So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1874: Headquarters came

The first thousand eight hundred and seventy-four chapters came to the headquarters.

"Then let's hurry up!" 娄大衍 is okay, and the patience does not hang up.

"Hey, there is a lot of passes in the windshield of the car! Those passes, there are group headquarters!" The security captain was afraid that Da Yan would hang up the phone and said in one breath.

“What? Is there a lot of passes? Is it the headquarters of the group?” 娄大衍一愣: “You talk about it, what is going on?”

"This is the case, hey, I am next to this car!" The security captain said quickly: "The pass on the car has the "Ming Yang Entertainment Company Headquarters Access Pass", "Famous Security Security Company Pass", ' Songjiang International Hotel's internal parking lot passes ', 'famous **** company pass'..."

"Hey? So much?" When Dadeng suddenly got a big jump, these are some of the brother companies affiliated to the group headquarters of Songjiang and the headquarters of the group. Then the identity of the owner of this car... I thought of it here, and I was shocked when I was born. A cold sweat, I secretly hang up the phone just now! If the phone is really hung up, I guess I have to die!

Yan Da Yan is a native of Songjiang City. He was originally an ordinary high-level executive of Songjiang International Hotel. He was only lucky. He was caught up in the branch hotel and was lacking in management. So he was appointed to work in Songshan City!

Therefore, he also has a deep understanding of the famous group in Songjiang City. Those who can enter and exit all the companies related to these groups at the same time are definitely not small people. Maybe they are a shocking figure!

And what exactly does this person suddenly come to in Matsuyama City? Is it a micro-service private interview, or is not satisfied with yourself, to investigate yourself?

Yan Dayan thought about what he did after he came to Songshan City. There was nothing unusual about it. He didn’t take up much of the hotel’s cheapness. He had already paid a lot of money, and he didn’t need to use the hotel to make money. After all, management is very standard, and he also knows what the boss's tyranny is based on, and does not dare to embezzle public funds.

In addition to including a mistress, Yan Dayan can not find any crimes of his own, and think of it here, the heart of Da Yan is a little safe! After careful consideration, since the other party has blatantly drove the car with the group headquarters pass, it must not come to an unannounced visit. I am afraid that it may be just passing by to temporarily eat a meal or stay here!

Thinking of this, Yan Dayan felt that his performance opportunity had arrived. He quickly said to the security captain: "You wait for me, I will pass right now!"

"Okay, I am waiting for you in the parking lot, oh!" said the security captain.

When Yan Dahang hung up the phone, he began to wear clothes quickly, and the mistress put the bath water in the shower. After waiting for a long time, he didn’t see Da Yan. He was anxious. He went back to the bedroom and saw that Da Yan was wearing clothes there. A glimpse: "Da Yan, what are you doing? How to wear clothes? Isn't it good to take a shower? The bath water is for you!"

"There are important things in the hotel, I have to rush over immediately!" Yan Dayan said, speeding up the speed of wearing clothes.

"What is it? I won't wait for a while. Good people... People are waiting for you for a long time..." The second wife sprinkled her.

"Don't make trouble!" 娄大衍 screamed: "I have a business, it is related to my future! The headquarters is coming, I have to go!"

"Ah..." The mistress had an important thing to hear, and it was related to the future of Da Yan. She did not dare to stop it any more. She nodded and no longer said anything.

Yan Dayan went out and quickly got on the bus and rushed to the international hotel.

In the parking lot, Yan Dayan saw the security captain and quickly parked his car next to him: "Xiao Zhao, where is the car?"

"Hey, you are here!" The security captain quickly gave a salute to Da Yan, and then said: "Hey, the car is here, you see..."

"Oh? Is this car?" Yan Dayan got out of the car and looked at the Audi a8l pointed by Xiao Zhao. When he saw the pass in the windshield of the car, he suddenly changed his face: "It really is the headquarters of the group... but I don't know their true purpose..."

"Yeah, I feel that it matters a lot, so I told you the first time..." the security captain said quickly.

"Do you know which box the car's guests are in?" asked Da Yanyan.

"I don't know this, but I can ask the lobby manager." The security captain said: "When we enter the guest, we will report the model and license plate number to the guest, and he will respond accordingly!"

"That is to ask!" Yan Dayan urged.

"Yes, I will ask this!" The security captain picked up the captain's machine: "Wu Wujun class? I am the security team Xiao Zhao!"

"Captain Zhao, I am Xiao Wu, please tell me!" The voice of Wu Lingban came from the intercom.

"I want to ask, which passenger in the Audi a8l car of the loose bk9999, which box?" asked the security captain.

"This... Captain Zhao, what's the problem with their car?" Wu Lingban apparently did not realize the situation, and thought it was a problem with this car: "Captain Zhao, I privately remind you, this The car is a guest of Zhang Zong. If there is anything, you should handle it as appropriate!"

"General Zhang's guest?" Security captain Xiao Zhao suddenly stunned: "You mean, Zhang Vice President?"

The face of Yan Dayan is also a change. Is the energy of this store sea quite big? I have just been appointed as the vice president, and I have a relationship with the people at the group headquarters. Do you want to replace yourself? Thinking of this, Yan Dayan is even more black, and grabbed Xiao Zhao’s walkie-talkie: “Xiao Wu, what happened? You mean that the person inside this car is a guest of Zhangdianhai?”

"Wang Zong?" Wu Lingban is also a glimpse, but did not dare to ask, quickly replied: "Yes, they followed Zhang Zong, went to the VIP box upstairs..."

"How many boxes?" asked Da Yan.

"No. 8..." Wu Lingban did not dare to hide.

"Mom!" 娄大衍 confessed to the heart, but fortunately the security captain Xiao Zhao eyes, otherwise, if you missed this opportunity, let Zhang Dianhai give the first, maybe this guy will step on his head It!

No, I can't weaken him. I think of it here. I am going to run three steps and go to the hotel in two steps. The security captain Xiao Zhao and Baoan 012 don't dare to chase. They can only stand here to help Da Yan see the car... because When Dai Dayan got off the bus, there was no lock!

Yan Dayan ran into the hotel lobby, and ignored Wu’s class and greeted him. He ran straight into the elevator and went to the floor of the VIP area. He went down to the No. 8 box.

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