So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1860: Lonely

The first thousand eight hundred and sixty chapters of the lonely family

"Chen Mengxi, your boyfriend is with other women, you didn't see it? How do you care?" Fan Jinzhe saw Chen Mengyu coming downstairs and screaming out loud! He was very puzzled. Why did Chen Mengxi see Yang Ming and other women together, not only did not get angry, but also a look of self-blame, isn't Chen Mengyu stupid? Have you been brainwashed?

Chen Mengyu looked at Fan Jinzhe coldly. It was this guy who almost destroyed his relationship with Jiajia and made his image of this big sister almost destroyed!

It is conceivable that if you push yourself a little more today, the door of the bathroom will be opened directly, and Zhou Jiajia, who is wrapped in a bath towel, will be completely exposed to everyone and exposed to Fan Jinzhe. Will Jia Jia hate himself?

Although there are bath towels on the body, the key parts are blocked, but it will be very difficult. Zhou Jiajia will be very uncomfortable. Even if the face will not be like to himself, he will not say anything, but the heart will definitely Leave a jealousy... Think about Chen Mengxi, I feel scared, how do you listen to Fan Jinzhe’s provocation?

"Xiao Wang, you continue to hit him! This guy is really annoying, is a big liar!" Chen Mengxi saw Fan Jinzhe in this case actually did not forget to provoke distraction, my heart is even more angry, you have been beaten, you still go Do you hate people? What are you looking for?

"Well!" Xiao Wang responded and continued to beat Fan Jinzhe.

"Chen Mengxi, you are a silly hat, is your head getting into the water?" Fan Jinzhe was anxious. Why isn't Chen Mengyu like a fool? When she said this thing to her before, she was too angry and not fake. After how came, suddenly changed his mind?

Fan Jinzhe thought and wondered if he had made a mistake, because he felt that he had not made any mistakes at all. This step by step, in theory, was carried out according to his own design. When I turn my face, I turn my face?

"My family's business, you have less control!" Chen Mengxi is also angry, what do you do in my own home? Are you sick? I can't manage my own affairs, and still manage others?

"You... you are a mentally handicapped, there is a problem in your heart!" Fan Jinzhe said loudly.

However, his voice soon became a mourning sound, and he was beaten and kicked by Xiao Wang for a while, even more fierce! Xiao Wang saw that this guy could still yell under his fist, and suddenly he was anxious!

If you let others see it, and think that you are not playing hard, Yang Ge and the nightmare will blame yourself! Therefore, Xiao Wang’s rounded arms, and the vengeful greetings of Fan Jinzhe, directly crying and crying, and no longer have the strength to go to Chen Mengyu.

Although the guards nearby patrolled saw this scene, but no one came forward to stop it, because they all knew that Sun Jie, the chairman of the group, lived in the villa, so the villa was beaten at the door, certainly Sun Jie knew How can the security guard manage this idle thing?

Instead, Chen Mengyu waved at them. The two patrolling security guards immediately opened the battery patrol car: "Is there any need to help?"

The two security guards also saw that Chen Mengxi came out of Sun Jie’s villa. It was obviously Sun Jie’s understanding of the people, and he was very respectful and charming.

"Send us to the front of the hotel building?" Chen Mengyu pointed to a direction in the distance.

"Okay, please get on the bus!" The security guard said quickly, this is just a small matter, just a little effort.

Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun got on the bus and left quickly. Chen Mengxi was very guilty. Originally, Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia should have a good night, but they broke it because they listened to the villain. After going back, I have to explain it to Jia Jia and I will explain it.

And Yang Ming and Zhao Ying, because of Chen Mengxi’s sudden intervention, naturally did not dare to live together again. However, fortunately, each other has already determined the other party's intentions, and it is officially started to contact, and does not care about this time.

Although Zhou Jiajia wanted to return to Sun Jie and Xiao Qing's room, Zhao Ying said that she did not exchange anything with her. Zhou Jiajia had no choice but to return to Yang Ming's room.

In fact, her heart is also very happy. During this time, Xiao Qingjie is busy studying network protocols in the laboratory. There are few opportunities to be alone with Yang Ming, so Zhou Jiajiao lives with Yang Ming. Also very happy.

"Hey, the dream sister is actually very good to me. She is also very good and loves you very much. We shouldn’t lie to her..." Zhou Jiajia was lying in Yang Ming’s arms for some guilt. Some tangle!

Zhao Ying was in trouble, she had to help, but when she helped Zhao Ying, she deceived Chen Mengyu, and Zhou Jiajia’s heart was very uncomfortable. Just now, there was nothing. Now, when I think of it, I regret it.

"In fact, I am also very guilty about this kind of thing..." Yang Ming sighed with a smile: "What should I know about the things between me and Sun Jie and Xiao Qing? We are together, too It’s been a lot of things that have finally come together, just like you and me, so let me abandon any one, I don’t want to, and let them leave me, it’s impossible!”

"Well, I understand this! I heard Xiao Qing sister tell me about your business... and I am the same, you let me leave you, I am better to die!" Zhou Jiajia nodded: "So I understand them. The mood, but that is, the dream sister is also innocent..."

"Dream... I am sorry for her, but I think she will accept these slowly, just as she accepted you and Yun Yun!" Yang Ming said helplessly.

"I hope so, now Lin Lin is behind the enemy, giving you a ventilating letter, and my sister-in-law has become a loner. It’s really hard to imagine, if there is a conflict between them, what will the dream sister do?" Zhou Jiajia Shake his head: "I am afraid she will not accept..."

"Oh, it shouldn't be..." Yang Ming didn't worry about this, because he was about to leave, and went to Yunnan to perform a dangerous task. If Chen Mengyu knew this, how can he still be jealous? Is it a problem to be able to come back safely, and what are you fighting for?

Therefore, if there is such a day, Chen Mengyu knows all of this. It is also waiting for him to come back from Yunnan safely. If he can’t come back, think about the future things. It’s purely mediocrity.

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