So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1998: Father loves the mountain (on)

The first thousand nine hundred ninety-eight chapters father loves the mountain (on)

After Lan Ling and Yang Ming returned to the living room, Yang Dahai and Yang Mu had already come out of the room and were watching TV in the living room.

When Yang Ming and Lan Ling came out together, Yang Dahai suddenly smiled and said: "Yang Ming, have you slept for too long? It’s all night, my mother and I are waiting for you to eat!"

"Hey, we came out before, but when you saw that you were resting, you went back to sleep..." Yang Ming said with a smile.

“Hey?” Yang Hai’s slight glimpse, he knows what his son said, and dare they come out halfway?

Yang Dahai thought that Yang Ming didn’t know about him and Yang’s mother. He wanted to make fun of his son’s happiness, but now it seems that everyone is talking to each other... As for the so-called “sleeping” and “resting”, everyone knows Belly.

"You old man, what are you talking about?" Yang Mu took a look at Yang Dahai, and he was so funny that he would let you go to nosy. Is this good now? I was also given a photo of the insinuation?

“Hey...” Yang Haihai laughed and said to Yang Ming and Lan Ling: “Come on, eat! I’m ready for breakfast. Fortunately, there are more cold dishes, so hot dishes are just a few. ”

Yang Ming took Lan Ling's hand and sat at the dinner table, but Lan Ling was embarrassed to wait for the food directly. Instead, he stood up and said to Yang Yang: "Auntie, let me help you with your meal?"

"No, you are sitting, the first time you come to the door, how can you make you busy?" Yang said with a smile and waved to Lan Ling: "Yes, how do you still call me aunt? Nightmare them all Changed it!"

"Mom..." Lan Ling was a little embarrassed, but he also screamed these two words. At a very young age, Lan Ling’s mother left her, so Lan Ling lacked maternal love from an early age. More than a mother, naturally very happy!

"Good! Good boy! Eat first, then I will give you a red envelope for a while!" Yang mother had another daughter-in-law, and happily greeted Lan Ling to eat.

This meal is basically a matter of homework. Yang Mu and Yang Dahai mainly asked about the acquaintance of Yang Ming and Lan Ling. I heard that two people are in Yunnan and they have established a relationship in Yunnan. Let Yang mother could not help but be surprised. It seems that this girl is still earlier than Chen Mengxi!

On the other hand, if Lin Xiaoyun’s original yin and yang difference is not counted, Lan Ling is the first daughter-in-law of Yang’s family!

Thinking of this, Yang Mu wants to seal a super big red envelope for Lan Ling! After all, Lan Ling is the first girl to determine the relationship with Yang Ming, and the meaning is naturally very different!

However, seeing the character of Lan Ling does not contend, but also called Chen Mengying they are sisters, which makes Yang mother very happy! The most feared thing she is most worried about is the war between the daughters and daughters. After all, there are more children, and there may be unpleasantness. If Lan Ling relies on her first identity with Yang, she will make it difficult for Yang. Do it!

But now it seems that Lan Ling is a considerate girl, never rushing to grab, which makes Yang mother very relieved!

"Ling Ling, your character is really good, Da Ming can find you, it is his blessing!" Yang mother said sincerely.

" have won the prize, I am not so good in character... I like to spoil what..." Blue Ling said embarrassedly.

"It's nothing to spoil, this is a good thing!" Yangmu smiled and said: "As long as you don't make noises with others, just fine!"

"I won't... the nightmare sisters are very good to me. This time, I came back, or she sent me a message, telling me that Yang Ming is about to leave, I just rushed back to see..." Blue Ling said.

"That's good... yes, you are in the Yunnan home, what are you busy with? Can't you move back to live?" Yang mother was troubled by the fact that Lan Ling could not come back to live. He hoped that Lan Ling could come back.

"This..." Lan Ling did not know whether he should tell Yang Hai and Yang Mu about his own affairs. It is reasonable to say that it should not be concealed, but Lan Ling knows that these things are somewhat strange and they are afraid of it. Yang Dahai and Yang Mu will be worried, so they turned to Yang Ming for help.

"Dad, Mom, in fact, Lan Ling stayed in Yunnan, and I have a relationship with the task I am going to perform. I am going to perform the task, or rely on Lan Ling to help. After all, she is more familiar than me!" Yang Ming said vaguely. For a moment, I gave this thing roughly to my parents.

"It turned out to be like this!" One was about the success or failure of Yang Ming's mission. Yang Mu didn't say anything more immediately. After all, it was about the safety of Yang Ming. She naturally wouldn't say more: "That still I really want to rely on Ling Ling!"

This meal, it is fun to eat, after dinner, although Yang Dahai and Yang Mu are reluctant to leave Yang Ming and Lan Ling, but they also know that Yang Ming will embark on the journey tomorrow, and definitely have to gather with Chen Mengyu tonight. Something!

Yang Ming has already eaten dinner here, and they are not good enough to stay.

Yang Ming and Lan Ling have been sent to the door. Yang Ming is also somewhat reluctant. After all, facing his parents, Yang Ming does not know whether this is the last glance of them. The road to tomorrow will be a difficult and unknown. ......

Of course, Yang Ming’s mood, he is impossible to say, afraid of parents worry, Yang Ming can only try to make his face full of smiles at this moment!

"Dad, Mom, I went back to Ling Ling, I will go straight tomorrow, I will not come back... Wait for me to return!" Yang Ming waved his hand to his parents and said solemnly.

"Good son, parents waiting for your victory!" Yang Dahai is also solemnly and his son waved his hand, although his mood is very heavy at the moment, but he is very proud! He rushed to Yang Ming to be proud!

What the son has to do is a big event, so Yang Dahai is worried about worrying, and more is still gratifying!

From small to large, Yang Hai’s policy of educating Yang Ming is to be a useful person. Now, Yang Ming has done it!

Yang Ming nodded, took Lan Ling's hand and went downstairs, and Yang Dahai waited for Yang Ming to exit the unit door before returning to the balcony of the house and continuing to look at Yang Ming downstairs.

"Dad, go back..." Yang Ming looked at the balcony, already a little old, two white fathers, and suddenly felt a thousand emotions!

As if returning to the middle school and high school years, when I went to school in the morning, my father looked at himself from the balcony upstairs until he walked out of the door of the community, went to the bus station, or rode a bicycle. Going in the direction of the school...

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