So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1918: Additional task

Chapter IX, Chapter 18, Additional Tasks

"Dry, I didn't expect you to be so excited..." Yang Ming said that he was a little embarrassed at the moment, but it is no wonder that it is no wonder that Liu Tianqi is the son of Liu Weishan, who is the father, not worried about the whereabouts of his son? If you change to be your own father, I am afraid it will be like this?

Even if it is not Liu Tianqi, it is self. If you don’t come to perform the task for many years, with the news, will you be excited?

"Well, let's go to the study and say, don't give this to your mom, I am afraid that she is hopeful that the bigger the disappointment, the bigger the disappointment!" Liu Weishan waved his hand and stood up.

"Okay!" Yang Ming nodded. "I mean this too, including the things I have to take the team to perform the task after three days. It is best not to tell the godmother. After I am gone, you will slowly tell her. Let's go!"

"Alright, but the task is dangerous, I will not tell her, your godmother's psychological quality is not good, I am afraid she will not accept!" Liu Weishan nodded, said: "A moment you lick you The three girlfriends, let them not say it."

"They won't, these things require me to speak, they will follow me, and will not tell the godmother on their own initiative!" Yang Ming is still very reassured about the three people of Chen Mengyu, they are not reckless girls.

"That's good, let's go into the study!" Liu Weishan pushed open the door of the study, let Yang Ming come in, and Yang Ming said: "Close the door!"

"Okay!" Yang Ming nodded and closed the door of the study.

Liu Weishan did not sit on the boss chair behind the study desk, but sat on the sofa. After sitting on it, Liu Weishan patted the seat around him and said to Yang Ming: "Da Ming, sit down, the two grandfathers talk about the intimate words!"

“Yes!” Yang Ming is also sitting next to Liu Weishan: “Dry, according to Professor Guan Xuemin, Liu Tianqi’s older brother was an expert in bacteriology. According to Professor Guan Xuemin’s speculation, can he go to Yunnan to study poisoning? ?"

"Going to Yunnan? Studying scorpion venom?" Liu Weishan listened to Yang Ming's words and then sneaked a little, then thoughtfully said: "If you say this, I really have some impressions, when I was in the forest, and the children's Personal relationships are good, they often discuss medical matters together, and I have heard the dialogue between them, it seems that it really has something to do with sputum, saying that scorpion venom is actually a kind of bacteria..."

"Oh? That said, what Professor Guan Xuemin said is true!" Yang Ming said.

"Yeah, but can he go to Yunnan?" Liu Weishan said here, some doubts: "Even if he wants to go to Yunnan to study anti-drug, he can tell me completely, and he will not leave without a word? He Even if you tell me, I won't stop him from going to Yunnan, but why didn't he tell me?"

"This... I don't know too well..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Maybe Liu’s brother had any difficulties at the time?"

"Difficult? It may not be possible, but this is only a guess, not necessarily to Yunnan. Studying scorpion venom is to study scorpion venom, but it is not necessary to go to Yunnan!" Liu Weishan shook his head: "Just Lin The East has disappeared. If he is, he can ask him the whereabouts of his child!"

"Lin Shen and Liu Da Ge disappear together?" Yang Ming asked.

"It should be about the same time, but it is not disappearing together. I am not sure about this!" Liu Weishan shook his head: "So it is only from this aspect that Liu Tianqi is going to Yunnan, and some are far-fetched..."

"Dry, from these circumstances to judge Liu Big Brother went to Yunnan, it is indeed a little far-fetched, but I still have a very important thing to tell you!" Yang Ming said: "Dry, you still remember Blue Ling ?"

"Blue Ling? That little girl I certainly remember!" Liu Weishan said with a smile: "How can I forget her? Initially, will you rent my house?"

"Yes, then you can't remember, when Lan Ling came to you for the first time, in the room of Liu Tianqi Liu Big Brother, pointing to Liu's wedding photo, saying that she seems to have seen Liu Big Brother?" I said the reason for my heart.

"Oh? You said this, I really have an impression. At that time, Xiaolan Ling did say this! I was still surprised!" Liu Weishan nodded with a serious expression.

"Yeah, we thought that she had admit the wrong person, and did not take it seriously, but now I think about it, where did Lan Ling come from?" Yang Ming looked at Liu Weishan and asked.

"Blue Ling... Yunnan Miao Village..." Liu Weishan slammed the armrest of the sofa, and the whole person became excited again: "Is it true that Lan Ling is a chess game seen in Miao Village in Yunnan?"

"Yes, this is my suspicion! If you only rely on Lan Ling's words, then it is a little far-fetched to suspect that Tianqi's big brother went to Yunnan, but if you combine Professor Guan Xuemin, then I can have at least one hundred. According to the grasp of 50 points, Liu Tianqi's big brother should be in Yunnan, at least he appeared in Yunnan!" Yang Ming nodded.

"So to speak... You have told me about Liu Tianqi now, and you have to leave for Yunnan in three days..." Liu Weishan looked at Yang Ming with some surprise.

"Yes, the place I went to this time is near several Miao Villages in Yunnan. If I can, I want to find a big brother Liu Tianqi. Since I am the person in charge of this task, the captain of the team also has this power. Yang Ming said with a smile: "Of course, this is not a power for personal gain. The relationship between me and the Mystery Bureau of Investigation is actually using and being used. I also said to them very well, mutual benefit, so I am mysterious. The ace of the special investigation team of the investigation bureau, but it can only be regarded as a caller!"

"Da Ming, you have this kind of mind, I am very happy! It doesn't matter if you can find it. It has been so many years, I have seen a lot!" Liu Weishan waved his hand: "I just hope that you have all your own safety." Be heavy, don't delay the business because of your big brother's business, then I will be upset!"

"I understand, of course, without affecting the progress of the mission, I will try to find Liu Tianqi's big brother!" Yang Ming said: "And I will also say hello to my boss in advance."

"That's good, but if the above disagrees, even!" Liu Weishan did not want Yang Ming to be embarrassed.

"I will agree." Yang Ming did not care, smiled.

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