Ying, since you have joined our big family, then take advantage of this opportunity, some words, I want to talk to you! ”

Sun Jie said, it converges on the smile on his face, and the body sitting on the sofa is also a lot.

Everyone heard Sun Jie want to say something right, and they all put away their smiles. They looked at Sun Jie with a sly look. They were all eager to listen.

"Sisters! I want to say something about the happiness of all of us!" Sun Jie said: "We all like Yang Ming, but everyone knows that Yang Ming’s true girlfriend is Chen Mengyu! I believe Chen Mengqi is a character, Everyone knows everything, and Zhao Ying’s sister should have a deeper understanding!”

Zhao Ying was murdered by Chen Mengyu at the temple fair. It is no secret. Many people know that it is proved that the relationship between Chen Mengyu and Zhao Ying is actually not good. Now the relationship is good because Chen Mengxi thinks Zhao Ying and Yang Ming have no relationship, but once the two have a relationship, will Chen Mengxi accept her?

This is a very important thing. Chen Mengyu was originally a somewhat careful person. Although he changed, he accepted Zhou Jiajia, Lin Yiyun and Shu Ya, but other people could not accept it!

Especially Zhao Ying, a former teacher, and Xiao Qing, a dry sister, as for Sun Jie, this kind of competing character, Chen Mengyu, I am afraid I will not accept it!

"Sun Jie sister, in fact, the nightmare is just a child's temper, not grown up yet..." Zhao Ying whispered.

"Whether she is a child's temper, it is time to solve this problem. Even now it is urgent! Sisters, we are also women of Yang Ming, we are also his lover, after Chen Mengyu, if you want to accept us What should I do?" Sun Jie said very lyrly. This matter, she actually had premeditated, Chen Mengxi is Yang Ming's true girlfriend, but it is not the best candidate for the harem. Chen Mengxi is somewhat cautious and likes jealousy, although this time has obviously changed a lot. But for accepting so many of them, it is estimated that Chen Mengxi can't accept it!

In order to avoid the surge of contradictions in the future, Sun Jie must come up with a solution. Yang Ming will live in X Island sooner or later, but then will everyone follow or not go there?

Chen Mengyu must follow, but what about others? Can someone else continue to stay in Songjiang?

If at a critical moment, the sudden plan of the contradiction suddenly breaks out and there is no preparation, it will be a mess. It is better to look at the present and not reach the point where the contradiction is irreconcilable. At the very least, if Chen Mengyao is in trouble, he and others will be prepared!

Although everyone thinks that Sun Jie’s words are a bit heavy, but they can be accepted by Yang Ming, like Chen Mengxi’s being with him, it’s the wish of everyone!

So at this moment, Sun Jie puts forward the topic. No one will object. Everyone silently bows his head. People are always selfish and can compete with the world, but they don't want to be bullied.

"Sun Jie, we talk about these topics, will it make Yang Ming embarrassed?" Xiao Qing knows the general, does not want to add trouble to Yang Ming.

"No, it is estimated that he knows that we are talking about these things, and I am too happy to be there!" Sun Jie snorted and said that Yang Ming still grasped the grasp of Yang Ming’s mind: "We solved this mind for him." The big trouble, he will be very happy! Otherwise, he will have a headache!"

After listening to Sun Jie’s words, Yang Ming, who was hiding under the stairs and using his power to peek at what they said, really wanted to call Sun Jie! This grand fox is really embarrassed, know what you want!

Indeed, the problem of whether these women can get along with each other in the future is that Yang Ming is a sick man. He has been thinking about how to solve this problem before, but because he has to go to Yunnan to carry out this special dangerous task, so the coordination of the relationship between women around him, Yang Ming is not too concerned.

Can you come back, not necessarily, still care about so much? Of course, if you can be safe, it is not too late to study other things. However, since Sun Jie can help solve this big trouble first, Yang Ming is also very happy to see such a result.

I just don't know if Sun Jie wants to live in peace with Chen Mengyu, or if he wants to seek power and occupy the position of the Lord of the Harem. So, Yang Mingyi raised his eyes and prepared to see what Sun Jie would say next.

"This is a problem..." Xiao Qing nodded and looked at Zhou Jiajia: "Jia Jia, what do you think?"

"I... I don't want to hurt anyone... I don't know what to do!" Zhou Jiajia shook his head in a pale face: "My sister is very good to me, I don't want to hurt her... but Xiao Qing sister is also against me." Very caring, I can't let her down..."

Zhou Jiajia has some difficulties. Her relationship with Chen Mengxi is very good, but her relationship with Xiao Qing is also very good. Let her choose one of them and the other one, he can't do it...

"Jia Jia, I don't want to make you embarrassed!" Sun Jie listened to Zhou Jiajia's words and smiled: "We are just preparing a countermeasure! You can rest assured that I will not fight with Chen Mengzhen, and I don't want to do anything about the harem. I just want to unite everyone and safeguard the interests of our sisters! Chen Mengyu, she does not want to accept us, if we are not working hard, then who can help us?"

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