So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1985: Playing is you

The first thousand nine hundred and eighty-five chapters are you

Yan Dazhou walked into Liuweiju with a group of brothers and brothers. The waiters looked at them so many people, and the impetuous appearance was not like eating, subconsciously asked: "Mr., you this is……"

"Get out of the way!" Hey, he pushed the waiter, and he was impatient.

"Sir, what are you doing, we are going to call the police..." The waiter was also shocked and said quickly.

One of the waiters recognized the continent and found that he was the one who had been escaped by Yang Ming who had been injured by a chopstick and a fork. At this moment, he came here with so many people, apparently to retaliate!

The waiter quickly pulled the waiter who blocked the door to the continent, and whispered to him: "Be careful, these people are not tempted! Don't talk..."

The waiter was reminded by the waiter, but he was also a little scared. He quickly stopped living. He was just a part-time job. If he had troubles for no reason, it would be worth a loss!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel scared. He apologized to Dazhou quickly: "Big brother... sorry..."

"Hey!" Dazhou stunned the waiter, and he said, this person really has some eyes, a small waiter dares to yell with himself, then jump out and pick up his first meal!

Yan Dazhou crossed the arms and string brother into the Liuweiju Hotel, but saw that Yang Ming was talking to two women, and Dazhou suddenly came out with a sinister fire! Ok, your kid is quite good? Didn’t hurry to run the road, but dare to wait here?

In particular, the tall and beautiful **** around Yang Ming are even more coveted! Anyway, his wife did not follow up, and Dazhou wanted to teach Yang Ming at the same time, and then the big milk girl around Yang Ming was also brought to play!

"What are your two little girls doing? We have to fight people to clear the field, and the idlers are waiting for me to stay!" Of course, although handsome, he is very interested in Sun Jie, but he must also have to play. A head, can't just grab people?

So he spoke with Sun Jie in a very arrogant tone, the purpose is to make Sun Jie angry, it is best to come out and maintain Yang Ming, so that he can deal with her logically!

Sun Jie and Yang Xin did not expect to suddenly rush into a bunch of little punks, and it seems to be coming over here!

Yang Xin couldn't help but look at Sun Jie with some doubts. The meaning in his eyes is self-evident. Isn't Sun Family the emperor of Donghai City? How do you actually have a small gang to dare to start on the age of too old? Actually dare to drink the money of the East China Sea gangsters? Do you want to live?

Sun Jie is also frowning. Sun Jie's business focus is gradually bleaching, and it has shifted to the island of North Africa. So the Sun family has recently lowered a lot, and some of the cats and dogs have jumped out to be active at this time.

"Speak a little, don't ask yourself for trouble." Sun Jie is the daughter of the underworld, not panicking under such scenes, just a cold glance at the continents, with a little contempt in his eyes. Contempt.

Feel the contempt in Sun Jie's eyes, and Dazhou is even more annoyed! A little girl dare to threaten herself? If you are not even in this situation, then you still have to mix in the East China Sea?

Therefore, he couldn’t care too much. He was no longer anxious to take Sun Jie away, but he reached out and grabbed Sun Jie’s chest! What he wants is Sun Jie’s question. If Sun Jiechi’s departure, how can he have the opportunity to catch up with Sun Jie?

"Little girl, are you very embarrassed? But I like it! Let the big brother touch your **** and cool!" The eyes of Yan Dazhou are filled with the sinister look, and the dirty hands are not honest. Pressing on the chest, his mouth smirked: "Looking for trouble? You are very **** the little girl? But in this Donghai city, no one dares to threaten me to go to the continent! You don't go out to inquire, what is my continent?" Character?"

"Hey!" Sun Jie slaps on the face of the continent! What is Sun Jie's role? How can you suffer?甄 continent? I have never heard of it. Who knows where the A-cat is coming?

" you dare to beat me?" Hey, there was some incredible look at Sun Jie in front of him. He didn't think that Sun Jie would dare to slap it and hit him in the face! In Donghae City, even if it is not a one-of-a-kind character, it is also the master of the arrogant! Otherwise, it is impossible to be so arrogant!

He did not think that Sun Jie dared to hit him directly! In addition, he had a hand and shoulder blade injury, so the reaction was not sensitive, so this slap was solidly shot on his face!

The cleansing power of Sun Jie is not small. The face of Yan Dazhou suddenly has five red marks, and the cheeks on the half are swollen. It is a horror.

"It’s you!" Sun Jie said without hesitation: "Hey, I have never heard of it, what are you?"

"Grass! Give it to me, first grab this big **** girl, I will finish the kid, and we will have this girl together in the evening!" Dazhou suddenly felt that there was no face, no more nonsense, a wave of direct , on the string brother command!

"Well!" String brother is most willing to do this kind of thing, catching the chick is a good errand, you can take advantage of it! Especially Sun Jie is such a beautiful little girl, it is a good job! Although Sun Jie looks a little hot, but it is because the continent is injured, so it was beaten, but the string brother is strong and strong, naturally there will be no such trouble~!

So the string brother volunteered to rush over and wanted to catch Sun Jie!

Where is Sun Jie good to provoke? Although it won't be martial arts, it is also the kind of girl from the gangster family. Don't look at the usual Yang Mingbai Yishun. When Yang Ming wants to "bull" her, Sun Jie agrees half-pushing, but that is the face. Yang Ming!

Yang Ming is a boyfriend determined by Sun Jie. Naturally, she will not do anything to Yang Ming. Moreover, Yang Ming is still a master of high hands, and Sun Jie is not likely to be Yang Ming!

But this string of brothers is different. He rushed over with excitement, but he was kicked into the day by Sun Jie. He directly made him a sect of the sect. He directly squatted on the lower body and slammed on the ground. , screaming!

Sun Jie did not leave any room for this foot. The string of brothers who directly kicked it hurt and sneaked on the ground to live!

He was suddenly stunned by Dazhou, and he did not expect Sun Jie to be so fierce! I dare to kick people like this!

Although they are small gangsters, they are not afraid to squat in public fights. After all, if there is a police investigation, it is not good to get out!

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