So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1927: Zhou Jiajia's camera?

The first nine hundred and twenty-seventh chapter of Zhou Jiajia's camera?

Yang Ming got up and went out of the bedroom. Fortunately, the pajamas on his body have not been taken off. Otherwise, they can only streak at home. Although they live in their own women, there is no need to avoid anything, but Chen Mengyu sees it, it will definitely be a joke. of.

After Zhou Jiajia and other Yang Ming went out, they quickly climbed out of bed, and then took out a small dv camera from the cabinet, placed it on the cabinet in front of the bed, set the parameters of the video, and adjusted the angle, Zhou Jiajia I used the mobile phone to dial the phone of Suya.

Suya just finished a propaganda. At this moment, she was resting during the break. She heard the phone ringing and didn't want to answer it. However, the assistant Xu sister took the call and said: "Miss Shu, was called by Miss Zhou Jiajia. ”

"Oh? Give it to me." Listening to Zhou Jiajia, Suya naturally won't miss it. Recently, she and Zhou Jiajia have already released the misunderstanding before, and the two people are very good, often playing. Some private words on the phone, as well as Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun, although the four are not together, but often chat on the Internet.

Suya had a very happy time. She enjoyed this kind of life. She had three considerate sisters and a common lover. Suya couldn’t take care of her at Yang Ming’s side, but she had Chen Mengqi’s three-person work, but she also let Ya has no psychological burden!

Otherwise, even if Suya refuses to lose her current job, she will withdraw from the entertainment circle, and An An’s heart is with Yang Ming.

Assistant Sister Xu knew that Shuya didn't like to be disturbed when she answered the private call. After she gave the call to Shuya, she turned and walked out of the rest room.

Suya picked up the phone: "Jia Jia, how come I suddenly call me?"

"Suya, I have to do one thing in a while, guess what is it?" Zhou Jiajia and Suya are familiar, and talking naturally is also very random.

“Do one thing?” Suya gave a slight glimpse, but then she understood some: “You don’t want to be with Yang Ming?”

"Well..." Zhou Jiajia blushes with a red face.

"You are a dead Nizi, deliberately come to me, isn't it?" Although Suya said so, she was not really angry because she had accepted Zhou Jiajia from her heart and accepted her identity, so she and Yang Mingzhi There is such a day in the morning and evening, what else can Suya be angry with?

In Su Ya's view, since it is a matter of morning and evening, then the difference between doing it and not doing it is not very big. She has such a day in the morning and evening, maybe when four people still have the same bed, who is it?

"No... I just want to ask you before you do it..." Zhou Jiajia said carefully: "Do you agree?"

"I don't agree with you, I won't do it?" Suya asked with a smile.

"Well!" Zhou Jiajia nodded.

"Giggle ...... you still do quickly, I agree, otherwise the Yang Ming to beat me." Suya laughed.

"You make fun of me..." Zhou Jiajia is even more blushing.

"I didn't make fun of you, well, spring is worth a thousand dollars, I won't talk to you, you enjoy your first time, and I will talk about what it feels like, and let me have a mental preparation." Ya smiled.

“I hate...” Zhou Jiajia was ashamed, but still said: “I will tell you...”

The two laughed for a while before hanging up. Suya shook her head. The more she contacted Zhou Jiajia, the more she felt that she was cute. It was not so annoying in her own impression. It was completely changed, so Suya accepted her sincerely.

Zhou Jiajia can feel that Suya does not have any resistance and negative emotions. He is also relieved. If Suya really didn't want it, then Zhou Jiajia would definitely consider Suya's emotions and put this thing aground!

Although there will be some regrets, Zhou Jiajia does not want to do this thing with Su Ming before Suya did not completely forgive and accept himself, but now it seems that this worry is no longer necessary!

Zhou Jiajia called Yang Ming and quickly hanged up. I believe Yang Ming should be able to understand what he meant...

After Yang Ming left the room, he saw Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun watching TV in the living room, but they saw Yang Ming coming out and suddenly wondered.

"Yang Ming, how come you?" Chen Meng looked at Yang Ming with amazement: "It won't end so soon?"

"Oh... not fast, you still don't know?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Not yet started!"

"Go, where do we know?" Chen Meng took a look at Yang Ming: "Yes, Lin sister?"

"Ah... oh, in that case, no one will remember the time..." Lin Yuyun said weakly.

Both Chen Mengyu and Yang Ming did not expect that Lin Yuyun would answer this question. He couldn't help but get up, but he made Lin Xiaoyun a big red face.

"I am just telling the truth..." Lin Yiyun shyly bowed his head.

"Well, don't tease my sister. Since you haven't started, what are you doing?" Chen Mengyu is even more strange: "Isn't Jiajia's heart still not ready?"

"That's not it, she is very prepared, just want to make a phone call with Suya." Yang Ming said.

"This way..." Chen Mengyu also understands Zhou Jiajia's practice. After all, she and Suya had contradictions before. Suya is Yang Ming's true girlfriend, even more than herself. Zhou Jiajia will inevitably care about her. Feel, so it is ok to make a call in advance.

However, in Chen Mengqi's view, Suya will not be ruined by Zhou Jiajia, because the relationship between the four people is very good now, really good.

Yang Ming accompanied Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun for a while, and the ringing of the mobile phone rang. Yang Ming glanced at Zhou Jiajia. Just after picking it up, the other party had already hung up. Yang Ming smiled and said to Chen Meng: Jia Jia called me, I passed first?"

"Go ahead, groom officer, don't worry about our bride!" Chen Mengxiao said with a smile, this moment, Chen Mengxi's heart is very weird, he really does not have the feeling of jealousy, but it is a kind of Zhou Jiajia sincerely wishes!

Yang Ming returned to the bedroom, Zhou Jiajia was ready to lie on the bed, his eyes were shy, he looked down and did not speak, as if quietly waiting for the solemn moment...

"Jia Jia, have you finished the call?" Yang Ming asked to make the atmosphere too dry, so he asked.

"Well, finished..." Zhou Jiajia nodded.

"Oh, then let's start now?" Yang Mingxiao asked.

"Well..." Zhou Jiajia nodded and closed his eyes.

When Yang Ming was preparing for the ***, he accidentally saw a camera that was working not far from the bed, and there was a red light on it, apparently in the shooting state.

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