So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1872: I believe in him

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-two chapters I believe in him

However, Zhang Dianhai has no way to ask for too much. Five million has already been a lot. If he directly opens the conditions of eight million or ten million, it is obviously difficult for some strong people. Therefore, Zhangdian Haizheng couldn't add a code to Guan Xiaoxiang. Yang Ming took the initiative to send it to the door. Such a good thing is simply too rare!

Therefore, Zhangdian Haishun pushed the water and made a task that could not be completed one hundred million yuan a day. Only in this way, he dared to say that all of them would listen to Guan Xiaoxiang's big words!

Because Zhang Dianhai does not believe that Guan Xiaoxiang can get 100 million yuan in a day, this is an international joke! He didn't believe that there was such a thing.

"Xiao Xiang, who are you looking for? Is this helping you, isn't it harmful to you?" Zhang Hualan said to Xiao Xiaoxiang.

"It shouldn't be, Yang Ge said so, there should be a way..." Guan Xiaoxiang believes that Yang Ming, the father is very respected, should not be a person who is not reliable and can only talk big!

Moreover, Yang Ming's two cars are good, it should be a big boss! Just let Guan Xiaoxiang know that Yang Ming actually opened a chip of 100 million yuan a day! This is simply beyond the imagination of Guan Xiaoxiang!

However, on the other hand, Guan Xiaoxiang is also very excited, because Yang Ming said so, it means to invest 100 million yuan for him! Because the money he said should not be taken back, but used for investment!

There are 100 million yuan, then your own business will be established rapidly, and then it will be smooth! Can Guan Xiaoxiang not be excited?

"Is there any way? One hundred million yuan, I don't have so much money at home!" Zhang Hualan looked at Yang Ming with a bit of awkwardness. The heart of this guy is obviously messing up. Xiaoxiang also spoke to him: And one day, isn’t it a joke?”

"I don't know this, but I don't think Yang Ge will lie to me!" Guan Xiaoxiang shook his fist: "Xiaolan, you can rest assured, I will not lose you!"

"Hey, you can only take a step and see one step!" Zhang Hualan lowered his voice: "I can't do it, I will leave home, and we will run away!"

"No, I won't let you live this kind of life!" Guan Xiaoxiang said firmly: "Trust me, believe Yang Ge, we will be happy! Certainly!"

"Well..." Zhang Hualan looked at Guan Xiaoxiang so much that he believed Yang Ming, but he didn't say anything anymore, but he didn't think it was in the heart. How did she see this Yang Ming as if she was deliberately pleasing her father to achieve the purpose of cheating and cheating? The sage...

Zhang Dianhai doesn't care about what his daughter and Guan Xiaoxiang said at the moment. What they want to say is what they say. Anyway, it is the last time. After twenty-four hours, Guan Xiaoxiang can't get 100 million yuan, so he can only get out. !

"Small customs, I think you still don't want to be a child here. Think about it first, and then make up a hundred million and say it again?" Zhang Dianhai said not salty.

"Do you want to eat too? Or isn't it so many good foods? I haven't eaten the craftsmanship of Songjiang International Hotel in Songshan City!" Yang Ming said with a smile. He ordered some signature dishes and wanted to see the craftsmanship of the chef here.

Can't see it, Jing Xiaoyu and Guo Jianchao are taking the wind and water of this hotel industry operation, so the management of each branch is well organized! In fact, Yang Ming does not know that the Douglas Hotel itself has a complete management system. Jing Xiaoyu only needs a little change, it can be used directly, so it is so easy to manage so many hotel branches!

Suddenly, all kinds of dishes were put on the table, Yang Ming was not polite, picked up the chopsticks and ate: "Well, the taste is really good! Everyone tastes, it's delicious!"

"Hey!" Zhang Dianhai taunted Yang Ming, he thought he was doing East? Let everyone taste it? It is not clear who is going to treat it? However, Zhang Dianhai did not say much, because Yang Ming does not matter how to do it, his purpose has been reached, Yang Ming is willing to do it! In particular, Yang Ming also helped himself to speak. He even more worried about it: "Well, Xiaoguan, you can taste it. The next time you eat the food here, it is after you raise 100 million yuan." !"

Zhang Dianhai said that it is ironic that Guan Xiaoxiang will not be able to come here again, because he simply does not believe that Guan Xiaoxiang can get 100 million yuan.

"Xiaolan, do you want to eat some?" Guan Xiaoxiang listened to Yang Ming, so he picked up the chopsticks, but saw that Zhang Hualan had not moved the chopsticks, so he said.

"How can I have such a big heart? Can I eat it?" Zhang Hualan is crying, how is Xiaoxiang so good? Will he not stand up and refute it? The words just said by Yang Ming are not what Guan Xiaoxiang said, nor can they represent Guan Xiaoxiang. As long as he stands up and does not recognize it, Zhang Hualan believes that even if his father is shameless, it is impossible to force Yang Ming’s promise to be on Guan Xiaoxiang’s body: You are going to talk to my dad now, that’s not what you mean. You know that you can make five million. It’s okay to use the ability of Uncle Shu to make five million. Isn’t it a problem?”

"One hundred million is 100 million, I believe Yang Ge!" Guan Xiaoxiang shook his head.

"How do you believe him so much?" Zhang Hualan anxious: "I see that he obviously harms you, it is not for you!"

"I can only believe in him! Because I had just had a fight with my dad before I came, my dad would not give me money, nor let me use his fame to open the company... I fell out with him!" Guan Xiaoxiang said helplessly: "But it’s okay to meet Yang Ge, Yang Ge will help me!"

"He? How can he help you? Can he help you get 100 million yuan?" Zhang Hualan obviously does not believe that Yang Ming can help Guan Xiaoxiang.

"Can... he should be!" Guan Xiaoxiang nodded.

"Hey! I really don't know what to say about you, then you believe it. When, my dad let you break up with me, don't regret it!" Zhang Hualan is mad, how is this Guan Xiaoxiang so rigid? What is wrong with elopement? Why do you have to adhere to the principle that you don't have?

Zhang Dianhai proudly watched Yang Ming gorging on the table and eating the food on the table. The heart was even more sure that Yang Ming was cheating and cheating. The words he said before were just to please himself, so that he could eat better. !

Thinking of this, Zhang Dianhai is more at ease: "Small Guan, don't talk, don't eat! Let's eat tens of thousands! Don't waste it!"

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