So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1973: Can you still live?

Can the 1937th chapter still be alive?

"Me too! I want to die for you!" Lan Ling said, and he was very excited to throw into Yang Ming's arms. He folded his arms around Yang Ming's neck and kissed Yang Ming directly. On the mouth, let Yang Ming say nothing...

"Hey..." Yang Ming’s heart was hot. At the airport, under the crowd, he also kissed Lan Ling and responded enthusiastically to her...

In fact, kissing in some public places does not necessarily hinder weathering!

Some people, kissing in public, accompanied by some rather cumbersome movements, it is a bit sinister!

However, like Yang Ming and Lan Ling, at the airport, this special occasion, embracing each other, is just a warm kiss, but it is full of a different romantic atmosphere! The two and other long-lost lovers generally use the kiss to talk about each other's feelings!

This phenomenon is not uncommon at the airport. Many lovers who have not reunited for a long time have similar and similar actions here. So everyone sees Yang Ming and Lan Ling, and they feel normal. No one will think what the two people are doing. inappropriate!

On the contrary, many people have seen this kind of scene, and they are all moved to the side of the table!

“Hey...” More and more travelers are spontaneously joining the ranks of applause!

“Too touched!” Many elderly couples were moved to cry: “They must have been separated for a long time, and now they finally meet!”

"Yeah! You see how much they forget, how strong the relationship between them is! It has not changed because of the change of time!" Another person said so!

"I thought that only in the streets of France can you see such a romantic scene!" A French foreigner saw this scene, but also sighed and said.

However, these people's words made Yang Ming a little embarrassed. Rao is Yang Ming's face is very thick, after listening to these words, but also can not help but some blush, and quickly and blue Ling two separate.

"Oh - too touched!" Many people are screaming!

"Yeah, I have never seen such a loved couple!" A traveller was also very moved.

Even a few pairs of elderly couples, under the influence of Yang Ming and Lan Ling, kissed at the airport...

As a result, some people brought this head. There are many young and daring couples who are learning how they are, kissing at the airport, and those middle-aged couples are infected under this atmosphere and begin to embrace their lover. Kissing at the empty airport...

As a result, the entire airport hall has become a kiss for the whole people... The scene is only magnificent, it is a spectacle! Even some journalists smelled the movement here and ran to take photos and interview...

At this time, the initiators of this matter, Yang Ming and Lan Ling, have already disappeared into the airport. Two people looked at more and more kissing couples and fathers around them. The two men smiled and left the airport hand in hand. ......

"H, I didn't expect our appeal to be so strong, it would cause such a big sensation!" Yang Ming said with amazement.

"Yeah, I didn't think of it!" Lan Ling was also very surprised: "I just thought of you from the heart, I can't help myself, I didn't expect them to follow me..."

"Haha, maybe they can't help themselves!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Right, how did you find me? How do you run behind me at such a big airport?"

"Don't forget, my sixth sense is very keen. I can find you from the sea of ​​people." Lan Ling said with some pride: "Don't forget, you are my lover, we have the soul." Inductive!"

"Oh, it turned out!" Yang Ming remembered that Lan Ling had a strong sixth sense of being born.

Before, in the Yunnan gambling stone, Lan Ling relied on this unique ability, almost one hundred guesses, his father even let her help gamble!

"Right, how is your father?" Yang Ming suddenly remembered Lan Ling’s father, the gambler...

"It's still the same, drinking alcohol every day, making a living by cheating, getting money to drink gambling... oh..." Lan Ling shook her head. Although she didn't directly meet her father, she could also explore from the side. Out of the father's situation.

"Oh... still like this!" Yang Ming couldn't help but shake his head after listening. Some people are born with this kind of personality. How can they not change? The so-called Jiangshan Yichang is difficult to change.

Originally, Yang Ming and the other party were the fathers of Lan Ling. If you can really repent, change the bad habits of the past, do some work or buy and sell yourself, then Yang Ming wouldn’t mind pulling him before he left! But now that I listen to Lan Ling’s words, I still feel that I am not helping people like this...

How much Yang Ming gave him, I am afraid he can be squandered out by him! Therefore, Yang Ming also dismissed the idea of ​​helping Lan Ling’s father.

Holding Lan Ling’s hand, as in the past, the first time I held hands with her.

Yang Ming’s feelings for Lan Ling are very deep. Although Lan Ling is not the first woman in the true sense of Yang Ming, it is the first woman experienced in Yang Ming’s waking state. This kind of feeling will always make people return. Read, unforgettable.

Until now, Yang Ming recalled the bit by bit, and there is a warm and sweet feeling.

"You are not trying to concentrate on practicing the blue family? How come suddenly?" Yang Ming was very surprised by the sudden return of Lan Ling.

"Oh, guess?" Lan Ling laughed.

"I don't have a sixth sense. How do I guess? Is it that Chen Mengyu calls and lets you come back?" Yang Ming asked casually.

"Wrong!" Lan Ling laughed.

"Ah?" Yang Ming was stunned. Lan Ling came back this time. Isn’t Chen Mengyu calling her to come back? So how did she come back? Why did you suddenly appear at Donghai Airport in such a coincidence and call yourself?

"She sent me a text message, not a call!" Lan Ling smiled and looked at Yang Ming, his eyes became a gap.

"..." Yang Ming is a bit shameful. He feels that he has been put together by Lan Ling, making a phone call... texting. Is there a difference? It seems that in a strict sense, it is very different!

Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said: "How is it with her?"

"Fortunately, I feel better than I thought." Lan Ling nodded. "This is our first official call..."

"Oh..." Yang Ming shrugged. "In the future, I am afraid there will be more opportunities to meet..."

"I don't know, who can make it clear in the future?" Lan Ling said here, and suddenly felt a little sad: "I don't know, can you still live in the future?"

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