So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1851: Fish delivery

The first thousand eight hundred and fifty-one chapter to send fish

"Sister Lin's heart is so good..." Zhao Ying was moved. It seems that she is also an inclusive person.

Yang Ming, Khan, it seems that Zhou Jiajia is neutral, Lin Yuyun is neutral, and Chen Mengyu is not a lonely one? When it was time to conflict with Sun Jie, she was greatly disadvantaged.

Back in the villa, Sun Jie is working with Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia to make dinner. The ingredients are Sun Jie calling the kitchen to be sent in batches, and some unprepared fresh ingredients have been sent to purchase.

The current Haiyue Moon Resort has been completely handed over to Tian Donghua for management. Sun Jie, the big boss behind the scenes, has also started the shopkeeper.

"How come you come back so soon?" Seeing that Yang Ming and Zhao Ying came into the house, Sun Jie was a little strange and different. When they just went out for less than half an hour, how come back?

"..." Zhao Ying's face was red, I don't know how to explain it. This is a bit embarrassing. I am afraid that Sun Jie and Xiao Qing will laugh at themselves.

"Don't mention, just arrived at the place where the graduate students stayed, they met the nightmare and Lin sister..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "I must scare Yingjie to death!"

"Then did you find them?" Sun Jie was a little surprised. I didn't expect Yang Ming and Zhao Ying to be so back. When I first went out on a date, I met Chen Mengxi.

"No, fortunately, Yang Ming found out in time that I would pull it under the bus!" Zhao Yingxin had a slap in the chest: "But it’s a little bit, if Lin Xiaoyun kicked my skirt, I I’m afraid that the skirt that is exposed outside will be discovered by Chen Mengyu...”

"Hah, that's really a shocking moment! How, no stimulation?" Sun Jie is very interested in this: "I heard that in this case, the affair is very exciting, do you have it?"

"I... of course we are not there!" Where will Zhao Ying admit? Directly shaking his head and denying: "In that case, the scare is scared to death, stealing... stealing what!"

"Oh, no exclamation, what are you so excited about?" Sun Jie smiled and did not poke Zhao Ying. She knows that Zhao Ying loves her face and is not very funny.

" excitement..." Zhao Ying quickly waved her hand. "I was scared..."

"Oh..." At this moment, the doorbell of the villa suddenly rang...

"Ah? Who is it?" Zhao Ying suddenly shocked, and his hand fell on his heart again: "Yang Ming, willn't Chen Mengqi find them?"

"Can't you?" Yang Ming looked out the door, but saw a young man in his tense holding a big fat fish in his hand. Seeing this scene, Yang Ming smiled slightly: "Send the fish, Xiaojie, have you ordered the fish?"

"Well, Qing Qing said to you to make fish soup, but there is no fresh fish in the resort. I asked Tian Donghua to send a child to catch the fish back." Sun Jie said, he went to open the door.

For Yang Ming's specific function, although Xiao Qing knows the specifics, Sun Jie and Zhou Jiajia also know about it, but they are unaware of each other, so it is not surprising that Yang Ming can know in advance that he is sending fish.

Sun Jie opened the door, and the young man in his teens moved the fish in. It looked awkward: "Sister Sun, where do you look?"

"It’s a small step!" Sun Jie apparently knew the child and called Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, come over and help!"

Yang Ming originally wanted to pick up the fish, but the child saw Yang Ming coming over, and suddenly he was a little excited. The "砰" suddenly threw the big fat fish in his hand on the floor and stared at Yang Ming: You... are you Yang Mingyang?"

The poor big fat fish just came out of the water and didn't die. It was not dropped. It was thrown on the floor, and it hurts to go back and forth. But the children can't manage so much, and they are very excited to see Yang Ming.

"I am... are you?" Yang Ming looked at the child in front of her.

"I... I am Li Yixun, Yang Ge, you don't know me, but I am Tian Dongguang's classmate. I heard him and I told you. He admired you very much. He often told me about your business. He wants to worship you. Teacher, I am also ready to worship you as a teacher!" Li Yixu said with some excitement.

"..." Yang Ming was speechless, only to think that Tian Donghua had a younger brother named Tian Dongguang, who was a martial artist: "Don't listen to him nonsense, what teacher do you worship? He is Wu Chi, don't learn him!"

"Oh, I don't want to learn martial arts. I just admire the things you do! Especially when I listen to Donghua, you have saved the sorrows and saved your sister, and they have caught Donghua's father. The legendary characters generally exist!" Li Yixuan said endlessly: "I am doing things for Donghua brother now. He often tells me about your deeds! We are all like your admirers..."

"Since doing things with Donghua, then doing things well, you will succeed in the future..." Yang Ming silently patted Li Yixun's shoulder: "You are not going to school? How come here to help?"

"The family is poor, don't read it, Dongguang will introduce me to help here, but Donghua brother is very good to me!" Li Yixun is very satisfied with his status quo.

Li Yixun was embarrassed to pick up the fish on the ground and handed it to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming took the fish and hugged into the kitchen. Li Yixun had already turned and left, and Yang Ming could not help but shake his head. This kid is quite interesting.

Yang Ming remembers that Chen Mengqi’s previous table seemed to be called. Is it true that Li Yixun would not remember it, but there are too many people of the same name in the world, and it is not unusual to call a name.

Sun Jie and Xiao Qing went to the kitchen to do dinner, and Zhou Jiajia and Zhao Ying also went to help, but Yang Ming had nothing to do, and went to Xiao Wang’s room.

Without Yang Ming’s instructions, Xiao Wang did not dare to go out in the room, and did not dare to talk. When he heard Yang Ming knock on the door, he quickly opened the door to Yang Ming: “Yang Ge, you are here...”

He still holds a mobile phone in his hand and said to the mobile phone: "Small, don't say it, Yang Ge came over!" After that, he hung up the phone, apparently having been chatting with his girlfriend before.

"Chat with my girlfriend?" Yang Ming did not expect Xiao Wang to chat, a little embarrassed to come and bother him.

"Nothing to do, just make a phone call, there is nothing important, but it is a bit of a mess in the home." Xiao Wang did not care to wave his hand: "Yang Ge, are you looking for me?"

"I don't have anything..." Yang Ming lowered his voice: "When you look at the door at night, pay attention to see if your dreams come to me. If you look for me, you can use SMS to notify you. I!"

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