So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2006: Huang Lele cried

The second thousand and six chapters of Huang Lele cried

Upon hearing this voice, Huang Lele finally realized who the person in front of him was! Although Yang Ming is sitting back to Huang Lele, but this voice has no problem, Huang Lele can be 100% confirmed, the master of this voice is Yang Ming!

At this point, Huang Lele couldn't help but surprise! It turned out that the person who named the name of the surname to let himself serve was actually Yang Ming! Worry Huang Lele was worried about it for a long time, this Yang Ming is really harmful!

And my own manager, it is not clear, telling himself that Yang Ming is a thing, he is not so nervous!

"Yang Ming, you scared me!" Huang Lele succumbed to Yang Ming some grievances.

Xia Xue looked at the tall and exquisite Huang Lele, could not help but frown, is this flight attendant also related to Yang Ming? Yang Ming is too much of a heart, right? Even the journey is not lonely?

When I think of it, Xia Xue is going crazy!

Originally, she thought that when she was on the plane, she could communicate with Yang Ming. How to say that two people should also perform tasks together. The tacit understanding is very important, but Yang Ming has made a confidante! What makes Xia Xue feel?

But in the face of Huang Lele, Xia Xue can't lose her temper. It seems that she is too stingy. If it can return from Yunnan Kaixuan in the future, how can it be? The relationship with Huang Lele, still not falling to the freezing point?

In any case, Xia Xue was angry, but she chose silence, sitting there without a word, not going to see Yang Ming, like a big frog.

"Oh, I didn't think that it was just a slap in the face, I hope you can come, and they really arranged you!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Yeah, the person who arranged me, just told me, let me serve the guests in the first class alone, and scared me a lot! He didn't tell me, who told me to come, just say it is a Very powerful department, they can't afford to offend..." Huang Lele took a sigh of relief and sat directly at Yang Ming's side, holding Yang Ming's hand: "Why don't you tell them you are looking for me?"

"I don't know if I really found you. I just said it to my superiors..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly. I didn't expect this thing to be shocked by Huang Lele: "When they look for you, naturally I won’t mention my name, but in the name of our department...”

"Ah! Your superior?" Huang Lele is a glimpse, some inexplicable, I don't know who Yang Ming's superior is, Yang Ming is not the boss, how is there a superior? With the impression of Huang Lele, Yang Ming is not a person who can easily admit it!

It was also because Yang Ming’s overbearing and arrogant in the Nancheng Casino was deeply attracted to Huang Lele. Now how does Yang Ming turn to work for others?

"Oh, yeah, just right, I want to talk to you about this thing!" Yang Ming said with a positive face, said to Huang Lele: "This time I went to Yanjing and let you come to the plane, also because of the time constraints. reason!"

“Time is tight? What do you mean?” Huang Lele’s glimpse, some inexplicable.

"Actually..." Yang Ming hesitated and decided to start from the beginning: "Lele, in fact, don't hesitate to say that the three of this first class are my colleagues. We are all part of a special agent department, specializing in some implementations. Dangerous mission!"

"Ah? You are a special agent?" Huang Lele's eyes widened, and some incredulously stared at Yang Ming. However, she did not doubt Yang Ming's words. After all, Huang Lele's words to Yang Ming have always been very convincing, and, before, Huang Lele's The superior also said to her very clearly, is a very powerful department and they greeted, let Huang Lele serve the first class of this flight!

If it is not a very powerful department, then Huang Lele’s superiors do not need to be so obedient, but if he associates with Yang Ming at the moment, he is an agent, then his department is strong enough and powerful. It is consistent with each other.

"What special agent? Outside the editor!" Xia Xue snorted.

"Ah?" Huang Lele couldn't help but turn his head and look at Xia Xue. He didn't understand why this one would intervene. It seems like Yang Ming's grievances?

Xia Xue was just an excitement. She said it casually, but when she saw Huang Lele turning her head to look at her, Xia Xue was a little embarrassed. She quickly bowed her head and pretended that this was not what she said.

"Oh..." Yang Ming couldn't help but smile: "It's also a non-exclusive, because I don't usually go, but when I have a more dangerous time, I will send me out?"

"Ah? They let you be cannon fodder? How can this be done?" Huang Lele stunned, but misunderstood Yang Ming's meaning: "Dangerous things let you a non-staff?"

"Khan!" Yang Ming suddenly sweated: "It is not a dangerous thing for me to be a non-staff, but this is the most suitable for me. The non-staff, not necessarily the weakest, may be the strongest?"

"Hey!" After Xia Xue listened, he snorted again: "What is strong? Before I said that life and death are not sure!"

Huang Lele frowned, although she was very simple, but also a bit uncomfortable with Xia Xue's sudden insertion! After all, she and Yang Ming chat, there is no hope that outsiders will add chaos.

However, Xia Xue’s saying that “there is no grasp of life and death” is to make Huang Lele worry a little: “Yang Ming, is she really talking? Life and death are not serious? So dangerous?”

"Well, it is true..." Yang Ming nodded, but did not hide: "So, this time, I can't come back, I am not sure, so I rushed to let you come, and see you the last side!" ”

"Ah!" Huang Lele heard Yang Ming admit that he was dumbfounded, tears could not help but flow down, nervous! Most of all, before Yang Ming also said to perform a dangerous task, and Xia Xue also said that this mission is not sure about life and death, but after all, Xia Xue said!

But at the moment I heard Yang Ming personally admit it, and suddenly I was overwhelmed!

Huang Lele’s thoughts are simple. When he heard Yang Ming say that he saw the last side, it must be the last one. When he thought of it, Huang Lele suddenly cried and squatted on Yang Ming’s body, and his tears flowed like a river.

Xia Xue saw that Huang Lele suddenly cried, opened his mouth, and suddenly felt overwhelmed and guilty! She did not expect Huang Lele to be so fragile. She knew that, Xia Xue was definitely not interrupted!

Xia Xue’s character is very strong, so she speaks a little without going through the brain, but now she thinks about it. When she was once, wasn’t she equally vulnerable? I thought that when I first entered the job from school, I was internship in the police...

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