So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1951: Suya will also be jealous

The first thousand nine hundred and fifty-one chapters of Suya will also be jealous.

Along the way, Yang Ming looked at the familiar scene and could not help but fall into meditation...

"Yang Ming?" Suya saw Yang Ming lose his mind when driving, fearing that he would have an accident, and quickly screamed and stopped him.

"Well?" Yang Ming was shocked and quickly parked the car on the side of the road. Fortunately, it was now school time. No one was strolling around the school gate. Yang Ming was shocked by the cold sweat!

Yang Ming has not lost his time for a long time. For a long time, the vigilance of being a killer has kept him calm and awake all the time, but today, it is the first time he lost his mind.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly, and he became sad again? It should be because I have to leave, I have to leave Songjiang City, and I have thought of some of the previous things, so I am so lost, I can actually go away while driving.

"You are blasphemy, don't do this in the future, how dangerous is it when driving?" Suya picked up a bottle of vitamin drink on the car, opened it and handed it to Yang Ming: "Is it tired? Take two breaks?"

Suya thought that Yang Ming had just played a game with the underground boxing champion and should be exhausted.

"No, I thought of some previous things." Yang Ming took the drink and took a sip, but suddenly found out that this scene seems to be very familiar, also in this familiar background, familiar places, familiar people...

However, at that time, it was a fruit tea juice. A very common kind of drink from Songjiang City is now rarely sold. Nowadays, these bags are very delicate drinks, but they are not as good as before.

"Not if the tea juice is good." Yang Ming smiled and said: "You just gave me a drink, let me think of it when I was in junior high school. You often handed me a drink that I couldn't drink..."

"Where can't people drink at that time? I am afraid that you are not enough to drink, and there is no money to buy it!" Suya is also welcome. To be honest, the two reunited. With the current relationship, there is nothing to say.

"Yeah, my family was very poor at that time, otherwise I couldn't be stunned by Uncle Su." Yang Ming shrugged with some self-deprecating.

"Now if he knows that you have so many girlfriends, his daughter doesn't know how to order the number, then you said he will marry you?" Suya glanced at Yang Ming.

"I..." Yang Ming smiled after listening to Suya's words. It turned out that Suya would be jealous! Can't help but smile: "You are the number one, no one can change it..."

“Really?” Suya was a little happy after listening to Yang Ming’s words.

"Really." Yang Ming nodded.

"Well, you have this heart, but I don't want to fight with Chen Meng. She is different from me. She is by your side. In fact, it is more difficult. I want to coordinate the relationship between me, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun..." Su Ya Sighed: "And these things, I can't do it..."

Yang Ming sighed and grasped Suya’s hand and said, “Let’s go down?”

"Okay." Suya smart did not mention the previous topic, such a topic, as long as once said, to determine Yang Ming's mind can be, do not need to repeat.

Yang Ming and Su Ya got out of the car. Yang Ming locked the car and took Suya to the school, a beverage shop that he used to visit.

Many years ago, the beverage store has become a fashionable “water bar”. The old and very earthy decoration has been refurbished and it has become very beautiful.

Yang Ming feels that it is not suitable, although the decoration has become luxurious, but there is no taste of the previous student era! The solid wood's lacquered table, the polished chair, although the simple but cleaned bar, are the more memorable things in Yang Ming and Su Ya's memory.

"Here, it seems to have changed. The table we used to sit on now has become a swing chair?" Suya entered the "water bar" and watched it for a long time before he could distinguish the position he used to sit.

"Yeah, then we will sit on the couple's swing chair!" Yang Ming said, although the couple's swing chair seems to be more upscale than before, but it has no previous charm, for current students, it may be compared Romantic, but for Yang Ming and Su Ya, they can't find their memories.

“Welcome!” The waiter didn’t expect someone to drink at this time. The drinks shop near the school is usually noon and at night, the customers will be more, but now it’s only 11 am, the school has twelve. Points can be taken.

The waiter has already changed to someone he doesn't know. Yang Ming took the order and looked at it.

Yang Ming, now, hasn’t had much interest in drinks that look beautiful and beautiful. I turned to the last page and didn’t see what I liked, but on the last page, I watched it. Go to the name of "Mountain Fruit Tea"!

However, the price is not cheap. In the past, as long as a two-dollar mountain fruit tea, it actually costs 30 yuan.

“Do you have mountain fruit tea here?” Yang Ming was a little surprised. This kind of thing, Songjiang City has long disappeared for a long time, right?

"Yes, this is the new addition of the boss before, because there will always be some students who have used to drink mountain fruit tea here. Now they have already worked. Come here and want to be nostalgic. Drink a cup of dried fruit before drinking. Tea, so the boss added this drink.” The waiter explained: “But the students are not very fond of drinking, and they are rarely seen, so the guests can only make it on-site if they need it, and the cost is higher, so The price is more expensive..."

"Oh, come two cups of this mountain fruit tea." Yang Ming has no idea about money. There are not too many feelings about the 30 cups of mountain fruit tea. He came here mainly for nostalgia. And many people who come here with Shangguo tea should actually have the same idea and don't care about the 30 yuan.

The owner of the beverage store apparently seized the opportunity to launch this mountain fruit tea. Although it is not very popular, it sells a cup to make a cup.

"Okay." The waiter was not too surprised. After all, Yang Ming was not the first person to come here to drink mountain fruit tea. Before that, there were many men and women around the age of 20 to drink. The first time I saw someone drinking it. Such a expensive drink waiter is still a bit strange, but it is not surprising that it takes a long time.

Soon, the mountain fruit tea came up. As for the so-called bad things of the waiters, I am afraid that they are all excuses.

Yang Ming is too lazy to pursue these small things, handed a cup of Suya, taste it, does it change?

"Well..." Suya took over the fruit cup, which is quite different from the previous fruit cup.

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