So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1902: Find him to challenge

Chapter 1902 is looking for him to challenge

Feng Jiu-neng opened an audio-visual agency to sell pornographic CDs, and was later given by the Trade and Industry Bureau. Not only was he fined, but he was also sent to the police station. After coming out, Feng Jiuquan had nothing to do with him, and he turned to Gao Jin’s buddy Fan Jinzhe. Fan Jinzhe just set up a company, and he needed a class-like character to be on his own. If he was not familiar with it, he would bring Feng Jiueng to his side.

Not to mention, although Feng Jiu Neng did not have much ability, but there are a lot of ghost ideas, but also let Fan Jinzhe's company get a lot of benefits, at least tax evasion and tax evasion, Feng Jiu can be a good hand.

Fan Jinzhe didn't go to Yang Ming, sitting in the office depressed. Some time ago, not only did Yang Ming lose a lot of money because of the grievances of Yang Ming, but he was also beaten by Yang Ming's driver Xiao Wang! This made Fan Jinzhe's anger against Yang Ming have risen to the extreme.

"Ze Ge, what's wrong with you? I see you are unhappy at the office in the morning, what happened?" Feng Jiueng asked.

"Don't mention it, it's dead!" Fan Jinzhe shook his head.

"Ze Ge, what are you talking about with me, I will help you study and study?" Feng Jiueng asked: "Don't forget, my name is Feng Jiu Neng, why, because I can do anything!"

"Yes, I forgot your brains!" Fan Jinzhe nodded. "Then I will talk to you! This is the case. Can you remember the Yang Ming I told you before?"

"I remember, you are not letting the vice-president of the four watchmen clean up him? Why, he is not good to clean up?" Feng Jiu-neng naturally knows Yang Ming, his understanding of Fan Jinzhe and Yang Ming's dispute is clear, And this trick to find four watches to clean up Yang Ming is his out. ”

"Hey, don't mention it, my four watch, I didn't fight Yang Ming's cognac Liu Weishan, I was dropped to a research institute under the school to go to the old age!" Fan Jinzhe shook his head: "It seems that I want to clean up from the school." Yang Ming is impossible! This time, he is sure to be the principal, and we have no way to shoot!"

"This is really difficult..." Feng Jiu could frown. "It is reasonable to say that after his girlfriend knows Zhao Ying, he should be angry and angry. How can it make you jealous of you?"

This is where Feng Jiu Neng has been unable to figure out. He thinks that there must be some weirdness, but he can't guess.

"Yeah, I don't know how this is going on, fucking, that Chen Mengyu is also having problems. It is obvious that her husband and others are getting together, but she ignores it! It is a neuropathy!" Fan Jinzhe said indignantly.

"Or, I don't think we're going to do these tricks! Since these sinister tricks are not useful to Yang Ming, we will do some tricks of fairness!" Feng Jiu could think about it.

"What are the tricks of Guangming Zhengda? What tricks?" Fan Jinzhe sighed, and asked some doubts.

"I don't see this. You and Yang Ming came to a challenge. You went to challenge Yang Ming. Who agreed to lose, who will leave Zhao Ying later!" Feng Jiu could think about it.

"Ah? I am going to challenge Yang Ming?" Fan Jinzhe suddenly shook his head: "You don't know, that Yang Ming is also very powerful. The deputy director of the school's Taekwondo Club has been hit by the ground. How can I It is his opponent!"

"Hey, here is a little bit of fun! Feng Jiu Neng said with a smile: "While you are looking for him to challenge, but you have not said that you personally fight!" When you find a master and fight with him, he also has a hard time to say, as long as we are careful, play a word game with him, he can only fight! ”

"Yeah! This is a good idea!" Fan Jinzhe heard, suddenly felt that this method is feasible, so he took a shot of Feng Jiu Neng's shoulder and said: "It's not nine, you can really!"

"That's yeah!" Feng Jiu could nod. "Ze Ge, we can add a more embarrassing condition when we get there. The loser will not only be away from Zhao Ying, but also take off her clothes and streak in the playground! ”

“Oh?” Fan Jinzhe said: “Streaking?”

"Yeah, Zhege! You think, when Yang Ming streaks around, how can he still continue to stay in this school? When I go out, I am not laughed at by my classmates? Even if I am bigger The person can't stand it anymore, then he can only transfer to school!" Feng Jiu can laugh.

"I rely on! Nine can, you have this idea! But I am afraid that Yang Ming will not agree!" Fan Jinzhe is worried that Yang Ming will not fight.

"You can rest assured that when you can first speculate on the campus bbs, if he should not fight, does it mean that he is afraid? Then he is more shameful, even if he can not achieve the ultimate goal, he can humiliate him. Brother, you have a bad breath!" Feng Jiu can say indifferently: "As for how to let Yang Ming leave Zhao Ying, we will find another way! Anyway, the ultimate goal of this time is not to clean up Yang Ming?"

"That's what it is!" Fan Jinzhe nodded. "So, we have nothing to lose! It seems that this idea is good, then it is so fixed! Yes, Yang Ming's skill is not weak, even the Taekwondo Society. The deputy president can be defeated, and the average person cannot be his opponent. Where do we go to find someone who can defeat Yang Ming?"

"Since I have grasped this idea, I am naturally sure to find this person!" Feng Jiu can make a mysterious smile: "I have a distant relative, who is playing underground black boxing. It is very famous in the southern city, called Feng Siwei. As long as we get the price, he will definitely help us to punch!"

"Really? That's great!" Fan Jinzhe was an underground black boxer, and it must have been quite powerful! Although I have never touched the business, I have heard of some, and those who play underground black boxing are all desperate. They may die in the ring at any time, so these people are quite brave, let alone Yang Ming. This ordinary student, the master hand level taekwondo master is not necessarily his opponent! Because they do not speak the rules, they are completely hard-working, so with such a master shot, Fan Jinzhe does not worry that he will lose.

"Of course, although we don't have much contact, but after all, it is relatives, we can still contact." Feng Jiueng nodded.

"Money is not a problem. The key is, what should he do if he kills Yang Ming? Do you know that killing people is illegal?" Fan Jinzhe asked with some concern.

"Nothing, I will tell him to let him not be heavy. They are all measured, they are wounded, and they will not be killed!" Feng Jiueng said: "More, killing is also his fight." Dead, what does it have to do with us?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the referral, ***, your support, is My biggest motivation.)

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