So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1878: Guan Xiaoxiang's plan

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight chapters Guan Xiaoxiang's plan

"Apprentice? Well, the apprentice can do it too!" Guan Xiaoxiang knew that Yang Ming would not have children for a while, and that Yang Ming’s apprentice was not bad, but he asked strangely: "Boss, you have to accept apprentices and what do you study?"

"Everything learns... What will I teach him, such as martial arts." Yang Ming will naturally not talk to Guan Xiaoxiang about the killer. The timing has not yet arrived. Although Guan Xiaoxiang is more involved, this important thing will not be said by Yang Ming at the last moment.

"Wu Gong? Boss, you will also martial arts?" Guan Xiaoxiang asked with some surprise.

"It will be some." Lin Yi smiled, then pointed to a small advertisement on a pole not far away and said: "Look at the pole."

Yang Ming said, he picked up a small stone from the ground and then lost it.

"啪", Xiaoshizi hit the pole and then ejected to the side.

Guan Xiaoxiang's eyes widened. Although he couldn't see if Yang Ming was playing in a small advertisement, it was already a long way to reach the telephone pole, let alone hit a small advertisement.

"Boss, is it true?" Guan Xiaoxiang ran over in three steps and took a look at the small advertisement on the telephone pole. He suddenly couldn't speak, pointing to the small advertisement, leaving only Zhang's mouth.

"Xiaoxiang, what's wrong with you?" Xiaolan couldn't see it anymore. What kind of expression is Xiaoxiang? It seems that he was scared.

"Xiaolan, look at this place!" Guan Xiaoxiang pointed at the small advertisement on the telephone pole and said with surprise.

Zhang Hualan walked over and saw the advertisement on the telephone pole. She suddenly became a little red: "You... what you see is a mess!"

"Hey?" Guan Xiaoxiang stunned, only to reflect the meaning of Zhang Hualan! Because the small advertisement was an advertisement for "cure disease, infertility", before Guan Xiaoxiang did not pay attention. At this time, after Zhang Hualan reminded him to find the problem, he suddenly felt awkward: "Xiaolan, I am not talking about this advertisement. It's the trace of the advertisement being stoned out! Look here!"

Said, Guan Xiaoxiang pointed to the position of the small advertisement to Zhang Hualan!

"Ah!" Zhang Hualan suddenly exclaimed as soon as he saw it, because in the middle of the small advertisement, there was actually a fingerprint of the prototype, which was shot by the stone! Actually, it’s not bad, just in the middle!

"So accurate?" Zhang Hualan said with amazement.

"Yeah, do you know why I am so surprised now?" Guan Xiaoxiang said: "I didn't expect the boss to have such a hand!"

Zhang Hualan nodded because she was equally surprised! Before, she also felt uncomfortable for her children and Yang Ming’s apprentices, but now it seems that Yang Ming’s apprentice is not an ordinary person!

Ordinary people, how can you get Yang Ming’s eyes?

"Well, don't be surprised, but it's a small means." Yang Ming said with a smile.

If this is still a small means, then Guan Xiaoxiang really does not know what is the big means: "Boss, are you the legendary martial arts master?"

"You can understand this!" Yang Ming said: "My specific identity has already been told to your father. You want to know, you can ask him!"

"Oh?" Guan Xiaoxiang said: "Boss, what is your identity? Let me talk about it! I know this person, my father. He is very old-fashioned. If I ask him, I can’t ask anything. ""

"Well, let's talk about it anyway!" Yang Ming nodded. Anyway, after a while, he left. When Guan Xiaoxiang couldn't find himself, he would definitely ask for Violence or Guan Xuemin. At that time, he would know. of.

"Boss, do you really have a special identity?" Guan Xiaoxiang was surprised.

"My identity is actually a special agent!" Yang Ming said: "But you can't just say it out!"

"Ah! Agent?" Guan Xiaoxiang widened his eyes: "Boss, are you a special agent?"

"Well, after a while, I am going to perform a task, so you won't see me for a long time." Yang Ming said: "The reason why I told you is also based on this reason, but you should not say it."

"Do not worry, I will not talk nonsense, absolutely not!" Guan Xiaoxiang shook his head: "I am not a messenger."

Guan Xiaoxiang was surprised, but he did not doubt what Yang Ming said. If Yang Ming did not show such a means of flying stones before, perhaps Guan Xiaoxiang would still have doubts, but now, Guan Xiaoxiang is only amazed!

Yang Ming can play such a small stone with a casual small stone, then he is a special agent for granted.

"Let's go, find a place, talk about your business plan." Yang Ming smiled and said: "100 million I am ready to vote for you, but what do you want to do, may wish to talk to me, but in fact I am not Will interfere."

"That must be said!" Guan Xiaoxiang nodded and went to a coffee shop along the roadside with Yang Ming. He is going to tell the detailed plan and Yang Ming...

In fact, the idea of ​​setting up a hospital has already taken shape in his mind. At that time, he thought about it only by the name of Guan Xuemin in the early stage, and he made a name for himself.

Because there is definitely no money in the early days, even the advertisements can't afford it. Only with the reputation of Guan Xuemin can it be maintained. But now, if you have Yang Ming’s investment, you don’t have to borrow Guan Xuemin’s name!

It is entirely possible to use this money to open a super-large private hospital. It is completely sufficient for both the scale of the building and the medical facilities. It is also possible to hire some retired old experts to sit and the hospital's name can be played in a short time!

Therefore, after Guan Xiaoxiang was seated, he began to talk about the money: "Yang Ge, my initial thought is this, first buy the next office building, it can be an abandoned school or a place like a research institute, then After renovation, I will spend some money to hire some experts who have retired from large hospitals. I can specialize in several subjects at the beginning, and then purchase the medical equipment of these subjects, because 100 million said more and less, I want all. It is certainly not enough to buy medical equipment, so it is enough to specialize in several disciplines in the early stage."

Yang Ming nodded. Although he did not understand the operation of the hospital, there are not many problems from the plans of Guan Xiaoxiang: "Your thoughts are good and the feasibility is very strong."

"Yes? Really good, is it feasible?" Guan Xiaoxiang got Yang Ming's praise and looked very excited: "Boss, or you believe me! And my dad said that I am on paper, I don't believe me at all. Saying that I will only be whimsical, it is simply not realistic!"

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