So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1914: Zhao Ying's phone

The first thousand nine hundred and forty-four chapters of Zhao Ying's phone

"Oh? What did he say?" Yang Ming asked after listening.

"He booked at noon two days later, that is, at noon the day after tomorrow, at the school gymnasium, to carry out the challenge! The loser, according to the rules set before!" Chen Mengyu said.

"Well, let Jia Jia reply to him and promise that I agreed to this time!" Yang Ming nodded and said.

"Okay, I will reply to him!" said Zhou Jiajia.

Zhao Ying also heard about Fan Jinzhe's challenge to Yang Ming for the first time! After all, she is the heroine involved in the post. After the post just got hot, the classmates of the graduate class called Zhao Ying and told Zhao Ying this thing!

Zhao Ying didn't quite believe it at first, but the evidence that the classmate said was conclusive, and Zhao Ying was somewhat suspicious. After that, Wang Xiaoyan called and called Zhao Ying to challenge the post. Zhao Ying was completely convinced this time. She quickly opened the computer and went to the school forum. She saw the challenge post!

Unexpectedly, Yang Ming has already agreed to the challenge of Fan Jinzhe! This makes Zhao Ying both happy and worried! She is afraid that Yang Ming will be impulsive and suffer any harm... But when she thinks about Yang Ming’s identity, he is a special agent, and his skill is definitely extraordinary. How could it not be Fan Jinzhe’s opponent?

Thinking of this, Zhao Ying has settled down, just a little embarrassed, I don’t know what Chen Mengxi thinks after knowing this, will she doubt it? Will it stop Yang Ming? Zhao Ying is afraid that Chen Mengxi will ask the teacher to ask for a crime, look at the post on the forum, hesitate to call Yang Ming to ask about it?

Zhao Ying’s character is like this. After he encounters something, he will hesitate. It is precisely because of this that the road of feelings with Yang Ming is so rough. At this moment, it is finally a positive result. Zhao Ying does not want to have a deviation in the middle. Up...

Any wind and rain, Zhao Ying can not afford! She would rather be an underground lover who can't see the light, and she doesn't want to be separated from Yang Ming because of some unexpected things! Therefore, Fan Jinzhe’s challenge in Zhao Ying’s view is that there is absolutely no need to pay attention to it. What about chasing himself? I don’t like him at all. At most, it’s a little trouble. If I refuse to do it, Yang Ming’s reply is a challenge. Doesn’t it mean indirect and others’ recognition that he has something to do with him?

Zhao Ying did not want to affect the love she had just operated with Yang Ming, so she finally made up her mind and gave a phone call to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming is driving, the phone rang, and took a look, but it was Zhao Ying’s phone number, and couldn’t help but see a few guilty eyes. He looked at the three people from the rearview mirror and saw that they were all in the research forum. On the post, I put down my heart and picked up the phone: "Hey, Yingjie?"

Zhao Ying heard the name of Yang Ming, could not help but see, Yang Ming is not starting to call himself "Ying Ying" or "Zhao Ying"? How do you call yourself "Ying Jie"?

However, Zhao Ying is not a stupid person. When she heard Yang Ming say this, she immediately realized that Yang Ming should have someone else around him. He could not reveal his relationship with him, so no matter what other people could hear. On the phone, Zhao Ying changed her tone and said: "Yang Ming, Fan Jinzhe is looking for you to challenge?"

"Well, you also saw the post?" Yang Ming asked.

"Yeah, Yang Ming, how can you promise him? He is unreasonable. If he doesn't pay attention to him, then you promise him, what should I do if I have something?" Zhao Ying said here, and lowered her voice: " You are a girlfriend, Chen Mengyu knows this thing? Does she allow you to fight? If you have something wrong, how can I explain to her?"

Zhao Ying said that although it is very strict, but Yang Ming can hear Zhao Ying's deeper meaning, that is, Chen Mengxi knows what Zhao Ying and his relationship do? Therefore, Zhao Ying will call this call.

"Oh, nightmare they are also in the car, they feel that this Fan Jinzhe is a bit too much. If he doesn't teach him a meal, he will be even more intensive in the future, so it is better to take advantage of this opportunity and pack him up!" Ming smiled and said, he said this is also fair and bright, but the hints, Zhao Ying can also understand, that is, this thing Chen Mengxi knows, and Chen Mengyu is now at Yang Ming's side!

He also reminded Zhao Ying, don't say something too intimate, and avoid problems!

Where can Zhao Ying still understand? However, she heard that it was Chen Mengxi’s meaning, and she stopped talking about this matter. Her fear is that she will be more worried when she knows it, but since it is Chen Mengxi’s idea, there is no need to worry, and she can completely let go of her heart. coming.

"Okay, if this is the case, then you should be careful!" Zhao Ying said: "If I have time, the day after tomorrow, I will go to watch the battle, but you should not be hurt, don't come hard, you can't do it. If you lose, you lose. And nothing!"

"Okay, Yingjie, you have to come to my house when you arrive!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Then the first thing, I hang up."

"Well, goodbye!" Zhao Ying did not say anything extra.

Hanging up the phone, Yang Ming said: "The phone call from Yingjie asked me how to respond to Fan Jinzhe!"

"Ying sister is worried about you, do not want you to be injured, what is wrong?" Chen Meng said: "Ying sister is very concerned about you, although this thing is for her, but she does not want you to fight?"

"Yeah, Yingjie also said, let me ignore it, but it is no big deal, just raise your hand!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Look at what you said, it seems like you are so powerful!" Although Chen Mengyu said so, he also knows that Yang Ming is indeed very powerful. Even when he was in high school, Yang Ming’s title of "Beat King" has been known throughout the school. After that, he was a special agent, and his skills were soaring. How could it be compared with those of Fan Jinzhe?

Yang Ming parked the car in the yard of the school's family area, took Chen Mengyu, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia upstairs and rang the doorbell of Liu Weishan's house!

Years later, Yang Ming saw Liu Weishan once, and he was busy with all sorts of messy things. Instead, he went to visit and saw the familiar door. Yang Ming was filled with emotions. He knew Liu Weishan for a long time, and he had a blink of an eye. It’s gone, the first time I came, I’m still with Lan Ling...

Lan Ling, I don't know how it is now, how are you? That time at the airport... Who is the man around you?

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