So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2015: Not related to him

Chapter 2,015, and nothing to do with him

And for why Wang Ge suddenly shot, this person is also ignorant!

Yang Ming saw the true thoughts of this person, naturally he did not doubt that this person is also a group with the previous one! It seems that this person is really a person of the mysterious investigation bureau, and it was also sent by Xia Bingyu. As for why the king brother suddenly shot, only wait for the king to wake up and say it again!

Before Wang Ge reached out to swear the documents, and Yang Ming as a killer's keen, subconsciously went to look at what Wang Ge is in the end, it is estimated that Wang Ge dreams will not think, Yang Ming will see, so Wang Ge went to the gun The action was clearly seen by Yang Ming!

Yang Ming, no matter what he did, the guy shot in front of him. Yang Ming positioned him as a dangerous person. Naturally, he would not do anything, so Yang Ming immediately responded and threw the flying needle out. Let Wang brother stunned on the spot.

This is also the reason why Yang Ming did not make other countermeasures. Because Yang Ming has already started, he is not afraid of anything. The reason why Wang Ge can shoot out the gun is only the inertial reaction of the body. For this, Yang Ming has nothing. worry.

Therefore, Yang Ming let go of the person in his hand, but the fat man held a pistol, but he was vigilantly watching the person who was released by Yang Ming.

"He has no problem, he does not know." Yang Ming said faintly.

“Thank you, thank you!” said the person with a quick thanks.

According to the current situation, Yang Ming misunderstood that he and Wang Ge are a group. It is very normal. Even if he is killed, he can only say that he is a bit embarrassed. Now Yang Ming has proved his innocence, but it is This person is a little happy.

"Oh? He has no problem?" The fat man is a glimpse.

"The problem is that the man on the ground called Wang Ge, he is not dead, just fainted, fat man, you immediately contact Xia Ge, let people take him away, assault the interrogation to see which side he is. People!" Yang Ming pointed to the Wang Ge on the ground.

"Okay, I will contact the Xia team immediately!" The fat man nodded solemnly.

Yang Ming has some doubts about Wang Ge’s sudden attack. If Wang Ge’s gun directly points to himself, Yang Ming still feels normal. The key issue is that he pointed his gun at Huang Lele, which makes Yang Ming feel a little ridiculous!

What does this person point to Huang Lele? Is it the enemy of Huang Lele? Or is it the enemy of the Huang family who sent to assassinate Huang Lele?

The most important thing is the identity of Wang Ge! Wang Ge is obviously a person of the mysterious investigation bureau. This person can actually be mixed into the mystery investigation bureau. Obviously it is not simple, and it will not be used until the critical moment!

This is also the reason why Yang Ming is puzzling! Since this person wants to assassinate Huang Lele, why should he assassinate here? Huang Lele is not an important person. He has not received any protection at all. It is obviously not too difficult to assassinate Huang Lele!

And this king brother or the person behind the king brother, chose to assassinate Huang Lele in this case! This will completely expose the identity of Wang Ge undercover in the mysterious investigation bureau, and the hard work of many years will be destroyed! This is obviously not worth it!

Therefore, Yang Ming is very confused, is this Wang Ge wrong? It’s not worth it to sacrifice so casually! The role of his piece is also too common?

Soon, a car once again entered the entrance of the dedicated passage, docked at the side of Yang Ming and others, but the inside of the car was Xia Bingzhen himself!

Xia Bingyan’s look was a bit grim. After getting out of the car, he glanced at it and walked quickly to Yang Ming: “Yang Ming, I am really sorry! It’s my negligence in my work, I didn’t check the identity of this person. , mixed this traitor into the mysterious investigation bureau!"

Xia Bingyi reviewed his mistakes as soon as he came up, but it made Yang Ming lose most of his life. Yang Ming originally had some complaints about Xia Bingyan. How did this person bring the team? At the headquarters of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, it was ironic that it was mixed into the chess pieces of others.

But Xia Bingyan said this, Yang Ming is not good to say anything, just nodded: "Check the truth as soon as possible!"

"Bring these two people back!" Xia Bingyi waved his hand and pointed at the king on the ground. There was another person who was together, and the opponent ordered it.

And the person who came with Wang Ge was a bit dumbfounded: "The summer team, I am innocent! I don't even know that Wang Ge is going to take a gun, I don't know it at all!"

"Is it innocent, I will investigate?" Xia Bingyan said faintly.

"Ah--" The face of the man was a bit pale, and he did not expect that he would encounter such a bad thing!

After graduating from college, in the eyes of others envious, he found a very good job, the Mystery Investigation Bureau, which is a very mysterious privileged institution. Although he is only a liaison, he has the power that others cannot have!

In particular, his liaison can be revealed. For example, he can enter the airport from a special passage. Usually there are some preferential privileges and unimpeded access to other institutions, but I did not expect it to be passive at the moment!

Today's things may bring jail to yourself! He didn't know what the final investigation result would be. Wang Ge wouldn't bite himself. Just because he had the best relationship with Wang Ge, this job is probably not guaranteed!

Who made him friends inadvertently? He regrets a little, but regretting it at this moment is useless. There is no regrettable medicine to eat in the world. He can only helplessly bow his head.

"Xia Ge, he has nothing to do with him. He doesn't know about this. Let him go." Yang Ming knows that this person is innocent, because his thoughts are impossible to deceive, he can't know Yang Ming still has The ability to see through other people's ideas, it is impossible to force yourself to think about the words that confuse Yang Ming in advance in your mind!

People's ideas, sometimes they can sell all of them, are beyond control, so to say that he is pretending, Yang Ming does not believe it! Yang Ming’s ability to judge a person’s innocence is very accurate, so Yang Ming’s so open mouth is to defend this person.

"This..." Xia Bingyan gave a slight glimpse, and some strange looks at Yang Ming. I did not expect Yang Ming to take the initiative to defend this person!

However, Xia Bingzhen did not doubt Yang Ming’s intentions at all. Yang Ming’s character Xia Bingyan is very clear. He belongs to the kind of person who is willing to hate. If you hurt his friends and relatives, no matter what you do, he will let You pay the price of blood!

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