So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1991: Know who my brother is?

The first chapter of the nine hundred and ninety-one chapter knows who my brother is?

Yang Hai was a bit embarrassed, but he did not speak. This was known to his son. He really didn't know how to explain it! What he is most afraid of is that the son told the wife about this matter! Yang Dahai is a person who values ​​family very much. He does not want to harm the family because of such things.

"Well, Yang Dahai, don't you care about me? Is your father and son bullying me?" Xiao Wei said with a screaming voice: "Do you think I am bullying? If you want to make things big, Then it will be a good day, I will call you to say you *** me!"

"You..." Yang Hai was not angry at all. Although he did not blame him, he could investigate that Xiao Wei was talking nonsense, but if he alarmed, it would bring a lot of trouble! Especially if you let your family know, then Yang Dahai is a face-lifting!

"Okay, do you want to call the police? Can I call you?" Yang Ming shrugged indifferently: "You are blackmailing, you think about it, go in, you can't come out!"

Yang Ming said, he took out his mobile phone and was ready to call.

"Wait! Do you know who I am? I am the sister of Zheng brother!" Where does Xiao Wei dare to let Yang Ming call the police? She said the alarm before, but it was scaring Yang Haihai. Yang Dahai was the person who wanted to face her face, but she did not expect that Yang Da’s son didn’t care. Xiao Wei was a little scared!

So, Xiao Wei put her identity! Her brother is a big gangster in the nightclub, she is actually a senior lady! Yang Dahai is one of her guests. She is Yang Dahai's business partner, please come to entertain Yang Haihai, but Xiao Wei saw Yang Dahai's identity and wealth, and he started to think, give him a lover and enjoy the rich life of Ronghua. !

"Which is the brother?" Yang Ming stunned, frowning and asked.

"Hey, even the brother does not know? The security captain of the Big Leaf Center!" Xiao Wei said proudly.

"What stuff is messy!" Yang Ming picked up the phone with some impatience and dialed the phone of the violent Sanli.

"Yang Ge, what is the order!" violent San Li took the phone for the first time, and asked respectfully.

"There is a big leaf *** center, is there a person called Zheng Ge?" Yang Ming asked directly.

"Positive brother... Hey... Are you talking about Xiaozhengzi? Yang Ge?" Storm Sanli thought, and then asked.

"In any case, the security captain of the big leaf drizzle center, you let him hurry to my house downstairs, famous community, his sister is crazy here, let him bring him back to his sister!" Yang Ming faintly told the violent Sanli.

"Okay, Yang Ge!" The violent three stood up, the heart, this little son wants to die? Let the sister go to find Yang Ming's trouble? Is there something wrong with it? After a quick response, I went to call Xiaozhengzi.

Yang Ming hangs up the phone, glances at Xiao Wei, and looks at his father. He said, "I called her brother, but her brother took her back!"

"Ha ha ha! You just pretend, you continue to install? Do not think that you call, I am afraid! You can also let people find me to bring me back? You dreaming? You pretend to pretend to make a call, Who is it?" Xiao Wei naturally does not believe that Yang Ming can let her brother come over with a phone call! Who is her brother? But the security captain of the *** center is actually a big gangster. How can someone come over and call him?

"Oh, believe it or not, you will know when you come." Yang Ming said faintly.

"Haha, then I will wait, I will see, can you call my brother!" Xiao Wei apparently did not do the same thing, she is ready to wait for Yang Ming to be ugly! In her opinion, Yang Ming just wanted to scare her and let her go, but she Xiao Wei, isn't it scary? How could she give up such a rich Lord?

However, Xiao Wei apparently mistyped the idea. It didn't take long for a gold cup van to quickly enter the community, and then "snap" stopped at Yang Ming not far away, the car door opened, a tick The man at the head of the board rushed down and ran to Xiao Wei!

"Brother... How come you?" Xiaowei saw the man in the golden cup car down, and suddenly stopped! This person is really her brother, Zheng Ge! Xiao Wei does not believe, how come his brother came?

However, the board head did not pay attention to Xiao Wei's questioning. He ran to Xiao Wei's face. He picked up his shirt and slammed the past and directly hit his sister's face. The sound of "啪" was very loud!

"Brother, what are you doing?" Xiao Wei stunned her face, and some incredulously looked at her brother, very aggrieved.

"What are you doing here? What have you caused? You actually offended Yang Ge?" The board took a look at his sister, then turned to look at Yang Ming, and said carefully: "Yang Ge, sorry, the girl is lacking." Discipline, if you are provoked to you, you are a big amount, don't have a general knowledge with her, I will repair her after I take her back!"

Xiao Wei is a little stupid! My brother, isn’t it very powerful? In the center of the ***, it is also a very powerful person, and a group of people can call and drink! But now, how do you feel like a little sheep? What kind of situation is this happening?

Thinking of this, Xiao Wei has some wrongs: "Brother... you are..."

"Don't talk!" The slap in the face of the board smashed the past, squinting at Xiao Wei, the hate in my heart! This younger sister, since the fall of Gan, it is yours, you are your lady, but you are going to provoke Yang Ming, isn't that looking for death?

Who is Yang Ming? That is the boss of Leopard! Even the Leopard brother did not dare to make a second appearance in front of Yang Ming. He couldn’t let his sister come to provoke Yang Ming?

And over there, the Jinbei car then came down again, isn't it the same?

Xiao Wei doesn't know Yang Ming, but she knows how to stand up! I know that this person is a famous big brother in Songjiang City, and is the top boss of his brother Zheng Ge! Seeing the violent Sanli also came, Xiaowei finally realized that he seemed to be in trouble, and provoked people who should not be provoked!

"Yang Ge, what's the matter? I brought this little son this kid! What happened to his sister?" violently said, sharp eyes looked at Xiao Wei, and Xiao Wei looked at him. Hurry and subconsciously bowed his head!

However, after the violence, Sanli saw Yang Dahai again. He knew Yang Dahai. The expression on his face became more respectful. He said to Yang Dao, "You are here, too!"

Yang Hai’s awkward nod to the violent three, and did not say anything more. The situation here can only be dealt with by Yang Ming.

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